• transitionci ic membership confirmation 2017

Wiki modificadas recientemente September 21, 2017 por facilitfsm

Carta de readhesioN en CI  -  Letter for renewing membership in IC  - Lettre de readhesion au CI - Carta renovacao membresia no CI

 ( in process of answering  - en curso de respuestas - en cours de réponses ) 

in yellow entities mentioning a motivation - en amarillo entidades mencionando una motivacion - en jaune entites mentionnant une motivation




1/15 aout IPF

INSTITUTO PAULO FREIRE segue novamente a carta reafirmando o compromisso do IPF com o CI FSM. 

Solicito também que inclua na lista do CI a Janaina de Abreu que, junto comigo, representará o IPF neste coletivo.




L´organisation réaffirme son intérêt à faire partie du CI du FSM:(X  ) oui  (    ) non.

Motif: Un des seuls lieux mondiaux, où il y a une chance de penser ensemble autrement.

- Penser autrement n'est rien, sans agir autrement. Le CI n'y est pas tellement parvenu jusqu'à présent. Une réforme du CI peut encore peut-être en offrir une chance.

représentant-e-s, avec pouvoir de décision dans les réunions auxquelles elle participe :

1. Diana SENGHOR

2. Samba KONE


3/16 aout Le Forum des Alternatives Maroc 

Le Forum des Alternatives Maroc réaffirme son intérêt à faire partie du CI du FSM:

L´organisation délègue ses représentants, avec pouvoir de décision dans les réunions auxquelles elle participe :

1. Hamouda Soubhi

2. Kamal Lahbib


4/ 16 aout CETRI

Francine mestrum 


5/ 16 aout prague spring 2

Dear comrades!

"Prague Spring 2" is member of the IC,  will it be in the future and is mobilizing for the next WSF (and the international meetings and ACTIVITIES  before).

Our representatives: Mirek Prokes , Hermann Dworczak.

In solidarity  Hermann Dworczak ( Austria/ Vienna



6/ 16 aout  International Council for Adult Education - ICAE

The organization reaffirms its interest in being part of the IC: ( x ) Yes  ,    (   ) No

Motivation :

In ICAE’s fight for education as the human right, it is crucial to be in touch and to work together with organisations and movements that share this value. Unfortunately, the tendency to turn education into a commodity and a commercial product is being reality in many regions in the world. The shift in education from service to business is our growing concern, as well as influence of neoliberal managerialism at all levels of education. Especially neo-colonialism with growing privatisation in education tends to dismantle public education systems and to deny education as the human right for millions of people around the globe. The power fight around education requires global strategizing and strong partnerships; ICAE believes that WSF is a great space for this fight, because this fight has to go hand in hand with the fight for gender justice and environmental justice. We did it together for years, in each WSF gathering, and believe we can do it in the future.

If affirmative, the organization shall delegate representatives with decision-making power in the meetings in which it participates:

1: Katarina Popovic

2: Sergio Hadad




7/17 aout El CADTM, 

miembro desde el origen del CI del FSM renova su adhesion

CADTM international network, member of the IC of the WSFsince the begining in 2001, renews its membership

CADTM is an international network activ in more than 30 countries.

Best,Eric Toussaint, for the international secretariat of CADTM



8/ 17 aout  CBJP 

 La Comisión Brasilieña Juticia y Paz (Comissão Brasileira Justiça e Paz) – CBJP

reafirma su interés en ser parte del CI del FSM:( x   ) si     (    ) no

Motivo: El FSM tiene mucho aun a contribuir para la construcción del "otro mundo posible"

 representantes con poder de decisión en las reuniones en las que participa:

1- Chico Whitaker

2-Pedro Gontijo

S.V.P. additionnez aussi, comme mon suppléant, le nom de Pedro Gontijo dans la liste du CI (si possible avant celui de Carlos Moura, deja indiqué).


9/18 aout Libera 

Libera (and toghether CostituzioneBeniComuni) confirm its interest to be part of IC.

Our main aim is to link the struggle for democracy with the struggle against international organized crime.

Vittorio Agnoletto



10/ 20 aout COICA


La organización reafirma su interés en ser parte de la FSM IC:(  X  ) si     (    )no


representantes con poder de decisión en las reuniones en las que participa:

1-  Edwin Vásquez Campos

2- Roberto Espinoza Llanos 



11/ 20 aout  RIPESS

RIPESSIntercontinental wishes to express their desire to renew their membership of the IC

The motivation is that as the international social movement‎ representing social solidarity economy, we believe that this economic paradigm represents an essential aspect of another world is possible.

