• expanded activities time table in palestine

Wiki modificadas recientemente October 26, 2010 por facilitfsm


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Draft version -

Wef expanded : live intercommunication moments & rooms, SEEN FROM PALESTINE

October 27th   -  October 28th  -  October 29th  - October 30th  - October 31st

General  - After WEF  - Practical points

. Time diference with Palestine during days of WEF


Day by Day Sketched time table for rooms equipped for "distance encounters" in palestine, or distance participation to activities outside palestine  based on indications given in activity forms WEFexpanded view on WEF program 

 About Times and Rooms
    • More expanded activities are to be registered ( morrocco, Senegal, france, ivory coast)
    • Distance encounters between Palestine venues, for SOA activities, or for OC activitiers  is not yet described  and may "load" this time table
    • Distance participation proposed by expanded activities to palestinian groups  may also load the time table
    • "palestine hall"  allowing informal contacts between participants in each venue  may require a room in each venue
    • Organisers of activities in palestine who wish to extend their activity in internet  in order to propose distance participation to their activity  to other palestinian groups and groups outside palestine  also need rooms with internet 
    •  march-wef-2.JPG view of an activity that was opened to distance participation 
    • see here a text about time slots and number of rooms that might be necessary times and rooms  

October 27th

20090308-audition-et-la-mare-062.jpg  October 27th  - wednesday - mercredi - miercoles-al-ʼRbʻāʼ - الأربعاء

    Hightlight of day :  none: this can be a day for technical test and preliminary encounters  see event structure

There is a skype training in the office of WEF on that day 

eturn to program page

 13 pm        
 14 pm        
 15 pm        
 16 pm        
 17 pm        
 18 pm        
 19 pm        


all day on  27th and throughout until 31st  PALESTINE  hall  may need  a dedicated room in Ramallah , in Gaza, in Haifa-  in each venue of wef there is a room at the four corner of which there are four permanent  meeting places with other such palestine continuity rooms in other venue of wef 
what about needs for rooms in relation with COA activites on 27th  distance encounters, distance participation 


October 28th


expanded-wef-logo2.jpg 20090308-audition-et-la-mare-062.jpg October 28th  - thursday - jeudi- jueves -al-Khmys-الخميس

Highlight of the day   see event structure

 Gaza : opening
 Haifa : opening
 Ramallah : opening and March
 West bank distance participation in opening ?

In-ramallah - The WEF activities will take place in Al Bireh in 3 adjacent venues: the National Institute for Educational Training, the Hashemia School and the Al Birah International stadium of Al Bireh. Please find out more about the venue in the attached powerpoint presentation (Arabic and English).

return to program page  Room in Ramallah provided by TCC---------------------------------------------------------------
Room in Ramallah provided by PMRS
 15 pm
 Mexico  -Education for gender equity

distance encounter #413

 16 pm
 Mexico  -Education for gender equity

distance encounter #413

opening march
 17 pm
 (-7h) - Mexico -  Palestina y la nación Yaqui. Historias paralelas. - distance participation ? - #516
opening ceremony

 18 pm NOT SOA slot


 (-7h) - Mexico  -  Education's perspectives and achievements  distance encounter  #454

 19 pm NOT SOA slot

(-2h) Senegal possible encounter between  participants in wsf and wef organizing committees  #475-1
 20 pm
(-2h) Senegal possible  distance encounter between  participants in wsf and wef organizing committees #475-1

--Also  to be considered

#569 First Voices Indigenous Radio  mentionning a interview at 10am  on 28th in palestine -

#575  Photographic exhibition (in Athens and Thessaloniki)   on 28th  distance encounter with a university mentionned

#577 Moualaqats: poetic banners for Palestine  ( no encounter with palestine mentionned)

all day on  28th PALESTINE hall  may need  a dedicated room in Ramallah , in Gaza, in Haifa
what about needs for rooms in relation with COA activites on 28th  distance encounters, distance participation 

 on 28th Teach-ins at Scottish Universities  - connection from the activity rooms where Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign  has actiivitiies ??


