• march sem log2

last modified August 15, 2010 by facilitfsm

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WEFP  EXPANDED SEMINAR SECOND DAY – chat room documentation - see  parallel video

 march-wef-3.JPG    march-wef-2.JPG

follow up of thursday

this is a log of how it went with some elements of unpreparation -  learning curve 


Parallel virtual room ?. 2

Groupe 1. 2

For theme 2, we developed the following sub-themes. 2

Subthemes suggested by Working Group II 3

Theme 3: Education for liberation, emancipation and social change. 3

Theme 4: Education and Neoliberalism.. 3




GROUP 6 Popular and conventional education. 4

Start on saturday morning. 5

no audio contact with  virtual seminar room ambassador 5

presenting virtual lobby inputs on themes as coming from an extra group?. 5

return of marjon after video projector seminar attendance. 5

Notes on  M Bargouthi adress. 6

notes on  challenges. 6

working plan – pierre notes. 7

notes organizing discussion  - pierre. 7

(we need volunteers for making expanded happen) 8

chat with ahmad  - photographer 8

inviting ahmad to expanded team.. 8

why audio on thursday afternoon. 9

calling refaat 9

chat with refaat 9

Looking for marjon. 10

refresh or stay with sound. 10

conveying a message to refaat – about expanded commitee. 10

final picture. 11

following in main chat room.. 11

New conversation group started by marjon. 11

Note with Fida. 12

another room – on working plan ?. 12


March : outreaching and develop political process. 12

April 13

May. 13

June. 13

July. 13

Main questions – working points. 14

- Forming sub-committees. 14

list of on line attendees. 14

another room ? themes again  - continuity of same room.. 15

ustream quality check. 15

Thursday outcome on themes sent by marjon. 15

Send comment on themes – martina  dan Pierre. 20

arrival of Dan. 20

Dan input 21

confusion between group of themes and group of people working on themes. 21

challenges. 21

presentation of themes of expanded participants – presented as an extra group of people. 21

gathered comments by Pierre  on expansion potential 21

recalling agenda of morning in ramallah for Martina. 22

expanded group inputs. 26

taking notes?. 26

arrival of Fida – fida on challenges. 26

organizing in Palestine 48 – political context paper 26

about youth. 27

follow up discussion  on themes  - expanded participants inputs not included as seminar inputs  27

more inputs in the online  group. 27

mustapha bargouthi address. 28

work plan  definition – marjon leaving the on line group (problem!) 29

about the terme expanded. 29

working plan wip  first glimpses. 29

expanded agenda can be inserted in working plan. 30

tell paola  - when is next break. 30

issue of expanded commitee. 30

work plan follow up. 30

list of attendees including expanded participants. 31

conversation Fida and Pierre. 31

arrival of Mishel – meeting with martina – encounter in the online group. 31



Parallel virtual room ?

Groupe 1


The themes discussed were 1 (education, culture and identity) and 2 (education, power and mind decolonisation).


For theme 1, we identified the following sub-themes

1. Creative educational strategies

2. Arts in education

3. Arts and education as a manifestation of identity

4. Popular culture and local identities

5. Arts and post-traumatic debriefing in educational programs

6. Art and culture: holistic approach to education

7. Education as a tool to enforce or suppress identity


For theme 2, we developed the following sub-themes

1. Education and empowerment

2. Education and cultural models and stereotypes

3. Education and cultural identities representation

4. Palestine as a paradigm of education (this last point we did not really

have the time to explore it better...)

5. Education for critical thinking

6. Education and media (see email)

In terms of activities that could be proposed for the October WEF, we

thought of the following things that could be developed:

- Public art events finalised to processes of re-appropriation of spaces and

elements of the landscape (such as the wall and check points) that are

connected to occupation

- Creative recycling workshops where remains of demolitions are used and

transformed in innovative and creative ways

- Art performances of different types (street drama, theatre plays, concerts


- Art installations (such as the displacing of big transparent key-like

container in different places, inviting people to fill them with their old

keys, and representing symbolically the right to return)

- Lectures, Seminars and/or Workshops on the rehabilitation of local

traditional architectural heritage

- Lectures, seminars and workshop on local traditional and operational

knowledge and oral heritage

We also discussed the possibility of organising an art performance involving

all the persons actively participating to the WEF.

generally speaking, we stressed the importance of building from now an

ongoing process, involving local schools; that should not stop after the

WEF, but o the contrary should be continued dynamically on the ground.


Subthemes suggested by Working Group II



Theme 3: Education for liberation, emancipation and social change


-        Education as a tool to liberation from colonization and occupation

-        Education as a tool for liberation from coercive power, totalitarian and

authoritarian regimes

-        Radical approaches to social change

-        Freedom and independence of teachers

-        Maternal and paternal education

-        Education and power relations within societies/Power relations reflected

in the learning process

-        Education in the Military and its impact on society

-        Non-formal peer to peer education for political prisoners

-        Right and access to education under occupation

-  Citizenship education under occupation

-  Promoting sites for political education


With a view to the PalestinianTerritories:

-        Education in Palestine as a tool for resilience and resistance

-        Emancipation of Palestinian women in the struggle against occupation


Theme 4: Education and Neoliberalism

-        Public private partnerships in education

-        Financing of education between state and market

-        Education or Employability Skills?

-        Neoliberal restrictions to right and access to education?

-        Neoliberal principles of education: survival of the fittest or

empowerment of the disandvantaged?

-        Freedom and independence of teachers

-        Education through media

-  Education and the economy of knowledge

- IFI (international financial institutions), GATs


With a view to the PalestinianTerritories:

-        Neoliberal changes in education in Palestine






Self organized:


Science of climate change

Education for Eco-Socialism

Sustainable development or sustainable communities?

Access to energy


Organized by organizers:


Question of land and water: Lecture, workshop, film (Hydrology group)

Occupation, destruction and pollution: Jamal Juma and Jad Ishaq







Self organized:


Psycho-social needs of children in conflict and occupation

Education under siege and wall

Education and educational right of political prisoners

Education for peace and justice - Citizenship for peace with justice – Citizenship under occupation? Demystifying “peace”



Organized by organizers:


Education in Jerusalem

Controlling content and process of school education





Social movements from secularism to religion

Religious tools of oppression and liberation

Education as an open space for both religion and secularism

Uses and abuses of religion in international policy


GROUP 6 Popular and conventional education

What is conventional education ?

Imposed education or participative education

Alternative social movements and pedagogy

Popular education as a form of civilian resistance


Cross-cutting themes :

- Educational institutions  « formal and non-formal education »

- Teaching and learning methods

- Gender

- Age

- Invite diverse views and opinions




Start on saturday morning


[07:57:19] Marjon: hi we are making everything ready  hello pierre we'll start the broadcast now

[07:58:12] Pierre: ok will we use the same" virtual lobby" or  "expanded participation group".

[07:58:26] Marjon: please check the sound and image!

[07:58:28] Marjon: thanks!