In solidarity

Judith Hitchman

Jason Nardi



12/21 aout  Habitat International Coalition (HIC),

Dear all,

Name of Civil Society Organization or Movement:

The organization reaffirms its interest in being part of the IC:

( X ) Yes , ( ) No

Motivation : Habitat International Coalition (HIC) (http://www.hic-gs.org/) is the global network for the rights related to habitat. HIC struggles for social justice, gender equality, and environmental sustainability, and works in the defence, promotion and realization of human rights related to housing and land in both rural and urban areas. HIC is fully committed with the Charter of Principles of the WSF and has actively participated in all WSF, fostering dialogue and common actions, promoting and defending human rights, and denouncing the violation of the rights related to habitat. HIC plans to participate in future IC meetings and WSF following these principles.

representatives with decision-making power in the meetings in which it participates:

1: María Lorena Zárate (Habitat International Coalition (HIC); President)

2: Álvaro Puertas Robina (Habitat International Coalition (HIC); General Secretary)


13/ 22 aout stop the Wall

Stop the Wall confirms as well its interest to renew our membership in the IC. 


Palestinian Stop the Wall Campaign - International outreach

The Land Defense Coalition unites 12 grassroots bodies, such as Stop the Wall, farmers and trade unions: we are volunteer based but need some resources to act effectively and independently. If you want to support our struggle, please consider giving a contribution through our online donation option now:



14/22 aout  CLACSO

O Conselho Latino-Americano de Ciências Sociais - CLACSO reafirma seu interesse em integrar o CI-FSM.

a instituição indica como seus representantes, com poder de decisão nas reuniões das quais participarem:

1. Salete Valesan Camba (Flacso Brasil)

2. Kathia Dudyk (Flacso Brasil)



15/22 aout UPMS

La UPMS (universidad Popular de los movimientos Sociales) the PUSM (Popular University od the Social Movements) confirma su voluntad en seguir a contbuir para el proceso del FSM e del CI/ confirms its determination to go on contributing to the WSF  process and to IC



16/ 22 aout  CTSM


Le Collectif FSM2016 / Collectif pour une transition sociale mondiale réaffirme son intérêt à faire partie du CI du FSM :

( x   ) oui     (    ) non

Motif : Ayant organisé le FSM 2016, le Collectif souhaite poursuivre et renforcer son engagement dans le processus FSM, en vue de contribuer à la transition vers un monde plus juste, solidaire et respectueux de l'environnement.

Représentants : 1- Carminda Mac Lorin  2- Raphael Canet


17/ 23 aout FFF

:FRANTZ FANON FOUNDATION ​L´organisation réaffirme son intérêt à faire partie du CI du FSM:

motif:​ it is the only location where we can meet as organisation of the international social movement and civil society​

1.mireille fanon mendes france

2.lievin feliho


18/24 aout  NOVOX 

No Vox International réaffirme son intérêt à faire partie du CI du FSM: 

Ses représentant-e-s avec pouvoir de décision : -Annie Pourre -Koné Massa Amitié militante et solidaire Pour le réseau 


19/ 28 AFM

Articulacion Feminista Marcosur

La organización reafirma su interés en ser parte de la FSM IC:

Motivo:  contribuir a la efectividad y democratizacion del CI

designar representantes con poder de decisión en las reuniones en las que participa:

1- Virginia (Gina) Vargas  2- Veronica Ferreira


20/ 29 aout CGIL - ITUC

Dea Hamouda and dear Alaa,

first of all, thanks indeed for your efforts. I wish to confirm the participation of CGIL in the activities of IC. CGIL is playing a rol of conncection between trade unions and social movements in the national arena, at European level (in Solidar and ETUC)m, and at global level in ITUC. 

I hope, the next meeting in Bahia, will be an inportant moment for reaffirm the importance of our experience to walk and to fight together against inequality, neo-liberalism and all forms of discriminations and violence. 

................ United we get some chances to achieve a better world.

Arrivederci Warm regards  Sergio


21/29 aout ARCI (Italian Coordination for the WSF) 

ARCI (which have been present for years in the IC representing, with others, the Italian Coordination for the WSF) is happy to confirm its membership to the WFS IC.

raffaella bolini

21bis 30 aout COBAS (Italian Coordination for the WSF) 

COBAS confirm the intention to take part in the International Council, especially now toward the WSF 2018 in Bahia. 
We have been present and active in the IC since long time ago, representing for many years the Italian Coordination for the WSF, together with other Italian organizations. 
Thank you, 
Piero Bernocchi


29  WPF  observer

Dear Hamouda, dear all: 

I confirm my membership as OBSERVER, to co-ordinate the organization of the World Parliamentary Forums as a way to organize the support of parliamentarians to the goals of the WSF as defined in the Charter of Porto-Alegre (even if it would need some up-date...).

Paul-Emile Dupret


22/ 29 aout  Kurdish Network

Our movement is Kurdish Network and we confirm our interest to be part of IC. 

Our main aim is to link the struggle for democracy and peace and an alternetive for the society in general.

Yilmaz Orkan

Kurdish Network


29 aout CANDIDO

Companheiros e companheiras do CI-FSM

Como é do conhecimento de todas e todos, já há tempo me desliguei do FSM por não se renovar e enfrentar os novos desafios. Além disto, deixei o cargo de direção do Ibase. Assim, confirmo o meu desligamento definitivo do CI-FSM como representante do Ibase.

