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Current Version

by facilitfsm, modified April 16, 2015

Version 12

by facilitfsm, modified December 5, 2014


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extended-logo-composite-english.jpgBasic Vocabulary orf extension of wsf process/commission extension FSM2015

extension of wsf process is being involved beyond the distance in the WSF process where this process is known, is it different fromexpansion of wsf process which is the fact that the WSF process is being understood and practised in new part of the world or new social groups movements

  • Beyond classical activities in"center event", Organizations can prepare :
    • Local activity : made anywhere in the world : at home, in a local public space, in the premises of an organization etc..( included in wsf 2013 website)
    • Connected activities Teleencounter - two groups in two different places meet during two hours in video chat - in particular a group in center event and group somewhere ( experience since belem 2009)
    • Enlargement of Activity on internet video stream and chat ( experience since dakar 2011) - allowing tele participation of those who are invited or informed about it, it can be any kind of activity - those in cernter events and those connected or local
  • persons can form a group within wsfcafe initiative to prepare :
    • WSF Café session ( light blue circle) is proposing people thoughout the world t have personal intercommunication (chat audio video) one dot = one person around the world - wsf café is organized by a team ( star) - circles are growing in size as time goes by up to tunis involving hopefully more people ( experience since 2014)
  • 9 cell table presentingextension modalities
    • Extended moment
      • ( big dark blue circle ) is when people are all invited to participate directly or remotely with setting up collective extended activitiesor participating in them ; local activities tele encounters activities with chat stream allowing tele participation. They add those actvities in the event program ( (proposals wsf2015) and also people can participate in the cafe at personal level



    The invitation to wsf café and extended actiivites goes throughout the spaces whether country spaces or linguistic or thematic spaces


    Extension groups , located in geographical or thematic spaces ( africaouest , canada, germany, brazil)

    • stimulate extension, extended participation étendue and information son wsf according to possbilities and occasions in their respective regions
    • incentivate teams to organize sessions of wsf cafe
    • cooperate in a facilitation groupe for social forum extension intiaitive SFEX