• transicionci deploysecretariat wg notes ci montreal 15aug

last modified December 8, 2016 by facilitfsm

 @FR   Voici dans l'ordre où ils  apparaissent dans les notes de Montréal  ( ci desssous)  une liste de sujets 

1.     discussion sur l'approche   "appui au secrétariat du CI" 

2.     échange sur la proposition de "secrétariat polycentrique  CI / FSM 

3.     listes CI et autres listes

4.     nouveau site CI FSM , avancement - organisation - relations avec sites existants  

5.     support administratif au secrétariat maghrébin

6.     préparation de la réunion du CI de porto alegre -agenda- facilitateurs

7.     modalités redémarrage ou création de commissions du CI

8.     modalité et critères d'inclusion dans le CI des comités organisateurs facilitateurs-organisateurs de processus ou évènement  forum (pas seulement ceux d’évènement FSM- 

9.     lettre aux membres CI absents 


@EN  Here is in the order they appear in the notes in  Montreal ( below) , a list of topics

1. discussion on the approach "supporting the IC Secretariat"

2. exchange on the proposal "polycentric secretariat" IC /WSF

3. IC lists and other lists

4. new site IC WSF progress - organization - relations with existing sites

5. administrative support to the secretariat Maghreb

6. Preparation of the IC meeting in Porto Alegre -agenda- facilitators

7. modalities restart or creation of IC commissions 

8. Modality and criteria for inclusion in the IC of social forum process-event facilitating-organizing committees (not just those of WSF event )-

9. letter to absent IC members



@ES -Aquí está en el orden en que aparecen en las notas en  Montreal, ( abajo)  una lista de temas 

1. discusión sobre el enfoque de "apoyo a la Secretaría CI"

2. intercambio sobre la propuesta "secretaría policéntrico" (CI / FSM)

3. Listas de CI y otras listas

4. nuevo sitio CI FSM progreso - organización - relaciones con sitios existentes

5. apoyo administrativo a la secretaría del Magreb

6. Preparación de la reunión del CI en Porto Alegre -agenda- facilitadores

7. reinicio o la creación de comisiones IC modalidades

8. modalidad y criterios para su inclusión en el CI de comités facilitadores-organizadores de evento-procesos de foro social (no sólo los eventos FSM-

9. carta a los miembros CI ausentes


 Notes montreal  15 aout

Decided in Montreal IC meeting august 2016 - support secretariat for  1/some current tasks - 2/organize possible restart of commissions - 3/propose conditions for inclusion of social forum organizing committees in ic - 4/draft a proposal about polycentric IC secretariat and submit if in porto alegre IC meeting - 5/prepare agenda of porto alegre meeting   - 6/ work on secretariat website 

Carminda Damien  Francisco Hamouda Jason  Jean Jennifer Leonardo Maher Martina Mauri Moema PierreG Raphael Rita