Cândido Grzybowski


22/ 1er septembre Attac germany & 11 sept Attac france

Attac (Association pour la taxation des transactions financières et pour l'action citoyenne), Germany

The organization reaffirms its interest in being part of the IC:( x ) Yes  ,    (   ) No

Motivation : Revitalisation of the WSF process

delegate representatives with decision-making power in the meetings in which it participates:

1: Hugo Braun


Chers amis, Attac-France renouvelle sa participation au conseil international du FSM ; 

nos délégués : Geneviève Azam et une deuxième personne à partir du CI qui se tiendra à Salvador de Bahia après le forum.

Dear friends,Attac-France wants to confirm that we are renewing our membership on the International Council of the WSF.

Our delegates : Geneviève Azam and a second person after Salvador de Bahia forum and IC. 

Geneviève Azam



23/ 1er septiembre REMUA

A Red de Mujeres Afrolatinoamericana, Caribenas y de la Diaspora reafirma seu compromisso com o FSM, e designa como sus representantes con poder de decisión en las reuniones en las que participa:

1- Vicenta Camuso - Colectiva de Mujeres, do Uruguay

2 - Nilza Iraci - Geledés - Instituto da Mulher Negra, do Brasil



24/ FEDIM 1er septembre

Concordo com Sheila que a indicação deve ser encaminhada pela instituição e não pelas próprias  pessoas.

Por isso, somente hoje, encaminhei a Carta da Presidenta da FDIM, Lorena Peña, ratificando a minha representação, enquanto FDIM, no CI-FSM.

Quando decidimos que deveria ser enviado uma solicitação de renovação de adesão ao FSM e indicação de representação no CI, isso deveria ser feito pela instituição e não pelas pessoas individualmente.

AbraçosLiège Rocha

La organización reafirma su interés en ser parte de la FSM IC:
(  X  ) si     (    )no

Motivo: A FDIM tem estado presente em todos os FSM que aconteceram desde sua criação por considerar um espaço importante de articulação internacional dos diversos movimentos sociais e onde os movimentos feministas vem tendo uma participação destacada, realizando as Assembléias e Encontros de Mulheres, com bastante representatividade.

Também o FSM tem sido um espaço de mobilização e manifestação contra o imperialismo, em defesa da soberania nacional, contra as diversas formas de opressão e discriminação, em defesa dos direitos dos(as) trabalhadores e trabalhadoras, das mulheres, negros, povos originários, população LGBT, juventude....

representantes con poder de decisión en las reuniones en las que participa:
1- Maria Liège Santos Rocha




25/ CARITAS  4 septembre

Prezados/as companheiros/as,

A Caritas Internationalis (CI), com sede no Palazzo San Calisto, Cidade do Vaticano, por seu Secretário Geral abaixo assinado, pelo presente, vem reafirmar sua ADESÃO como membro do Conselho Internacional do Fórum Social Mundial.

Servimo-nos da oportunidade para expor os motivos que justificam a presente adesão: (veja documento adjunto)

A Caritas Internationalis indica os seguintes representantes, com poder de decisão nas reuniões das quais participarem:

1. Pierre George -  

2. Luiz Claudio Lopes da Silva (Mandela) 


Caritas & CI FSM  30/08/2017  - translations  EN ES FR


Caritas Internationalis (CI), based in Palazzo San Callisto, Vatican City, by its undersigned Secretary-General, hereby reaffirms its JOINING as a member of the International Council of the World Social Forum.

We take the opportunity to explain the reasons for this joining:

1. It is our conviction that the WSF is, and will continue to be, the privileged space for building ideas, initiatives and meetings of citizens of the world, synergies of organizations and networks, movements and civil society entities that, like Caritas, believe in "building another possible world."

2. The principles defended by the participants in the WSF and expressed in its "Charter of Principles", such as the defense of fundamental rights; the fight against injustice, poverty and misery; the construction of a model of solidarity and sustainable development centered on the human person; the fight against all forms of discrimination and violence; the opposition to a totalitarian and economistic view of development, among others, are also the principles and aspirations of the Caritas Network present in more than 165 countries in the world.

3. As a Member of the WSF IC, Caritas Internationalis, in addition to continuing being a "participating entity and network", is committed to contributing to making this "WSF space-process" increasingly accessible, friendly, relevant and appropriate to people and entities who, in the whole world and in their diversity, believe that another world is possible, and struggle to build it, or are at the stage of wondering if and how that other world may be possible.


Caritas Internationalis (CI), con sede en el Palazzo San Calisto, Ciudad del Vaticano, por su Secretario General abajo firmante, por el presente, viene a reafirmar su ADHESIÓN como miembro del Consejo Internacional del Foro Social Mundial.

Nos servimos de la oportunidad para exponer los motivos que justifican la presente adhesión:

1. Es nuestra convicción de que el FSM es, y seguirá siendo, el espacio privilegiado de construcción de ideas, de iniciativas y encuentro de ciudadanos y ciudadanas del mundo, de sinergias de las organizaciones y redes, de los movimientos y entidades de la sociedad civil que, como Caritas, creen en la "construcción de otro mundo posible".

