• Geopolitical

last modified August 24, 2014 by Tord

Ukraine - What would you like to know about it? Jan Öberg 18.2

Ukraine, Crimea, Georgia: The West and Russia, Johan Galtung, 18.3

US sources

Ukraine's Spiraling Crisis “the crisis is closer to the point where one explosion or tactical miscalculation might overtake the rational calculations of imperial state interests” David Finkel, 7.5 2014

Six Mistakes the West Has Made (and Continues to Make) in Ukraine – One has to recognize “the indigenous nature of Ukraine’s problems" Nicolai Petrov, 8.5 2014

Vladimir Putin Has Been Outplayed by Barack Obama Mother Jones (progressive journal)

The Unraveling of Ukraine Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

Failing Ukraine State Plays In to Russia's Hands Reuters on how Russia planned to influence Ukraine already in 2013, 18 May.

Let's start a real Ukrainian debate, Vacláv Klaus, 22.4