Hello everybody,

First of all, I wish you a happy new year and good struggles! With many interesting meetings and mobilisations ahead of us, including at least two important WSF events in Porto Alegre and Montreal, this is a promising year.

Now, I am trying to reach you on this mailinglist to see how the discussion on the future of the WSF is going. I have seen the agenda [1] and some videos [2] of the IC meeting in Salvador, but I haven't found a written report, except from the announcement of the dates of the next IC meetings [3].  Can anyone enlighten me?

I know I am not a member of the IC, just a concerned observer who is willing to make a contribution to the debate, from the perspective of participant in the last two WSF editions and in my local social forum which is planning to celebrate its 10th anniversary this spring.

Jasper Teunissen

[1] http://fsm.org.br/_ptbr/img/MeetingprogramICFSM102015_EN.docx
[2] http://openfsm.net/projects/ic-extended/salvador-201510-extension
[3] http://forumsocialportoalegre.org.br/2015/11/05/conselho-internacional-do-fsm-marca-reuniao-para-porto-alegre-em-janeiro-de-2016/