Notes from ic meeting  15th about this  WG group >   live notes /video15  >   

  • we have a secrétariat in rabat by Hamouda - see the tasks of secrétariat to know whether there are other membres willing to support - Pierre tu peux donner la liste du groupe à hamouda ?
    •  59mn Jason work point 2 - group supporting the secretariat -two tasks support the existing secretariat and make a proposal for a collaborative secretariat to be discussed in porto alegre - Leonardo Damien Moema Jennifer Martina – PierreG- Jason - seomone from canada - hamouda and Jason as reference
    • Gina hamouda (difficult to hear) have the possibility of a helio ..( a former person in the secretariat)
    • 1h03mn Damien include Mauri …?
    • 1h04 Moema – ( difficult to hear) we have not the money for a staff person - need a financing scheme
    • 1h05mn Annie –who types who sends administrative task – we will make proposals – I ask need for a serious discussion methodological decision in porto alegre about polycentric secretariat
    • 1h06mn [Rita wants to be in the secretariat support group and Francisco –Maher
    • 1h07mn Francisco I thought that the decision was made to have the secretariat with hamouda - we BDW have supported the forum; and the secretariat during we 7 years do I hear that the decision is not final and we are looking for a polycentric -I was absent last two ICs
    • 1h09mn working group two proposals pour formalizer
    • 1h09mn maher on a 4 mois de travail sur le site -
    • Gus - wlorkring group is growing hamouda and Jason to think about polycentric and operational support but it t 
    • convocation du CI - managing IC lists – and other lists - WSF website to be restarted - newsletter two months - preparation of encounter of IC - working grop can help and administrative support needed – hamouda needs an administrative support while seeraitai is discussed - whoever can support
    • 1h13m Hamouda - secretariat in the Maghreb region is a strategic decisions - message sustaining a secretariat the IC gives a solidarity message to the region - it is not - I had talked since 2013 proposal of Martina polycentric should be in my view - multi ethnic secretariat -from all continent - technique support will exist - but the pb is decision to work together - - support for translation in Portuguese -support of mobilization in brazil I Europe and Africa to mobilize people redyalize list - the other secretariat had liaison group - not to fall again in the liaison group syndrom that people did not like and was cpttie need a secretariat and a group that works – first task is prepare porto alegre - document Francine Gina Teivo - summarize - find a meeting occasion before porto alegre and put the machine to work - am sure - meting face to face to start this process - we can progress and work together all and not have a heavy machine - making another document is not the solution -we can progress and propose and have everything in place arriving in porto alegre
    • 1h15 mn hamouda pour ne pas retomber sur dans le comité de liaison parce que les gens trouve.. il faudrait un secrétariat  tache préparer porto alegre - tâche du secrétariat  on va le renforcer è unr t »union avant porto alegre pour mettre cette machine en marche Je ne crois pas que si on fait un document et qu’on leur ça on aura déjà les choses en place
    • 1h18 gus est ce que c'est bon sur le secretariat .. on renvoie a ce groupe de travail la question des commissions telles que l’a posé jason - on confirme que les comités organisateurs  -  il faut définir comment ces comités peuvent être un peu permanents et ce que a proposé Annie  
    • 1h17mn Gus Bye Jason we rely on you to animate ( jason going away)
    • 1h18mn Gus are we ok on the secretariat? hamouda if you think that you can do this that is fine but… -We sent to this group the issue of commissions as set by Jason and we confirm that social forums organizing committees are included in IC need to be though more how to do it. Need to define how these committees can be permanent and not be only two people and add what Annie said adding we assign the working group to discuss the modalities of inclusion of social forum event organizers and add to
    • Annie it is open to organizations committee of all the thematic processes : migration etc and outreach to them Anniee no vox a une réserve sur la proposition
  • Letter to old ic members
    • 1h19mn francine encore une question sur le secrétariat  voir si chaque membre du ci est d’accord pour continuer ou ne pas continue
    • 1H20mn Je propose que le secrétariat fasse une lettre  et que ceux qui ne répondront pas cexu seront suspendu que les membres du ci sont prêt a contribuer au finance - Francisco a dit que il était prêt est ce que d’autres sont prêt
    • Francisco il ya quelque uns qui ne sont plus la
    • Francine ok – we had decided in Salvador to issue a letter to IC members those who do not answer their suspension will be discussed in porto alegre and who is ready to contribute financially to secretariat
    • Gus send a letter to ask if they agree to be in the IC otherwise they are suspended and which are the IC members that can contribute to secretariat other than Francisco
    • Moema 122mn resource adding for good reunion - 1 2 Francisco conjuntos de necesidades financiers - and also to solidarity fund
    • 1h22 - moema - difícil a comprender a reecoutr  se habia deciso ue hagamos francisco  par definition de conunt de necsidads … ;
    • 1h23mn Damien - important add - the letter should be sent to organizations not people - some are people
    • 1h24mn Hamouda –1/ agree with Damien there are people who are in the council as person still -arent organization or individuals we will work on the letter together - 2/- we are looking for someone - wee need money -fmas and ftdes are looking for some more funds –to have the person - a contribution even symbolic one is valuable people are to give we support this secretariat
    • Damien - el foro social  difficile a comprendre … son personas …. Para empezar persona que son prácticamente carte secretaria
    • Hamouda je suis d’accord avec toi Damien - sont dans le conseil mais ne représentent rien - individus qui sont la restent la - le comité on travaillera ensemble …. Par rapport au secrétariat - moi nous sommes en train de chercher quelqu’un pour travail - nous avons besoin d’argent – fmas et ftdes a un peu il faut un peu plus pour avoir la personnes - .. contribution de 1$ au secrétariat … c’est symbolique pour dire on soutient ce secrétariat la
    • D’accord que nous avons achevé le point sur le secrétariat