2. Los principios defendidos por los y las participantes en el FSM y expresados en su "Carta de Principios", como la defensa de los derechos fundamentales; la lucha contra las injusticias, la pobreza y la miseria; la construcción de un modelo de desarrollo solidario y sostenible centrado en la persona humana; la lucha contra cualquier forma de discriminación y violencia; la oposición a una visión totalitaria y economicista del desarrollo, entre otros, son también principios y anhelos de la Red Caritas presente en más de 165 países en el mundo.

3. Como miembro del CI FSM, Caritas Internationalis, además de seguir siendo una "entidad y red participante", toma nuevamente el compromiso de contribuir a que este "espacio-proceso FSM" sea cada vez más accesible, amistoso, relevante y apropiado a las personas y entidades que, en el mundo entero y en su diversidad, creen que otro mundo es posible, y luchan por la construcción de ese, o están en la etapa de preguntarse si y cómo ese otro mundo puede ser posible.


Caritas Internationalis (CI), basée à Palazzo San Callisto, cité du Vatican, par son soussigné Secrétaire général, réaffirme son ADHÉSION en tant que membre du Conseil international du Forum social mondial.

Nous en profitons pour expliquer les raisons de cette adhésion:

1. Nous sommes convaincus que le FSM est et continuera d'être l'espace privilégié pour construire des idées, des initiatives et des rencontres de citoyens du monde, des synergies d'organisations et de réseaux, de mouvements et d'entités de la société civile qui, comme Caritas, croient en "construire un autre monde possible".

2. Les principes défendus par les participant.e.s au FSM et exprimés dans sa «Charte des Principes», tels que la défense des droits fondamentaux; la lutte contre l'injustice, la pauvreté et la misère; la construction d'un modèle de solidarité et de développement durable axé sur la personne humaine; la lutte contre toutes les formes de discrimination et de violence; l'opposition à une vision totalitaire et économiste du développement, entre autres, sont aussi les principes et les aspirations du réseau Caritas présents dans plus de 165 pays dans le monde.

3. En tant que membre du CI FSM, Caritas Internationalis, en plus de continuer à être une «entité et un réseau participant», s'engage à contribuer à rendre cet «espace -processus FSM» de plus en plus accessible, amical, pertinent et approprié aux personnes et aux entités qui, dans le monde entier et dans leur diversité, croient qu'un autre monde est possible et luttent pour le construire, ou sont au stade de se demander si et comment cet autre monde peut être possible


A Caritas Internationalis (CI), com sede no Palazzo San Calisto, Cidade do Vaticano, por seu Secretário Geral abaixo assinado, pelo presente, vem reafirmar sua ADESÃO como membro do Conselho Internacional do Fórum Social Mundial.

Servimo-nos da oportunidade para expor os motivos que justificam a presente adesão:

1. É nossa convicção de que o FSM é, e continuará sendo, o espaço privilegiado de construção de ideias, de iniciativas e encontro de cidadãos e cidadãs do mundo, de sinergias das organizações e redes, dos movimentos e entidades da sociedade civil que, como a Caritas, acreditam na “construção de um outro mundo possível”.

2. Os princípios defendidos pelos y pelas participantes no FSM e expressos em sua “Carta de Princípios”, tais como a defesa dos direitos fundamentais; a luta contra as injustiças, a pobreza e a miséria; a construção de um modelo de desenvolvimento solidário e sustentável centrado na pessoa humana; a luta contra qualquer forma de discriminação e violência; a oposição a uma visão totalitária e economicista de desenvolvimento, entre outros, são também princípios e anseios da Rede Caritas presente em mais de 165 países no mundo.

3. Enquanto Membro do CI FSM, a Caritas Internationalis, além de continuar sendo uma “entidade e rede participante”, reassume o compromisso de contribuir para que esse “espaço-processo FSM” se torne cada vez mais acessível, amigável, relevante e apropriado às pessoas e entidades que, no mundo inteiro e na sua diversidade, acreditam que outro mundo é possível, e lutam pela construção desse, ou estão na etapa de se perguntarem se e como esse outro mundo pode ser possível.



26/ CRID 9 septembre



le CRID France, Centre de Recherches et d'Informations sur le Développement, 
qui compte 54 membres, associations de solidarité internationale adhérentes
confirme sa participation au Conseil international du FSM

il sera représenté par 
Gustave Massiah, ancien président du CRID
Emmanuel Poilane, président du CRID
Sébastien Bailleul, délégué général du CRID



CRID France, Center for Research and Information on Development,
which has 54 members, associations for international solidarity
confirms its participation in the International Council of the WSF

It will be represented by
Gustave Massiah, ancien président du CRID

Emmanuel Poilane, président du CRID
Sébastien Bailleul, délégué général du CRID



CRID Francia, Centro de Investigación e Información sobre el Desarrollo,
que cuenta con 54 miembros, asociaciones de solidaridad internacional
confirma su participación en el Consejo Internacional del FSM

estará representado por

Gustave Massiah, ancien président du CRID
Emmanuel Poilane, président du CRID
Sébastien Bailleul, délégué général du CRID


27/ CIDSE 11 septembre

 Name of Civil Society Organization or Movement:   CIDSE

The organization reaffirms its interest in being part of the IC:X Yes  ,    (   ) No

Motivation :

The World Social Forum is the most important international space created by and for civil society and social movements in the South in particular.  A space to come together, to connect different CSOs and different regional realities; a space to be creative, to invent but also to listen to people living in struggles and facing challenges, to learn more about struggles at all levels.