October 29th

expanded-wef-logo2.jpg 20090308-audition-et-la-mare-062.jpg October 29thst - friday - vendredi- viernes-al-Jmʻh-الجمعة


Highlight of the day see event structure

 Gaza - :  field visits
Palestine 48  - SOA in Haifa and Jaffa ""in the afternoon"" Jerusalemen - visits
 west bank  SOA in  Ramallah 12h and 15h30: plenary
 Westbank : distance participation in Ramallah ?


 return to program page  Room 1in Ramallah    Room2 in Ramallah   Room3 in Ramallah
  Room 4 in Ramallah  room in  Gaza
 10 am    
 11 am    
 12 am  SOA SLOT1 (-2h) Senegal  Culture, religion, éducation et paix Paalae   distance encounter
 (+0!) "Trade union dialogue on higher education "
conference or distance encounter with France from SNESUP   members & palestinian friends  #486-2


Decentralised education: opportunities and experiences from Palestine and Asia


 13 pm SOA SLOT1x (-2h)  Culture, religion, éducation et paix Paalae #475-2  France SNESup #486-2



 14 pm SOA SLOT1 ( up to 14h30)x (-2h)Senegal #475-2

 +0!)start 14h30

 Nancyvideoconference from France about education and resistancex #325



 Glasgow? (not confirmed )

Teach-in on Palestine, Education and Resistance


 15 pm SOA SLOT2 ( from 15h30)  (-2h)Senegal   la coopération afro-arabe pour l'éradication de l'analphabétisme Paalae #475-3

(+0!)Nancy videoconference from France about education and resistance






(-4h)Gaza Campinas Media Literacy for Social Transformation

distance encounter  Fabio   #474

 16 pmSOA SLOT2x

(-2h)Senegal la   la coopération afro-arabe pour l'éradication de l'analphabétisme

Paalae #475-3

 (+0!)Nancy distance encounter


(-7h)  -Mexico  -tale of cine Ciclo de Cine palestino ? 2horas #528 (-7h)  - Mexico  -- Educación and  inequality  #533


(-4h)Gaza Campinas Media Literacy for Social Transformation

distance encounter  Fabio   #474

17 pmSOA SLOT2x

((-2h)Senegal la   la coopération afro-arabe pour l'éradication de l'analphabétisme

Paalae #475-3

 (+0!)Nancy distance encounter


(-7h)  -Mexico  -ciclo de cine Ciclo de Cine palestino  2horas #528
 (-7h)  - Mexico  -- Educación and  inequality  #533

(-4h)Gaza Campinas Media Literacy for Social Transformation

distance encounter  Fabio   #474

 18 pm


((-2h)Senegal l'éducation inclusivePaalae #475-4

in preparation

meeting between organizers of World education forum  ( brasil spain palestine africa ...)

Mexico  -x -Palestina Ya. Una experiencia de encuentro. #520

 (_1h)Porto Creating words


(+0h) France on astrophyscs ATP 2

How to do popular education about science without supporting the oppresive system of science in our modern world? (temporary title) 9th option2 #445-2

19 pm -


((-2h)Senegal l'éducation inclusive


(+0!)(not confirmed - -trial) network conference with France from FSGT members & palestinian friends linked to #457,458,459,460,461
Mexico  -x -Palestina Ya. Una experiencia de encuentro. #520



 option2  #445-2
 20 pm
 21 pm    

(+0!) Deishei  al phenix center Pratiques pédagogiques alternatives dans et hors la classe (out of wef venue)


 22 pm    

- (+0h) France on astrophyscs ATP 29th option

all day on  29th PALESTINE  hall   may need  a dedicated room in Ramallah , in Gaza, in Haifa
what about needs for rooms in relation with COA activites on 29th  distance encounters, distance participation 

 on 29th Teach-in Palestine in glasgow all day  Teach-ins at Scottish Universities  - connection from the activity rooms where Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign  has activities ??


October 30th see event structure

expanded-wef-logo2.jpg 20090308-audition-et-la-mare-062.jpg October 30st - Saturday - samedi - sabado -as-Sbt-السبت


Highlight of the day

 Gaza - :  SOA activities-Workshop and discussion sessions:9:00 Workshops and discussion sessions in the universities (AlAzhar, Al Aqsa, Al Quds and the Islamic University)  Palestine 48  - SOA in Nazareth  in the aternoon" Jerusalemen -  research articles and SOA
 west bank   Ramallah : distance participation  to west bank activities?
 Westbank : SOA 12  & 15h 30 in

Jenin, Tulkarem, Naplouse, Bethlehem and Hébron.
where in each city

return to program page

Room in Gaza


 Room in Jenin


room in Hebron



Room in Nabluz


Room in Bethleem


 10 am

 11 NOT SOA slot ( except Gaza )
(+7!) Osaka Solidarity for Peace and Justice distance encounter with Gaza #478-1  marrakech  - 11h30 -opening adress and contact with wef organizers


  (+7!)  early start Osaka Solidarity for Peace and Justiceup to 13 30 pm !  distance encounter with  Ramallah #478-2

 12 SOA slot1 


marrakech  - distance encounter between youth (1) #544-2 

Greece - We would like to have a conversation concerning if and how art can create critical thinking

(+0h) Jordan proposing distance participation /encounter to The Learning Forum ?