[07:58:46] Pierre: ok ill tell you now nothing is on air yet

[08:03:38] Marjon: ahmad is preparing it do you hear sound?

[08:05:52] Marjon: please speak with ahmad on the ustream chat

 [08:06:31] Pierre: i write  ok :)

[08:06:42] Pierre: what about the skype collective room? hello

 [08:15:51] *** Appel terminé ***

[08:16:40] *** Appel vers Marjon : pas de réponse. ***

[08:16:44] *** Appel terminé ***

no audio contact with  virtual seminar room ambassador

[08:16:51] Pierre: hello marjon ?? trying to call you

 [08:19:45] Pierre: can you call me ???

[08:21:55] *** Appel terminé ***

[08:24:00] *** Appel vers Marjon : pas de réponse. ***

[08:24:03] *** Appel terminé ***

[08:27:56] Pierre: marjon  i understand you have no headset ??

[08:33:41] *** Appel de Marjon : durée 08:10 ***

[08:34:14] Marjon: salut pierre

[08:34:23] Marjon: oui je l'ai oublié mon headset j'essaie un de quelqu'un d'autre mais marche pas : je t'entends mais peut pas parler

[08:34:57] Pierre: !!!!: comment on va faire

 presenting virtual lobby inputs on themes as coming from an extra group?

 [08:51:30] Marjon: pierre can you give me the phrase about communication you mentioned

[08:52:29] Pierre: education through intercommunication  with others

[08:52:47] Pierre: but before  i am suggesting to present the themes by ciranda idea and me as made in the group 5 made up  of expanded participats  attending through ustream

so to examine the proposals  made in our virutal seminar room as comoing from a group 5

so they are examined as well as are being examined the themes worked out byt the 4 presential groups ..

what do you think ?

[08:56:46] *** Appel vers Marjon : pas de réponse. ***

[08:56:52] *** Appel terminé ***

[08:57:29] Pierre: what do you think ...... we have lost audio link to our ambassador ;) marjon ?

return of marjon after video projector seminar attendance

[09:57:11] Pierre: nice to see you back.. sorry  for being on you since you are the only one around  :) all this is learning experience hello?

[10:37:12] Marjon: hello pierre

[10:37:58] Pierre: hello

[10:56:37] Marjon: i don't know who is speaking, maybe ahmed?

[10:57:10] Pierre: in the seminar  i meant just stopped speaking now now reafaat

[10:57:31] Marjon: yes

[10:57:38] Pierre: who was before him?

[10:59:17] Marjon: allam jarar, i think

[10:59:56] Pierre: i mean the discussion now is walking on a ground where wef expanded can help ...so let see if the notion is surfacing in the meeting

[11:03:55] Pierre: who is fida?

[11:15:04] Pierre: are you with us ?

[11:16:36] Marjon: yes i'm back

[11:16:41] Marjon: fida works for ittijah

[11:16:55] Pierre: she is making inputs now ...feroz speaking of a communitcaito group i wonder if the expanded/initiative  team wil surface in this discussion at some point , or at time of meal

when is the website suppose to appear?

[11:19:33] Marjon: very soon... i hope the end of this month

[11:19:39] Pierre: also we have not discussed the use of  openfsm for expanded  initiative ....it would be good to analyse the site and see if it can be adpated to accommodate expanded team communication or it can be completed by openfsm.net

[11:22:32] Pierre: where is fida now?

[11:26:40] *** Appel vers Marjon : pas de réponse. ***

 [11:26:53] Pierre: hello?


Notes on  M Bargouthi adress

huge impact it can have

and cause of justice in this land

difficulty of the situation

4 specific issues  each alone could have been a reason for massive solidarity

1 - siege in Gaza  25000 Ingaza without house  - catastrophif health situation – 60% unemployed  80% under poverty  - impact will be long term

2 – crisis with J Biden  - 50000 new units in Jerusalem  - no more possibility of Palestinian state

3 – no more possibility of peaceful  settlement   - included because PA accepted to return to negocaition

4- longest occupation in modern history ……we are  living in an apartheid system worse than SAfrica – will not change by diplomatic talks   until isrealian system is challenge – needs BDI worldwide …. in the 70 people thought it would be difficult to take down the apartheid  isystem  (…..)

52 trade unions  7 mllions vote BDI

our biggest enemy is absence of hope    we need to energize people

you understand is that the first thing is to make people have hope theycan make a difference

fascinating event for all palestinan we had not had an event since 2002 like that


notes on  challenges

organizational aspect ….

how wil structure cooperate together

how to organize the event at regional level

program  have 7 topics  main thems and subtitles  and then

Haifa  rammallah jerusalemtn gaza and Beirut

communication on video  - daily communication


external communication

financial matters   -hwo to collect fees  -



working plan – pierre notes


6 areas
march  -

teach union will outreach

finalize the Nation Preparatory Committee – must be documented  (vinod)  -I would submit  two committee one is all the organisaiton 200  - network members should be name – publicly known they are part of it  -   this is the political process -  then have a group of people  organizing committee  -  impossible to make decision  -  between political inclusiveness and  work on the ground  clear on this


who is working on what in the secretariat ?

march :  support the local outreach meeting with capacity of remote participation

launch of website  (end of march )


meeting outreach these are the name –



end of may oopen the registatiotn  ( you do not need to have the speakers name ( vinod ) for organized programs )

give the themes , cleaned

participation to mexico forum and IC


Detroit social forum



17th to 23rd july belem forum








notes organizing discussion  - pierre

( vinod ) you will have subcommittee you need by end of march have thos committees in place  -they will keepn on working


mireille - 


vinod – program group will have thematic subcommittees – have a very storng  programm committee and in it have people bringing gender vision – that is how is see it in practical terms


logistics subcommittee venues logistics 


volunteer subcommittee ( feroz)


vinod ( go to mexico in may  and ask for training sao paulo to ramallh )

refaat – that marcela comes to us


refaat - English French Spanish Arabic  translation  - only  the main events – central activities
self organized care about themselves


Mikado – provide a volutnerr list to provide at request translation to self organized  - it is our job  to find volunteers


vinod -  one way is to use volunteer babels ….charge their logistics  demanding
take paid people which is very expensive …   discuss in mexico  - bottom line is that translator whould be available


logistic committee -  training in june



refaat  - comitee in south Africa and caanda and france  etc….


vinod  - organizing comitee will decide on opening  and closing  of


 (we need volunteers for making expanded happen)



Pierre chat with ahmad  - photographer


[10:27:27] Ahmad: hi

[10:27:32] Ahmad: Ahmad a partagé ses détails avec Pierre.

[10:27:46] Pierre: hello

[10:27:55] Ahmad: hey http://ahmadmesleh.wordpress.com/

[10:30:26] Pierre: nice photos

[10:30:52] Ahmad: i just started before 7

[10:33:16] Pierre: you are in the same village as Hindi

[10:33:34] Ahmad: yes he is my cousin

[10:33:44] Pierre: i see.

[10:37:13] Pierre: what do you think of this meeting ...?