CIDSE has been a member of the International Council on the World Social Forum and involved in it since its beginnings.

It is a space to step up efforts to build bridges between movements, organisations and other actors in civil society to continue the fight for a better world and work together towards social and ecological transformation.

If affirmative, the organization shall delegate representatives with decision-making power in the meetings in which it participates:

1:  Markus Brun, Fastenopfer, 

2:  Gilio Brunelli, Development & Peace, 

With regards to decision-making, we wish to note that as a network it would not be possible for CIDSE to sign any future political statements, in line with our previous communications on this matter.

Further we request that our CIDSE Secretariat be included in the e-mail list, so as to ensure smooth communications within our network: Denise Auclair, CIDSE,   

Best wishes Markus



28 /ALTERNATIVES 11 septembre

we, Alternatives (Canada) want to confirm that we are renewing our membership on the International Council of the WSF.Our delegates are: 

Michel Lambert - Executive Director
Dnald Cucioletta + Sabine Friesinger - Co-President

Best Michel
PS: I also want to take this opportunity to re-invite people and movements to fill the survey on the creation of the World Assembly of Movements as we hope to be capable to give initial results at the IC meeting on octobre 15.You can find the survey here: 



29 / 12 septembre ALAI

Agencia Latinoamericana de Información - ALAI

La organización reafirma su interés en ser parte de la FSM IC:( X   ) si     (    )no

Entre otros porque somos parte de la propuesta de organizar un Foro Social Temático de Internet y ya estamos haciendo un evento preparatorio en América Latina en ese marco.  (Más información en otro mensaje)
representantes con poder de decisión en las reuniones en las que participa:

1- Sally Burch

2- Osvaldo León



30/ 15 septembre VK networks

Dear Hamouda and IC colleagues,

the Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam Network is keen to carry on as a member of the IC. The brief motivation is that WSF continues to be relevant and important forum for the positive causes and struggles, and the VK network is ready to contribute its bit to the IC work as well. A longer motivation note by Vijay Pratap is below.

It is difficult to name only two people as delegates because for optimal use of the resources different representatives would attend at different IC meetings. However, pls find below two names as requested, with substitutes.

1. Vijay Pratap (substitute Meera Meera Sanghamitra)

2. Indra Adhikari (substitue Uddhab Pyakurel).

Marko Ulvila continues to act as a contact person.

In solidarity,
Marko Ulvila
Vasudhaiva Kutumbam Network


A longer motivation note by Vijay Pratap is below.

Vijay Pratap on motivation for the Vasudhaiva Kutumbam Network to carry on in the IC

Indian groups and more so Indian and Nepalese activists started participating in the World Social Forum process from January 2002 with a meeting held in Gandhi Peace Foundation in Delhi on 8th and 9th January 2002. This Meeting was prompted by a visit of three leading persons led by Chico Whitaker (from Brazil who were part of the organizing committee) to India in December 2001. There was an enthusiastic response from both the vernacular component of our movements as well as from the globalized, globally-linked social movements, NGOs and think tanks and even donor agencies participated more like activist organizations than as donor agencies. That is why the Mumbai Social Forum 2004 was a paradigm shift. The very first meeting in Delhi was not just promoted by the visit of these three friends from the International Council. The Finnish friends especially the Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam friends had very strongly expected from the Indian movement groups that we host as early as possible the global event in India. Initially I had sort of reservations but the think tanks, groups and activists in the Delhi Meeting responded so positively that I too changed my mind, Aruna Roy had participated in the first World Social Forum in Porto Alegre was there, Yogendra Yadav, (now Swaraaj India) that time closely associated with NAPM and others gave strong endorsements for the process. I was elected convenor and because the movement groups of all ideological shades of pro-people Ideologies like the communist, various shades of Socialists the trade Unions, Women Organizations, Environmental Organizations, working for environmental Justice, all such organizations had committed their support and their participation in the World Social Forum, I took the responsibility.

The Asian WSF process got a very good start with the the Asian Social Forum happened in Hyderabad in January 2003. It gave a big encouragement to Indian movement groups to participate more vigorously and more actively in the making of 2004 Mumbai Social Forum. WSF 2004 was globally considered as a paradigm shift since it was considered that the WSF event had there more smell of the soil than earlier flora held so far. This brings me to the point I want to make in giving the motivational statement— that the kind of situation we had at that time, the political situation in South Asia a kind of lot of flukes in Nepali Politics, same a military dictatorship in Pakistan and not so promising continuation of civil war in Sri Lanka and polarized polity in Bangladesh. In this challenging context the groups, the movement sector in all these South Asian Countries also seized upon the opportunity and helped in the organizing of Mumbai Social Forum in big-big way.