(+7!) Osaka Solidarity for Peace and Justiceup to 13 30 pm !  distance encounter with  Ramallah #478-2
 13 pm SOA slot1 (+0h) France on astrophyscs ATP earlier option

How to do popular education about science without supporting the oppresive system of science in our modern world? (temporary title) 9th option2 #445-2


 (-2h)  -

marrakech  - distance encounter between youth(1) #544-2 

  Greec and how critical thinking can play a part in politics, in relation to Palestinian issuee - palestine ( to be confirmed)  or switch room with osaka 

(+0h) Jordan


(+4h) Bangladesh  proposing distance participation to

Status of drop-out in Primary level education in Bangladesh  #500

 14 pm SOA slot1 ( ending 14h30) (+0h) France on astrophyscs ATP earlier option

How to do popular education about science without supporting the oppresive system of science in our modern world? (temporary title) 9th option2 #445-2


 marrakech  - distance encounter between youth (1) #544-2 

 (_1h) Porto Multimedia presentation about online games to approach the palestinian cause

distance encounter  #471



 (+4h) Bangladesh - distance encounter #500

 15 pm SOA slot2 (starting 15h30)


marrakech  - distance encounter between youth (1) #544-2 

 (_1h)  Porto #471

 (-2h)Louga tbd   distance encounter


   (-4h)Brazil Belem  proposing distance participation to Dialogues about Culture and Education for Transformation #504
 16 pm SOA slot2


  marrakech  - distance encounter between youth (1) #544-2 

  (_1h)Porto Construction of Knowledge through Art - A contribution for Art Education

distance encounter #473 

 (-2h)Louga tbd   distance encounter (-4h)Brazil


(-7h)  - Mexico  - Un modelo alternativo para la educación superior presencial #519

distance participation

 17 pm SOA slot2
  (-2h)marrakech  - 17h30 -closing  and  contact with wef organizers


distance encounter  #473 

 (-4h)Sao Paulo




(-7h)  -Mexico xxx#519
 18 pm NOT SOA slot


((-2h)marrakech  - 17h30 -closing  and  contact with wef organizers  

possible, to be confirmed  

Encounter with senegal louga

 (-7h)  - Mexico  - -El pensamiento reflexivo en el ámbito la educación a distancia y mixta  #521 distance participation
 19 pm NOT SOA  slot
 (-2h) marrakech- rabat ? #544- 4  

Mexico  - La Modalidad Mixta de aprendizaje en la enseñanza de la biología

#522 distance participation

 20 pm NOT SOA slot


 (-2h) marrakech- rabat ? #544- 4   

 Mexico  -- Gestión del aprendizaje en la educación a distancia

#523 distance participation

 21 pm



all day on  28th PALESTINE  hall   may need  a dedicated room in Ramallah , in Gaza, in Haifa -  Also need for a room to have distance participation to expanded activities in other places
 on 30th all afternoon  forum in morocco  needs a dedicated room  see above  to be  confirmed
what about needs for rooms in relation with COA activites on 30th  distance encounters, distance participation 


October 31st 

expanded-wef-logo2.jpg 20090308-audition-et-la-mare-062.jpg October 31st - Sunday - dimanche - domingo-al-ʼḨd- الأحد


Highlight of the day : closing !  and next steps by each activity  and  preparing active memory  of WEF

 Gaza - :  final ceremony and plenary
 Haifa - Lebanon  :distance participation in Ramallah  Ramallah : plenary
 Westbank : distance participation in Ramallah


return to program page

 13 pm        
 14 pm        
 15 pm        
 16 pm        
 17 pm        

what about needs for rooms in relation with COA activites on 31th  distance encounters, distance participation 

After WEF

please forward links to the videos and documents of memory 

Practical points

Asessment: Many intercommunication will occur outisde of SAO slots  and need several dedicated tooms  -  this is not a problem  rooms will be reserved for wef expanded

  palestine hall