 [10:42:27] Ahmad: am lestining to them what i think such things must be more in the ground if we are talking about education

[10:43:34] Pierre: well this is an organizing meeting .. or even prior to organiizing , broad ideas..  but it has to land on the gorup , then the content will be made by the partiicpants not by this comittee

[10:44:42] Ahmad:  i know but u can take the satuation from the ground, from who are suffering in the education that right that u said

[10:45:18] Pierre: i hope that these people will come to the forum and "own "it the forum is a space  and a tool for organized people to use it is not an organisation

Pierre inviting ahmad to expanded team

[10:46:48] Ahmad: i hope soo am with anything that can fix evry thing here

[10:48:21] Pierre: well as for me , if you can stay with hindi and marion and me and other peoplein the wef expanded team that would be great !

[10:48:57] Ahmad: inshallah man am ready to help my people and with wef too

[10:50:24] Pierre: well i hope we can have a meeting next week with marjon and hindi

[10:50:58] Ahmad: hope so too

[10:51:58] Pierre: (y)

[10:52:15] Ahmad: :D

[10:53:07] Pierre: you are in theexpanded group room now

[10:53:35] Ahmad: what do u mean

 [10:54:22] Pierre: you should be seeing the talk appearing in another skype window

[10:54:30] Ahmad: i see

[10:54:37] Pierre: ( we are off air just now now back  can you raise the soudn abit ?

[10:55:37] Ahmad: now?

[10:56:37] Pierre: better .. i you can raise a bit more do you see the conversation ?

[11:01:37] Ahmad: yes

[11:02:12] Pierre: now you are  in two meetings at the same time the presencial one and the expanded followers one

[11:28:15] Pierre: ahmand we are off air

[11:28:42] Ahmad: i stoped ot  it is break

[11:29:06] Pierre: ok. just 5 min .. so could have stayed on air ..

why audio on thursday afternoon

[11:29:27] Ahmad: want me to start it again

[11:29:28] Pierre: why tehre was no video in the afternoon of thurday just audio

[11:30:47] Ahmad: the cam stoped and they was taking so i didn;t want to lose what thy are taking about it was important if i want to restart my computer it will take time

[11:31:02] Pierre: ok

Pierre calling refaat

[12:08:50] Pierre: ahmad can you be our ambassador?

[12:09:17] Ahmad: how

[12:09:45] Pierre: if we agree on sending an idea for the workin plan  you raise your hand and speak for us

 [12:10:40] Ahmad: why marjon didn't do it , it will  bettr than me

[12:10:48] Pierre: where is she?

[12:11:27] Ahmad: ah they are using her computer write something for her and i will tell her to read it for u

[12:11:52] Pierre: is she in the room ?

[12:12:10] Ahmad: i don know

[12:12:25] Pierre: :(

[12:13:13] Ahmad: post anything i will let her see it or join me

[12:14:00] Pierre: ok

[12:21:15] Pierre: can you call refaat ? .. just to say hello .. to him ...on the skype chat ....

[12:21:58] Ahmad: who sis refaat

[12:22:12] Pierre: the person in forn t you with pink shirt : standing in the image

[12:23:11] Ahmad: hey is near me here

chat with refaat

[12:23:14] Pierre: hello refaat !

 [12:23:16] Ahmad: saying hello for u

[12:23:17] Pierre: this is piere and happy to partiicpated and contribute

[12:23:38] Ahmad: hellow pierre

[12:23:54] Pierre: we will help in the wef expanded team ..building it and next step is the local outreach meeting  in april (?)

[12:24:24] Refaat : very good Mustafa Barghothi was here munits ago and he did very good speach

[12:24:31] Pierre: yes i heard it refaat  may be  we could caht together next week or so late at night ..  ;)

[12:25:35] Refaat: yes we have to meet ..on 21st i will meet Mustafa may be also can be togther in some place

[12:26:01] Pierre: am in paris .. available on skype every evening ...

[12:26:48] Refaat: yes Pierre, I thought you are another  pierre ..yes we have to meet some time in late in the night   next week I will be in Montreal I will arrange that to match the time

[12:28:15] Pierre: no am another pierre:) stimulating the expanded wef intiaitive since our talsk in montreal  (ok ..  ..do not want to disturb you  more now ..   for the working plan - expanded is part of the working plan  too ) ok looking forward to a contact next week on skype  from montreal

[12:30:46] Pierre: thanks ahmad !

[12:31:11] Ahmad: welcome man

Pierre Looking for marjon

[12:56:51] Pierre: marjon is stillnot here ?

[12:57:09] *** Appel vers Ahmad : pas de réponse. ***

[12:57:33] *** Appel terminé ***

[12:57:47] Ahmad: i can't call cuse it will make noise

[12:57:54] Pierre: ok .. is marjon around

[12:57:55] Pierre: ?

[12:59:25] Ahmad: what u want

[12:59:36] Pierre: find marjon she is back on skype ..

[13:02:07] Ahmad: it is stoped the straming

[13:02:08] Pierre: we are off air why  it is an important dsicussion !!!

refresh or stay with sound

[13:02:23] Ahmad: it is hag ond and i can't click on save or shall i close did the recored will be lost or what

[13:03:00] Pierre: did you click on record at the beginning ? thre is a broadcast button and a record button

[13:03:13] Ahmad: yes and now it is stopped and i can' click anything shall i refresh it

[13:04:22] Pierre: well the last video i see is dated 4 hours ago  the broadcast is on now

[13:05:47] Ahmad: i know i refreshed the page

[13:05:52] Ahmad: the only solution

[13:05:56] Pierre: ok...

Pierre trying to convey a message to refaat during working plan discussion– about expanded commitee

[13:08:35] Pierre: can you ask refaat to come to the computer ? when he has finished talking just wanted to ask if there should not be a  videocommunicatin committee

[13:09:29] Pierre: sound is good now

[13:09:32] Ahmad: he is here I will tell temm about what u said

[13:09:59] Pierre: you mean you already told him ?

[13:10:09] Ahmad: yes

[13:10:13] Pierre: (y)

[13:11:07] Pierre: sound goes off and on i know it is internet video distance communication  committee

[13:12:40] Pierre: to link the venues  and allow  distance communication

[13:12:49] Ahmad: we have it as a part of commucation committee

[13:12:55] Pierre: no...

[13:13:08] Pierre: did refaat said this? or what ?

[13:13:27] Ahmad: yes

[13:13:44] Pierre: separate from media group

[13:13:57] Ahmad: no it is inside the media group it is included

[13:14:02] Pierre: not good because it is not the same thing i gues you understand now where is marjon ??

[13:14:41] Ahmad: she is tyuping

[13:15:26] Pierre: did refaat suggest that the video communitation be included or spearated ?in media group? who said it should be included? i got it confused

[13:16:02] Ahmad: included in the commucation

[13:16:06] Pierre: who said that ?

 feroz sugested

 [13:16:21] Pierre:  pls ask refaat to come

 [13:16:47] Ahmad: i will tell morjan to see  ur chat on her skpe

[13:16:53] Pierre: ok

[13:17:51] Pierre: hindi is in charge of media comiteet?