I want to stress a point that the distinctiveness of this movement space has not been adequately theorized from the view point of South. And the kind of support which has come from the progressive donor agencies and from movement groups of Nordic region has not been adequately stressed in the discourse. Without the support of progressive donor agencies and support of progressive forces in the Nordic region and secular progressive movement sector the kind of event we had in Mumbai would not have been possible. For example, about 60 Volunteers who came from the Nordic countries with their own expenses to Mumbai to help in the Mumbai Social Forum helping World Social Forum process in India the organizing committee in a very non-sectarian way.

The present situation demands a new coherence of transformative visions for the South and for the globe as a whole. Globally it seems as if World Social Forum process has exhausted its steam. This is party blecause we still have not been able to got over the tendency of a commands structure organization and this kind of open space with the constituent organization with their ideological rigor with clarity on their agenda, but still they do their things as part of the self organized events and not the larger whole. And the larger whole remains open, does not declare any official declarations, does not take up any programmed agenda, does not create a high command of the international council, guides and steers from one event to another event. And in its meeting exchanging notes on political situation rather than guiding each other or guiding the collective that's neither possible nor desirable. So this kind of structuring where the participants can have their own rigour, their own agenda, their own ideological sense of boundaries or ideological sense as their ideological frame permit the alliance making, but the larger frame remains open-ended with a kind of ideological pluralism with a kind of diversity of issue based organizations participating with various levels of caste, gender, orientations and various groups which would be considered marginal in their own societies but they are marginal because they are raising long term fundamental issues and they are marginal because they are able to peep in the future of our societies the way they are going and the way they should go better or a differently than rest of the main stream societies. So remain marginal within each respective national polity but when they get a common space like World Social Forum there is a kind of greater coherence and greater sense of intellectual courage and imagination becomes more coherent and the receptivity in the society becomes much more.

So, and this has not been adequately stressed, that world Social Forum is the only structure where the boundary between ordinary concerned citizen and Ideologically motivated citizens who see themselves as the vanguard groups or organization or ideology has nearly bee demolished. This is the core innovation of the WSF (with thanks to Oded Graduate and Chico Whitaker). So it places both the genre of concerns for society, those carrying a self image of vanguard, of forefront, of pioneer, of catalyst and those who considers themselves as ordinary citizens, along with concerned citizens. Conceptually they are on the same level, ordinary citizens can form their associations, can join in individual or in collective capacity in the World Social Forum.

So in my humble understanding the global rise of Right or global rise of violence, the global rise of new sense of identity fundamentalism where boundaries mostly imagined are being drawn in a violent, in an exclusionist fashion. This is the time where we need World Social Forum more than ever before. So I would strongly recommend to the groups which have had helped us to set up the Mumbai Forum in 2004  to again help resurrect the Social Forum process all over the world and this time the dead-end in the North End in the South, Global North and Global South is almost of the same proportions. In fact some of the dead-end is more obvious and more oppressive in the northern politics. So we all have to get together to evolve a new globalization perspective and this can be done where the diversity of ideas find a common space to articulate themselves to listen to others, to learn from others and to showcase what they have been thinking or doing.

The last point I would say World Social Forum process was primarily led by Latin American groups in a major way. They were the principle motivators, but now the given crisis in the polities of Latin America it has become necessary that the responsibility to carry it forward is taken upon in a more collegial fashion by the international council and other countries and other movement groups from other parts of the world should play a greater role. In this I would like to put a foot note there were very many senior politicians and political networks of Greens and Social Democrats and Trotskyites and various collective mechanism globally of the Communist parties who had participated some in the forefront and some behind the scene without their party of ideological head but they were sort of contributing to the making of WSF Process.

So in that process now this was the process started in India in late 2001 and some have got embroiled in their own polities but there are others who have steadfastly stood on their values and their politics but they are no longer in the forefront of leading their ideological streams or parties. So such politicians where ever they have stood with their values and their politics, we look upon them that they will sort of play a more strategic role in re-energizing the World Social Forum process globally.




31/ WFM world federalist movement 15 septembre

World Federalist Movement

The organization reaffirms its interest in being part of the IC: ( x ) Yes  ,    (   ) No

Motivation :

The World Federalist Movement reaffirms its interest in being part of the World Social Forum International Council. We are a network of organizations and individuals from over a hundred countries and six continents, committed for over 70 years to radical democratization of the international system and to global justice. With Albert Einstein, Rosika Schwimmer, Mahatma Gnadhi, Martin Luther King Jr. and Lola Maverick Lloyd among some of our famous supporters, our movement and our members took part in constant campaigning for peace and global justice for over 70 years. We would like to assist and support the World Social Forums and events within WSF in the future, as we have done in the past (e.g. WSFs in Brazil, Canada, India, Kenya, Senegal and Tunisia). 

representatives with decision-making power in the meetings in which it participates:

1: Shimri Zameret, Council Liaison to WSF, World Federalist Movement. 

2: Florencia Gor, Council Liaison to WSF, World Federalist Movement.



GGJ 15 septembre

Hello IC members, 

Grassroots Global Justice Alliance (GGJ, US) has to go through an internal process with our coordinating committee to make the decision about continuing to stay on the IC.  We have not gone through our process yet.  But we will let you know as soon as we make the decision in the next couple of weeks.  Sorry about the delay.  

