• Sarajevo Peace Event photos

last modified June 29, 2014 by admin

Here are some photos made during and the day after the Sarajevo Peace Event 6 - 9th of June 2014, by Tord Björk


Sarajevo panorama the Day after.


Bosanski Kulturni Centar were main activities of the Sarajevo Peace Event were held.


Workshop on Eastern Ukraine in a trade union building.


Mayors for Peace workshop on Ukraine.


Singing for peace is a way to celebrate the future now, in as many languages as possible. The Bosnian version of this song draw attention from one, than two than many.... and there we were, a community of peace. How it started you can see on the picture.


Making photographies for peace was another way celebrating the future today, A South Corean peace activist is behind the camera while a propably Spanish, a Polish and other peace makers smile.

AntifascistwsPS2.jpgWorkshop on Anti fascism organized by Prague Spring 2 network against right wing extremism and populism (PS2), in the middle Hermann Dworzak, to the right Monika Karbowska, to the right Greek left. PS2 also organized a workshop titled All European Peace movement for solutions to the multiple crisis.

LeoatHomeinanybarintheworld-Sarajevo2014.jpg Leo Gabriel, also active in PS2, at home in any bar in the world. PS2 also supported a seminar on peace in Syria organized by Gabriel.


The bartender at the Chamber theatre dreaming of the days when Mexican songs were popular in Sarajevo which can be seen on the photo above him to the left or of Latin America in the 1960s which can be seen on his T-shirt.



Eastern European Intellectuals of today are looked at by an Eastern European intellectual of yesterday (Rosa Luxemburg) while the discussion concerns the issue of relevance 1905 as today, social uprisings in the Eastern Europe. In South Eastern Europe a wave of protests develops, and as the speakers noted, were the lack of an infrastructure in terms of well developed civil society is especially bad, the protests get extraordinary radical like in Bosnia right before the Sarajevo peace event. The left wing speakers were going deeply into the issues and in a open minded atmosphere all stressing the need to neither believe the protests had well elaborated political consciousness and yet neither should be dismissed as lacking strong political potential. Rather then positioning oneself against the others in the panel the workshop became an exemplary common intellectual excercise in being humble and curious about what people in common try to do and what can come out of this in the future.


The workshop organized by Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung on South East Europe in the Chamber theatre.

ChamberTheatreHermann.jpgThe mostly invisible Austrian activist (Hermann Dworzak) at home in the old Austro-Hungarian Empire and its chamber theatre.



The Austrian activist leaves his marks during the Peace event...


On a wall a picture of the siege of Sarajevo 1992-95 with artillery standing every 30 meter more dense then during the battle of Berlin during WWII.

Graveyard.jpgMany died young during the siege.


Time to prepare the closing cermon, to the left the youth volunteers and to the right the music group making sound check before the final concert.

Youthorganizers.jpgTake the necessary photos and write the last messages on the peace banner....


Listening to the last speakers, here a South African Bishop

Vesnaweb.jpgTalking to rather then with a good old friend who had lost her voice, Vesna Terselic, Green Action/Friends of the Earth Croatia, then Anti War campaign Croatia and now Documenta dealing with the hard memories of the past in Former Yugoslavia, here with that good smile.

Singingthefinalsong.jpgAnd of course - sing for peace!

Finalsong.jpgTogether with everybody

SaraejovOrganizingTeam.jpgTaking the last photos, here the organization team...


SarajevoPeaceEntranceweb.jpgAnd saying goodbye!

Sarajevo2014.jpgMaking the last walk

SarajevoJune2014.jpgWhile the sun goes down

Evaluation.jpgEnjoying the last evaluations of the days that had past with good old Deutsche streitkultur, be sharp or you will not be listened to...

TheDayAfterinSarajevo.jpgAnd have in good memory..

TordSarajevo2014.jpg Your photographer and storyteller, Tord Björk

You find more photos from the Sarajevo Peace Event here: http://www.peaceeventsarajevo2014.eu/photo-galerie.html