[13:19:11] Pierre: lot of echo ..

 [13:19:34] Ahmad: i don't know what to do for it

[13:20:07] Pierre: now is frozen and no sound .. we are off air

[13:21:05] Ahmad: i know

[13:21:51] Pierre: we are back on sound and image

[13:23:46] Pierre: [13:17] Pierre: hindi is in charge of media comiteet?

 [13:24:03] Ahmad: i don't know : :)

final picture

[13:28:32] Pierre: ahmad?

[13:29:20] Ahmad: shall i close i want to take pic for them

[13:30:00] Pierre: ok ... turn the cmaera towards them pls




following in main chat room

 [12:37:50] Pierre: marjon

[12:39:44] Pierre: "in april  in perspective of /on occasion of the palestine outreach meeting  -  create a   "wef expanded"  subcommitee/working group  to support/stimulate practices of  videointerlking between the 5 commitees and venue  -

[12:40:15] Pierre: this might come naturally in the preparation of the local outreach meeting

[12:42:32] Pierre: ?

[12:42:42] Pierre: that is our next horizon i guess ....

[12:42:52] Pierre: dont you think?

[12:48:28] *** Appel vers Marjon : pas de réponse. ***

 [13:01:40] Pierre: pls answer !

[13:25:27] *** Appel de Marjon ***


New conversation group started by marjon

[13:25:31] *** Marjon a créé un groupe de conversation

Afficher le groupe de conversation ***

[13:25:51] *** Appel vers Marjon : pas de réponse. ***

[13:25:55] *** Appel terminé ***

[13:26:08] Pierre: marjon

[13:26:09] Pierre: ?

[13:26:29] Marjon: hello

[13:26:43] Pierre: i guess the expanded deio communication comitete shoudl be stand alone: and not included in media, it is a transversal thing

[13:27:04] Marjon: we'll see about that

[13:27:10] Pierre: yes pls lobby for that

[13:27:27] Marjon: will speak with feroz this afternoon more about the workplan

[13:27:32] Pierre: i heard refaat suggsted to have a stand alone comitee and this was  discarded, pls invole refaat in this


another room – on working plan ?

-[13:25:27] *** Marjon a invité Ahmad, Bert Tulk, Dan , driss_elkorchi, feroz.mehdi, Fida, Florent Schaeffer, Hilde Stephansen, Hindi Mesleh, Kathita, Martina P.M., Mishel Remacka, Pierre Beaudet, Pierre, Raffaella Bolini, resabbah, Rita Freire ***

[13:25:32] Marjon:


1. Organizational aspects

• How will national and international members cooperate ?

• How to organize the Forum on the local level

2. What would be the program : how to organize the events

3. Communication

4. Financial issues : fees, how to get international players to support the event

5. Mobilization issue : how to work in order to involve organizations

6. Other related matters : need of legal aid committee that can deal with issues of visas, border, possible harrassments, planning how to overcome possible problems (travelling, etc.).

Create document which will be signed by all participating organizations. Create national preparatory committee.


March : outreaching and develop political process.

- Informing all the organizations (NGOs, CBOs), big meeting with the Teachers Union in order to outreach

- internal communication : outreaching

- National committee : where will the secretary be ? Who is working daily, weekly, monthly on the Forum  and on which topic are they working ? Who are the volunteers ? Who is the team basically. Identifying tasks, roles and responsibilities. Financial and administrative issues.

- Develop registration forms.

- Media committee should work on the communication and specifially the website.

- National preparatory committee : needs to be documented , name all members of the networks, clarify the structure. The political process needs to be clarified. Political inclusion and work on the ground.

- Specify when meetings will be held.

- Launch website  by the end of March. Define themes as to be published on the website.

- Suggestion : create committee for cross-cutting women issues ; arts and culture committee

- Program committee with 8 sub-committees (choosing speakers / gender/ cultural themes/ etc)

- Sub-committees : Mobilization committee



- Discussions about locations: halls, how many events per location.

- Policy of registration : fees

- Put sub-committees in place + put them on the website

- Forming financial, program, registration, and venue committee (and May)

- Decision on translation.



- Website should be ready.

- Registration should be open end of May.

- Locations : half of May

- Mexico IC : the delegation that goes, training for volunteers (vinod°

- Education and culture Forum meeting

- Themes (thematic axes) finalized



- 21, 22 : US social Forum

- Finance : process of registration (procedures of online payment) , finding funding partners

- Logistics committee : translation (Arabic, English, French and Spanish) for the main events,  the organizers of self-organized activities will fund their translations, but we could provide translation services for the self-organized activities organizers. Find translator volunteers (should be discussed with the Brazil Forum organizors).  Primary list of translators group ready by the end of the month.

- Volunteer committee : trainings for volunteers, they will start coming in June, July, volunteers to work in all committees



- 17-23 : Education and arts in Belém, Brazil


- Americas Forum in Paraguay

- Securing funds : budget maps, everything clear about funds

- Fine-tuning of all work



- Huge mobilization to get volunteers for the event (training them, making them part of the process)


Collect all information about program, venues, etc. : at the last moment, task of the secretary




- For example October 5 : end of registrations, after the deadline the program will be clear

- October 25 : printed program One program for 3 locations

- One day before start of event : solidarity action in Jerusalem, Ramallah, Haifa and Gaza.

- Solidarity March : beginning or end of the event ? Plan this at the beginning of the month.

- Plan made by logistic committee : housing, transport

- Communication rooms

- What are opening and closing ceremonies ? Make a plan.


Main questions – working points

- When will registration start ?

- Identify speakers, program (at a later stage of the organization)


Suggestion  - questions :

- World Women March : promote WEF

Create committee for cross-cutting women issues


Strong program committee that takes cross-cutting themes (especially gender) into consideration


- Forming sub-committees

- Financial

- Program : also divided in sub-groups for follow-up, cross-cutting themes

- Registration

- venue

- volunteer

- media and communication : exists already, external media. Including expanded activities.

- mobilization : network with national and international organizations, Alternatives International and World Social Forum should support this.

- legal

- logistics : housing

- translation

- youth and students : include them in large numbers, give them the space to organize program (May)

- documentation : linked to communication and media committee, work during and after the Forum


list of on line attendees

[13:25:45] Marjon: the discussions about work plan are finished we will update this work plan and send it to you

[13:28:30] Martina P.M.: ok, thankyou!

[13:28:51] Pierre: thanks

[13:29:05] Martina P.M.: I'd appreciate if you included in the list of attendees those who attended online, and participated in the skype chat

[13:29:44] Pierre: that is another token for inclusion of epxanded aprticipant in the seminar  ;)

[13:37:35] Fida: the plan is to be circulated to all of us in order to review.

[13:38:00] Pierre: fida are you in the meeting also or somewhere else?