Hola miembr@s del CI, 

Grassroots Global Justice Alliance (EE.UU) tiene que pasar por un proceso interno con nuestro comité coordinador para tomar la decisión de continuar con el CI. Todavía no hemos pasado por nuestro proceso. Pero les haremos saber tan pronto como tomemos la decisión en las próximas semanas. Lamento la demora.

Muchas gracias,

Cindy Wiesner en nombre de GGJ
Grassroots Global Justice ggjalliance.org



32/ ARENA 15 septembre

We would like to confirm that ARENA -- Asian Regional Exchange for New Alternatives, will participate in the IC. The two representatives are

Lau Kin Chi, Co-Chiarperson

Sit Tsui, Board Member



33/ APC 19 septembre

 Association for Progressive Communications

>  The organization reaffirms its interest in being part of the IC: 
( X ) Yes  ,    (   ) No

>  Motivation :

It is the mission of APC, a global network of more than 50 organisational members around the world primarily in the global South,
to "empower and support organisations, social movements and individuals in and through the use of information and communication technologies
(ICTs) to build strategic communities and initiatives for the purpose of making meaningful contributions to equitable human development, social
justice, participatory political processes and environmental sustainability." To that end         we believe the World Forum on Free Media as well as the World Social Forum are critical spaces with which we will be committed and engaged.

>  Decision-making power in the meetings in which it participates:

1. Valeria Betancourt,
2: Mallory Knodel, 

Thank you for accepting our affirmation after your deadline. And for
noting the change in my email address  as
well as the addition of Valeria's email.

Hugs to all,




Carta readesion Espanol

Compañeras / Compañeros de movimientos y organizaciones sociales, miembros del Consejo Internacional del Foro Social Mundial

 El correr de la vida envuelve todo, la vida es así:

se calienta y se refresca, aprieta y de ahí afloja, sostiene y luego desinquieta.

¿Qué es lo que quiere de nosotros es el valor.

Guimarães Rosa

En la Carta de Principios del FSM, desarrollado en 2001, nos hemos comprometido, entre otras cosas, para oponerse "a toda visión totalitaria y reduccionista de la economía, el desarrollo y la historia y al uso de la violencia como un medio de control social por parte del estado ". Aceptamos el principio de la lucha por los Derechos Humanos", debido, por cierto la práctica de la democracia participativa, igualitaria, solidaria y las relaciones pacíficas entre las personas, etnias, géneros y pueblos, condenando a todas las formas de dominación y que la presentación de un ser humano por otro ".

La coyuntura mundial que motivó la existencia del FSM es pasada por transformaciones importantes en el curso de los 15 últimos años, pero los desafíos de este último permanecen indispensables y urgentes.

En esta perspectiva, nos ponemos en contacto con todas las organizaciones y movimientos de la sociedad civil que conforman la lista de miembros del CI del FSM, para invitar a reafirmar su voluntad de unirse a sus esfuerzos con el fin de transformarse en una acción eficaz de cada principio expresado en la Carta de Principios del FSM y para comunicar los nombres y ponerse en contacto con sus representantes

El Consejo Internacional del FSM está en una fase de reestructuración y la participación de todas y todos los que forman parte de su historia, antigua y reciente, es de fundamental importancia.

 En este sentido, solicitamos que responda a esta correspondencia más tarde del 15 de septiembre, 2017, con la siguiente información:

Nombre de la organización o movimiento de la sociedad civil:

La organización reafirma su interés en ser parte de la FSM IC:

(    ) si     (    )no


En caso afirmativo, la organización debe designar representantes con poder de decisión en las reuniones en las que participa:



 Nuestra próxima reunión del CI se llevará a cabo en Salvador de Bahia , del 15 al 18 de octubre de 2017. Más información será enviada en breve.

saludos militantes,

Secretaría de CI

Hamouda e Alaa




Membership Renewal Letter

Dear Comrades of organizations and social movements, members of the International Council of the World Social Forum,

"The race of life envelops everything, life is like this:

It heats and cools, tightens and loosens, she rests then calms down.

What she wants from us is courage. "

In the WSF Charter of Principles, developed in 2001, we are committed, among other things, to oppose "to all totalitarian and reductionist vision of the economy, development and history and to the use of violence as a means of social control by the State ". We accept the principle of fighting for "Human Rights, Due for true participatory democracy practice, egalitarian, solidarity and peaceful relations among people, ethnicities, genders and peoples, and condemns all forms of domination and the submission of one human being by another ".

The global situation that motivated the existence of the WSF went through leading to great changes over the past 15 years, but the challenges of the latter remain indispensable and urgent.