[13:38:09] Pierre: i mean in ramallah

[13:42:25] Fida: no. I am in the north, But I am following up on line

[13:48:56] Marjon: hello all, thank you for your participation, we will send you all the documents today after fine-tuning them, bye bye

 [13:49:47] Rita Freire: Thanks Marjon

[13:49:58] Martina P.M.: bye! and thanks

[13:50:00] Pierre: marjon  before ou go we are talking with fida about the need to grow expereience of expanded participation

[13:50:01] Marjon: it was my pleasure

[13:50:17] Pierre: i guess things are  much more concrete for us now :) so we can only improve as a team

[13:50:30] Marjon: we will talk later for sure!! now i need to eat, ciaoooo

 [13:50:41] Pierre: ciaooooo

[13:50:42] Fida: yes. bon appetit

[13:51:28] Marjon: sure : salamat!

[13:51:54] Fida: just to make sure thatr we wii get the info to follow up on




another room ? themes again  - continuity of same room


[08:08:48] Pierre: hello anyone here ?

[08:11:33] Marjon: i made the conference room

[08:12:10] Pierre: are we using this one  where we are in now or another one  (this is the one we had on friday )

[08:13:08] Pierre: continuity ?

ustream quality check

[08:13:16] Marjon: this one yes

[08:13:23] Pierre: ok - continuity then....

[08:13:45] Pierre: there is no sound at all

[08:14:42] Marjon: how is it now, asks ahmad?

[08:15:05] Pierre: it is off air

[08:18:59] Pierre: now it is on ... and sound is ok

[08:19:14] Marjon: good

[08:19:28] Pierre: am truing to call you

[08:19:57] Pierre: in person

Thursday outcome on themes sent by marjon

[09:51:36] Marjon: The themes discussed were 1 (education, culture and identity) and 2 (education, power and mind decolonisation).


For theme 1, we identified the following sub-themes

1. Creative educational strategies

2. Arts in education

3. Arts and education as a manifestation of identity

4. Popular culture and local identities

5. Arts and post-traumatic debriefing in educational programs

6. Art and culture: holistic approach to education

7. Education as a tool to enforce or suppress identity


For theme 2, we developed the following sub-themes

1. Education and empowerment

2. Education and cultural models and stereotypes

3. Education and cultural identities representation

4. Palestine as a paradigm of education (this last point we did not really

have the time to explore it better...)

5. Education for critical thinking

6. Education and media (see email)

In terms of activities that could be proposed for the October WEF, we

thought of the following things that could be developed:

- Public art events finalised to processes of re-appropriation of spaces and

elements of the landscape (such as the wall and check points) that are

connected to occupation

- Creative recycling workshops where remains of demolitions are used and

transformed in innovative and creative ways

- Art performances of different types (street drama, theatre plays, concerts


- Art installations (such as the displacing of big transparent key-like

container in different places, inviting people to fill them with their old

keys, and representing symbolically the right to return)

- Lectures, Seminars and/or Workshops on the rehabilitation of local

traditional architectural heritage

- Lectures, seminars and workshop on local traditional and operational

knowledge and oral heritage

We also discussed the possibility of organising an art performance involving

all the persons actively participating to the WEF.

generally speaking, we stressed the importance of building from now an

ongoing process, involving local schools; that should not stop after the

WEF, but o the contrary should be continued dynamically on the ground.


Subthemes suggested by Working Group II



Theme 3: Education for liberation, emancipation and social change


-        Education as a tool to liberation from colonization and occupation

-        Education as a tool for liberation from coercive power, totalitarian and

authoritarian regimes

-        Radical approaches to social change

-        Freedom and independence of teachers

-        Maternal and paternal education

-        Education and power relations within societies/Power relations reflected

in the learning process

-        Education in the Military and its impact on society

-        Non-formal peer to peer education for political prisoners

-        Right and access to education under occupation

-  Citizenship education under occupation

-  Promoting sites for political education


With a view to the PalestinianTerritories:

-        Education in Palestine as a tool for resilience and resistance

-        Emancipation of Palestinian women in the struggle against occupation


Theme 4: Education and Neoliberalism

-        Public private partnerships in education

-        Financing of education between state and market

-        Education or Employability Skills?

-        Neoliberal restrictions to right and access to education?

-        Neoliberal principles of education: survival of the fittest or

empowerment of the disandvantaged?

-        Freedom and independence of teachers

-        Education through media

-  Education and the economy of knowledge

- IFI (international financial institutions), GATs


With a view to the PalestinianTerritories:

-        Neoliberal changes in education in Palestine






Self organized:


Science of climate change

Education for Eco-Socialism

Sustainable development or sustainable communities?

Access to energy


Organized by organizers:


Question of land and water: Lecture, workshop, film (Hydrology group)

Occupation, destruction and pollution: Jamal Juma and Jad Ishaq







Self organized:


Psycho-social needs of children in conflict and occupation

Education under siege and wall

Education and educational right of political prisoners

Education for peace and justice - Citizenship for peace with justice – Citizenship under occupation? Demystifying “peace”



Organized by organizers:


Education in Jerusalem

Controlling content and process of school education





Social movements from secularism to religion

Religious tools of oppression and liberation

Education as an open space for both religion and secularism

Uses and abuses of religion in international policy


GROUP 6 Popular and conventional education

What is conventional education ?

Imposed education or participative education

Alternative social movements and pedagogy

Popular education as a form of civilian resistance



The themes discussed were 1 (education, culture and identity) and 2 (education, power and mind decolonisation).


For theme 1, we identified the following sub-themes

1. Creative educational strategies

2. Arts in education

3. Arts and education as a manifestation of identity

4. Popular culture and local identities

5. Arts and post-traumatic debriefing in educational programs

6. Art and culture: holistic approach to education

7. Education as a tool to enforce or suppress identity


For theme 2, we developed the following sub-themes

1. Education and empowerment

2. Education and cultural models and stereotypes

3. Education and cultural identities representation

4. Palestine as a paradigm of education (this last point we did not really

have the time to explore it better...)

5. Education for critical thinking

6. Education and media (see email)

In terms of activities that could be proposed for the October WEF, we

thought of the following things that could be developed:

- Public art events finalised to processes of re-appropriation of spaces and

elements of the landscape (such as the wall and check points) that are

connected to occupation

- Creative recycling workshops where remains of demolitions are used and

transformed in innovative and creative ways

- Art performances of different types (street drama, theatre plays, concerts


- Art installations (such as the displacing of big transparent key-like

container in different places, inviting people to fill them with their old

keys, and representing symbolically the right to return)

- Lectures, Seminars and/or Workshops on the rehabilitation of local

traditional architectural heritage

- Lectures, seminars and workshop on local traditional and operational

knowledge and oral heritage

We also discussed the possibility of organising an art performance involving

all the persons actively participating to the WEF.

generally speaking, we stressed the importance of building from now an

ongoing process, involving local schools; that should not stop after the

WEF, but o the contrary should be continued dynamically on the ground.


Subthemes suggested by Working Group II



Theme 3: Education for liberation, emancipation and social change


-        Education as a tool to liberation from colonization and occupation

-        Education as a tool for liberation from coercive power, totalitarian and

authoritarian regimes

-        Radical approaches to social change

-        Freedom and independence of teachers

-        Maternal and paternal education

-        Education and power relations within societies/Power relations reflected

in the learning process

-        Education in the Military and its impact on society

-        Non-formal peer to peer education for political prisoners

-        Right and access to education under occupation

-  Citizenship education under occupation

-  Promoting sites for political education


With a view to the PalestinianTerritories:

-        Education in Palestine as a tool for resilience and resistance

-        Emancipation of Palestinian women in the struggle against occupation



Theme 4: Education and Neoliberalism

-        Public private partnerships in education

-        Financing of education between state and market

-        Education or Employability Skills?

-        Neoliberal restrictions to right and access to education?

-        Neoliberal principles of education: survival of the fittest or

empowerment of the disandvantaged?

-        Freedom and independence of teachers

-        Education through media

-  Education and the economy of knowledge

- IFI (international financial institutions), GATs


With a view to the PalestinianTerritories:

-        Neoliberal changes in education in Palestine






Self organized:


Science of climate change

Education for Eco-Socialism

Sustainable development or sustainable communities?

Access to energy


Organized by organizers:


Question of land and water: Lecture, workshop, film (Hydrology group)

Occupation, destruction and pollution: Jamal Juma and Jad Ishaq







Self organized:


Psycho-social needs of children in conflict and occupation

Education under siege and wall

Education and educational right of political prisoners

Education for peace and justice - Citizenship for peace with justice – Citizenship under occupation? Demystifying “peace”



Organized by organizers:


Education in Jerusalem

Controlling content and process of school education





Social movements from secularism to religion

Religious tools of oppression and liberation

Education as an open space for both religion and secularism

Uses and abuses of religion in international policy


GROUP 6 Popular and conventional education

What is conventional education ?

Imposed education or participative education

Alternative social movements and pedagogy

Popular education as a form of civilian resistance


Send comment on themes – martina  dan Pierre


[09:51:45] Marjon: hello all! how are you this morning?

we finished discussing the sub-themes now please send us your comments if you have some

[09:55:13] Marjon: Cross-cutting themes :

- Educational institutions  « formal and non-formal education »

- Teaching and learning methods

- Gender

- Age

- Invite diverse views and opinions

[09:55:55] Pierre: hello so finally was it possible to present the inputs we made as made by a specific group?

arrival of Dan

[10:09:19] Dan : hi pierre and marjon

[10:09:54] Dan : good morning from maraba, the second city in the northern amazonian state of para, brasil

[10:10:24] Dan : i have woken very early to share a few thoughts as i wont be able to participate today

[10:10:35] Dan : are you online?

[10:12:40] Marjon: hello dan!

[10:12:44] Marjon: this is marjon

[10:12:47] Dan : hi!

[10:12:55] Marjon: how are you?

[10:13:03] Dan : has the saturday session begun?

[10:13:09] Dan : great, and you?

[10:13:18] Dan : how was the excursion?

[10:21:37] Pierre:  back

[10:21:53] Dan : hi pierre

[10:22:53] Pierre: hi dan

[10:23:01] Pierre: marjon are you with us somehow?

Dan input

[10:31:00] Dan : marjon, i have two contribitions to make:


Theme: Arts, Culture and Identity

- arts as pedagogical languages (of learning and transformation) in teacher education

- arts in conflict transformation

- arts and decolonization of the mindful-body


Theme: Environment, Ecology and Nature

- architecture as an eco-pedagogical dimension

[10:31:56] Dan : and can the World Forum for Culture & Education for Transformation be proposed as a stepping stone towards the WEF?

[10:33:53] Dan : And finally:


Creation of a collective symbolic 'human sculpture' or installation, during the WEF, that can be filmed/photographed and communicate to the world

confusion between group of themes and group of people working on themes


[10:38:09] Marjon: now they are speaking about the challenges

[10:39:33] *** Marjon a invité Fida ***

[10:39:40] Pierre: wel l we can make a status of where are the themes that were suggested in  our "extra group"

[10:39:46] Marjon: hello fida, this is marjon, i'm at the meeting in Ramallah

presentation of themes of expanded participants – presented as an extra group of people

[10:40:19] Pierre: i was suggesting to present us as an extra group .... was it done in any way?

[10:40:36] Marjon: i copied your suggestions in a document

[10:41:32] Pierre: (of course this was improvising and we lost audio communication just at this moment .. so . ;) )

[10:41:55] Marjon: i know it would be better to have shown it to the people but nothing is final, so i will send it today to them or I will show them on the big screen after this discussion about challenges

[10:42:40] Pierre: sounds nice ;...could you send us the assembly you made with the various themes suggested in our " expanded group"

[10:43:14] Marjon: yes i'm checking the document, until now i have yours and dan's who added things on skype

 [10:43:49] Pierre: i think there were inputs form ciranda theme sent by mail

 [10:44:51] Pierre: you have mail inputs by dan and rita /soraya  that were sent friday evening

[10:47:17] Marjon: soraya sent this email to the whole group

 gathered comments by Pierre  on expansion potential

[08:50:07] Pierre: hello marjon are you here ??

[08:51:17] Pierre: i am suggesting to present the themes by ciranda idea and me as made in the group 5 made up  of expanded participats  attending through ustream

[09:37:23] Pierre: hello ... just sharing the idea  for next time :  during this collective work on the screen  it would be also good to have another ustream broadcast focusing on the video projector    so expanded partiicpant can see what is happening  and give feedback

 [10:34:33] Pierre: marjon ....vinod is talking about making the space acessible to all .the expanded initiaitve will help in that

[refaat telling a bout the history of emergence of WEF, pingo ittaja opgai stoptw, big meeting will be organized to outreach to individual organisatons

[10:37:46] Marjon: i was not able to communicate with you, i'm back now

 [10:47:32] Pierre: feroz is talking that palestinian people had not much oportunity to have interaction with people form other countries .. this is also adressed by expanded partiicpation

[10:47:40] Marjon: education for the democratization of communication; 

the education for the right to communicate, and; the education for the  construction of new ways of communicating.

[10:48:09] Marjon: i will add this in the document with inputs from expanded participants

[10:48:40] Pierre: my suggestion was to show this as coming from a group group #7? formed by the expanded participants to theseminar , this is retroactive ... we could have declared ourselves a group#7 friday when the seminar was split in groups  ;) what do you think?