In this perspective, we come into contact with all organizations and movements of civil society movements  that are members of the IC, to invite you to reaffirm your willingness to join your efforts in order to transform into effective action each of the principles expressed in the Charter of Principles of the WSF as well as to communicate to us the names and contacts of your representatives

The International Council of the WSF is in the process of restructuring and the participation of all who are part of its history, old and recent, is of fundamental importance

In this regard, we ask you to reply to this correspondence no later than 15 September 2017, providing the following information:

Name of Civil Society Organization or Movement:

 The organization reaffirms its interest in being part of the IC:

 (  ) Yes  ,    (   ) No

 Motivation :

 If affirmative, the organization shall delegate representatives with decision-making power in the meetings in which it participates:



Our next IC meeting will be held in Salvador, from 15 to 18 October 2017. Further information will be sent shortly.


IC  Secretariat

Alaa and hamouda




Carta readesion portugues

Prezados/as companheiros/as das entidades e movimentos sociais que integram o Conselho Internacional do Fórum Social Mundial.

   “O correr da vida embrulha tudo,a vida é assim:

esquenta e esfria, aperta e daí afrouxa,

 sossega e depois desinquieta.

O que ela quer da gente é coragem.”

 Guimarães Rosa

Na Carta de Princípios do FSM, elaborada em 2001 nos comprometemos, entre outras coisas, a fazer oposição “a toda visão totalitária e reducionista da economia, do desenvolvimento e da história e ao uso da violência como meio de controle social pelo Estado”. Assumimos como princípio lutar por “Direitos Humanos, pela prática de uma democracia verdadeira, participativa, por relações igualitárias, solidárias e pacíficas entre pessoas, etnias, gêneros e povos, condenando todas as formas de dominação assim como a sujeição de um ser humano pelo outro”.

 A conjuntura mundial que motivou a existência do FSM sofreu importantes transformações  nos últimos 15 anos, mas seus desafios continuam imprescindíveis e urgentes.

 Nessa perspectiva, estamos fazendo contato com todas as entidades e movimentos da sociedade civil que integram a lista de membros do CI do FSM para convidá-los a reafirmarem a disposição em somar forças no desafio de transformar em ações efetivas cada um dos princípios expressos na Carta de Princípios do FSM.

 O Conselho Internacional do FSM está sendo reestruturado e é de fundamental importância a participação de todos e todas que fazem parte de sua história.

 Nesse sentido, solicitamos que respondam a esta mensagem até 15 de setembro de 2017,  informando o seguinte:

 Nome da entidade ou movimento da sociedade civil:


 A instituição reafirma seu interesse em integrar o CI FSM:   (   ) sim  (    ) não.   ]


 Em caso afirmativo, a instituição indica como seus representantes, com poder de decisão nas reuniões das quais participarem:

1. ______________________________

2. ______________________________

Nossa próxima reunião do CI acontecerá em Salvador-Bahia, de 15 a 18 de outubro de 2017.

Em breve encaminharemos mais informações.


 Secretaria do CI do FSM

Alaa o hamouda




Lettre readhesion francais

Chè-re-s Camarades des organisations et mouvements sociaux, membres du  Conseil International du Forum Social Mondial

 “La course de la vie enveloppe tout, la vie est comme ceci:

Elle chauffe et refroidit, resserre et desserre,

  Elle repose puis tranquillise.

Ce qu´elle veut de nous est du courage.”

Guimarães Rosa

Dans la Charte des Principes du FSM, élaborée en 2001, nous nous engageons, entre autres choses, à faire opposition “à toute vision totalitaire et réductionniste de l´économie, du développement et de l´histoire et à l´utilisation de la violence comme moyen de contrôle social par l´Etat”. Nous assumons comme principe de luter pour “les Droits Humains, pour la pratique d´une vraie démocratie, participative, pour des relations égalitaires, solidaires et pacifiques entre les personnes, les ethnies, les genres et les peuples, condamnant toutes les formes de domination ainsi que la soumission d´un être humain par un autre ”.

 La conjoncture mondiale qui a motivé l´existence du FSM est passée par d´importantes transformations au cours des 15 dernières années, mais les défis de ce dernier demeurent indispensables et urgents.

 Dans cette perspective, nous entrons en contact avec toutes organisations et mouvements de la société civile qui constituent la liste des membres du CI du FSM, pour vous inviter à réaffirmer votre disposition à joindre vos efforts dans le but de transformer en actions effectives chacun des principes exprimés dans la Charte des Principes du FSM ainsi que de nous communiquer les noms et contacts de vos représentant-e-s.

 Le Conseil International du FSM est en phase de restructuration et la participation de toutes et de tous qui font partie de son histoire, ancienne et récente, est d’une importance fondamentale.

 En ce sens, nous vous demandons de répondre à cette correspondance au plus tard le 15 septembre  2017, en fournissant les informations suivantes :

 Nom de l´organisation ou du mouvement de la société civile :


L´organisation réaffirme son intérêt à faire partie du CI du FSM:(   ) oui  (    ) non.


En cas de réponse affirmative, l´organisation délègue ses représentant-e-s, avec pouvoir de décision dans les réunions auxquelles elle participe :

1. ______________________________

2. ______________________________

Notre prochaine réunion  du CI aura lieu à Salvador de Bahia, du 15 au 18 octobre  2017. De plus amples informations vous parviendront sous peu.

Salutations militantes,

Secrétariat du CI du FSM

Hamouda/ Alaa