[10:50:37] Marjon: your comments will be integrated in the themes, so i suggest not presenting them as a new theme, but i will show them after this meeting, discussion (session) i mean

[10:51:31] Pierre: am not speaking of a theme... am speaking of saying that theses subthemes come from a group as there has been  review of the themes proposed by 5 groups

[11:12:51] Pierre:  ( feroz speaking of a tour in canada on a promoting tour..the comitee representative going there  could also extend invitation both to traveling  to palesting AND  to expanded participation wiht palestine  )

[11:24:50] Pierre: ( Refaat saying that  salim vally and South african  reference group will come to palestine, AND  also could stimulate expanded participation from sout africa  )

[11:25:40] Dan : hi both

[11:26:06] Dan : just reading before leaving for project work

[11:26:17] Martina P.M.: hi dan

[11:26:27] Dan : hi martina and fida

[11:27:12] Dan : we too in belem can stimulate participaction from belem and, if our experiments work well in july, from other parts of the world

[12:07:24] Pierre: i hear the  current speaker talking of video now ? what did he say ?  (he was speaking too high  and saturated the mike)

[12:08:13] Pierre: also the earlier speaker spoke of daily video communicatin between the 5 venues subcommittes

[12:10:25] Pierre: local  outreaching activity  in march ?

[12:13:13] Pierre: this  meeting could be also a step in the development of expanded partiicpation inside palestine

[12:43:33] Pierre: the person speaking now is omar ? i heard of a large palestinian organisation  outreach meeting to be organized, i do not see it , or will it be split in smaller meetings ?

[12:58:37] Marjon: this will be in March in Palestine

[12:59:21] Pierre: that is very soon , so we we need exmaine lessons learned from this seminar :) (marjon  - dont you think the issue of linkage between venue commitees )  can be raised  ?


recalling agenda of morning in ramallah for Martina

[10:43:38] Martina P.M.: Hi people, sorry for joining you so late, I'm with you I'll read the past chat

 [10:44:13] Marjon: hello martina

 [10:51:38] Martina P.M.: Marjon, can I just ask you what are the topics that have been discussed this morning? are you following the schedule?

[10:52:30] Marjon: we discussed the sub-themes of the 7 big themes we came up with on Thursday

[10:52:50] *** Pierre a invité Ahmad ***

[10:53:30] Martina P.M.: and now we passed to organizational challenges in having a decentralized forum?

[10:53:42] Marjon: we finished the discussion, and came up with

[10:53:47] Pierre: ah .. i thought you had been reviewing the themes that were presented by each group and sorting them into the 7 themes

[10:53:51] Marjon: The themes discussed were 1 (education, culture and identity) and 2 (education, power and mind decolonisation).


For theme 1, we identified the following sub-themes

1. Creative educational strategies

2. Arts in education

3. Arts and education as a manifestation of identity

4. Popular culture and local identities

5. Arts and post-traumatic debriefing in educational programs

6. Art and culture: holistic approach to education

7. Education as a tool to enforce or suppress identity


For theme 2, we developed the following sub-themes

1. Education and empowerment

2. Education and cultural models and stereotypes

3. Education and cultural identities representation

4. Palestine as a paradigm of education (this last point we did not really

have the time to explore it better...)

5. Education for critical thinking

6. Education and media (see email)

In terms of activities that could be proposed for the October WEF, we

thought of the following things that could be developed:

- Public art events finalised to processes of re-appropriation of spaces and

elements of the landscape (such as the wall and check points) that are

connected to occupation

- Creative recycling workshops where remains of demolitions are used and

transformed in innovative and creative ways

- Art performances of different types (street drama, theatre plays, concerts


- Art installations (such as the displacing of big transparent key-like

container in different places, inviting people to fill them with their old

keys, and representing symbolically the right to return)

- Lectures, Seminars and/or Workshops on the rehabilitation of local

traditional architectural heritage

- Lectures, seminars and workshop on local traditional and operational

knowledge and oral heritage

We also discussed the possibility of organising an art performance involving

all the persons actively participating to the WEF.

generally speaking, we stressed the importance of building from now an

ongoing process, involving local schools; that should not stop after the

WEF, but o the contrary should be continued dynamically on the ground.


Subthemes suggested by Working Group II



Theme 3: Education for liberation, emancipation and social change


-        Education as a tool to liberation from colonization and occupation

-        Education as a tool for liberation from coercive power, totalitarian and

authoritarian regimes

-        Radical approaches to social change

-        Freedom and independence of teachers

-        Maternal and paternal education

-        Education and power relations within societies/Power relations reflected

in the learning process

-        Education in the Military and its impact on society

-        Non-formal peer to peer education for political prisoners

-        Right and access to education under occupation

-  Citizenship education under occupation

-  Promoting sites for political education


With a view to the PalestinianTerritories:

-        Education in Palestine as a tool for resilience and resistance

-        Emancipation of Palestinian women in the struggle against occupation



Theme 4: Education and Neoliberalism

-        Public private partnerships in education

-        Financing of education between state and market

-        Education or Employability Skills?

-        Neoliberal restrictions to right and access to education?

-        Neoliberal principles of education: survival of the fittest or

empowerment of the disandvantaged?

-        Freedom and independence of teachers

-        Education through media

-  Education and the economy of knowledge

- IFI (international financial institutions), GATs


With a view to the PalestinianTerritories:

-        Neoliberal changes in education in Palestine






Self organized:


Science of climate change

Education for Eco-Socialism

Sustainable development or sustainable communities?

Access to energy


Organized by organizers:


Question of land and water: Lecture, workshop, film (Hydrology group)

Occupation, destruction and pollution: Jamal Juma and Jad Ishaq







Self organized:


Psycho-social needs of children in conflict and occupation

Education under siege and wall

Education and educational right of political prisoners

Education for peace and justice - Citizenship for peace with justice – Citizenship under occupation? Demystifying “peace”



Organized by organizers:


Education in Jerusalem

Controlling content and process of school education





Social movements from secularism to religion

Religious tools of oppression and liberation

Education as an open space for both religion and secularism

Uses and abuses of religion in international policy


GROUP 6 Popular and conventional education

What is conventional education ?

Imposed education or participative education

Alternative social movements and pedagogy

Popular education as a form of civilian resistance


Cross-cutting themes :

- Educational institutions  « formal and non-formal education »

- Teaching and learning methods

- Gender

- Age

- Invite diverse views and opinions

[10:53:52] Marjon: open for discussion

[10:54:00] Martina P.M.: I've seen these  I just wanted to know what's the agenda today, thanks

[10:55:00] Marjon: thursday we have chosen 7 big themes with the whole group and then they divided into groups, thinking about sub-themes for the larger theme challenge discussion

[10:55:46] Marjon: now they are discussing challenges

quality check

[10:55:49] Marjon: how is sound/image? can you follow?

[10:55:56] Martina P.M.: sound comes and goes

[10:55:58] Marjon: later on funding

[10:56:04] Marjon: then work plan and strategies

[10:56:05] Pierre: marjon i heard someone speaking of skype ...just now

[10:56:19] Marjon: we will finish around 14:00 or 15:00 our time

[10:58:58] Martina P.M.: thanks dear :)

[10:59:21] Pierre: seems  the cahllenge conversation here is also about the connections between the various venues .. and how to link the various venu organizeing commitees

[10:59:27] Marjon: you're welcome

expanded group inputs

[11:00:38] Marjon:

 Pierre George: education through intercommunication  with others


Dan : Theme: Arts, Culture and Identity

- arts as pedagogical languages (of learning and transformation) in teacher education

- arts in conflict transformation

- arts and decolonization of the mindful-body


Theme: Environment, Ecology and Nature

- architecture as an eco-pedagogical dimension


Soraya and Ciranda

education for the democratization of communication; 

the education for the right to communicate, and; the education for the 

construction of new ways of communicating.

[11:00:47] Marjon: these are the inputs I got from you  (expanded participants)

[11:01:04] Pierre: here we are :)

taking notes?

[11:03:13] Pierre: is helena taking minutes today also ?

arrival of Fida – fida on challenges

[11:04:42] Fida: This is fida from ITtijah joining now

[11:04:50] Marjon: hello fida this is marjon

[11:04:58] Fida: HI marjon

[11:05:08] Pierre: Hi fida ...

[11:05:19] Fida: Hi everyone Is the discussion about the themes or the financial issues?

[11:06:01] Pierre: it is about challenges

[11:06:07] Marjon: now they are speaking about funding

[11:06:15] Pierre: participation challenge, funding challenge ,

[11:06:51] Fida: There are major issues on this level

[11:07:26] Pierre: (clap) applauding hao ran foundation  too

[11:07:28] Martina P.M.: Hi Fida, this is Martina from Italy, Un ponte per... NGO

[11:09:45] Fida: Participation challenges include:

1. How organized the whole technical support, learning experience from the IC secretariat on this level.

2. Themes should as well address education on all levels as I saw mentioned in the discussion earlier

3. education through all means of expression and addressing challenges such as political environment in conflicting areas

Are you following?

[11:14:37] Pierre: yes

[11:16:06] Fida: There are local challenges.. Focus on identity and education is a very important point; those who attended the meeting in PAlestine 48 yesterday were able to closely identify that

Youth and education; themes on culture can be relevant as sub titles.

organizing in Palestine 48 – political context paper

[11:21:18] Martina P.M.: Fida, may I ask something about organizing the events in Palestina 48 areas?Will Israeli anti-occupation groups be involved in the organization?There was a dicsussion about normalization on thrusd but I didn't really understand how things are set up now

[11:22:38] Fida: I think that the political context paper will answer to all those issues

[11:23:21] Martina P.M.: At the moment do you personally feel that there is willingness to include them or not?

 [11:27:18] Fida: Of course there is a difference between Israeli groups. The politicla context paper defines all limits

[11:27:36] Fida: Hello dan

[11:27:51] Martina P.M.: is the political context paper already available? sorry, I guess I missed it

about youth

[11:28:00] Dan : and fida, IDEA proposed youth-led participation too, on thursday

[11:28:13] Fida: not in its final versionwill be issued soon

[11:28:31] Martina P.M.: ok

[11:28:35] Fida: yes, youth is really important on that level

[11:28:52] Dan : there are some remarkable examples of youth-led transformation in and outside schools, in north of irleand, new orleans, soweto...

[11:29:40] Dan : marjon presented our proposals to vinod but i see no evidence of the presence of youth (or micro-technologies of communication) in any of the themes or sub-themes

[11:31:07] Marjon: ok dan, we will take this into consideration, i added it to the list of the expanded participants inputs

[11:31:36] Dan : ok, thanks

follow up discussion  on themes  - expanded participants inputs not included as seminar inputs

[11:28:58] Marjon: feroz suggests that we will add your comments to the sub-themes document, and send it to you by email as to have a discussion about it through email after this meeting

[11:29:23] Fida: Are you addressing me here?

[11:29:30] Marjon: no, everybody we are having a group chat here

[11:29:37] Fida: yes great. let us do that by email

 [11:31:31] Marjon: i'm going for 5 min

 [11:32:03] Dan : can you revive that list which went to the small group?

[11:32:23] Marjon: what do you mean? i am adding all inputs from you to one doc

[11:32:48] Dan : thanks

[11:32:55] Marjon: i will put this info together in the doc of sub-themes

[11:32:55] Pierre: ( just a formal comment : in this theme discussion we as epxanded participants have not (yet)  been considered as  live partiicpants ...)

[11:33:48] Pierre: we are invited to circulate our inputs by mail for further discussion . our inputs have not been revised live as was done for the outocme of the groups that effectivey where in ramallah, : this is just where we are now ...we are able to listen , but our inputs are not  (yet) considered as seminar inputs

more inputs in the online  group

[11:34:53] Martina P.M.: I have a subtheme to add in Theme 3 (Education for liberation, emancipation and social change): International cooperation between educational and research institutions and academic boycotts as a tool for resistance

[11:35:37] Martina P.M.: do you think it fits there? or is there a reason why academic boycott hasn't been explicitly mentioned?

[11:36:05] Fida: I think that the culture of boycott itself should be introduced ; not only on the level of academic boycott, but boycott as a tool for education against occupation

[11:36:13] Martina P.M.: true!

[11:36:38] Dan : agreed!

[11:37:05] Dan : marjon, can you also ask someone to explain the 'arts as pedagogic and aesthetic languages'? using the term 'arts' is too vague and just reinforces their marginalization and mystification. they need to become a foundation of education, not a discipline!

[11:37:21] Fida: yap

[11:38:03] Dan : this impacts on all dimensions of social life, professions, family and community capacity (development of the imagination, capacities to mediate/transform etc)

[11:38:18] Dan : and development of participatory democracy

[11:54:41] Martina P.M.: Marjon, I don't know if you saw it above, there was the suggestion to add two subthemes in Theme 3 (Education for liberation, emancipation and social change): International cooperation between educational and research institutions and academic boycotts as a tool for resistance; Culture of Boycott as a tool for education against occupation

[11:55:26] Pierre: martina : as an expanded partiicpant... your inputs needs to be valided through mailing list discsusion and are not considered as live inputs  that is were we stand now if i understand well what marjon said

[11:56:06] Marjon: yes this is how we thought doing it

[11:56:17] Martina P.M.: ok, so I'll send it through email anyway, do you think Theme 3 is where they fit? i added this suggestion for theme 3 in the document

second class participants

[11:56:42] Pierre: which mean we are yet second class  partiicpants  :)

[11:57:54] Marjon: ooo i hope you don't feel like this about it, we thought it would be more practical and efficient

[11:58:48] Martina P.M.: for me perfectly fine :)

[11:59:01] Pierre: well i am making that point  becasue i think we were not very far from being a 6th or 7th group on thursday only we were not conscious of it  and did not claim for being considered as such

[11:59:03] Dan : i'm fine!

[11:59:36] Dan : i feel our proposals are reaching the debate

[11:59:41] Pierre: of course ..there is no deep problem .  but i just mention that it could happen like this in a next edition

[12:00:06] Pierre: "breaking to work group " could iinclude also working group of expanded partiicpants

[12:00:33] Martina P.M.: yes, pierre's idea makes a lot of sense, let's keep it for next time

[12:00:44] Marjon: OK

[12:00:50] Pierre: we are in a learning process...


mustapha bargouthi address

 [11:44:36] Marjon: marjon again here mustapha barghouthi arrivedhe will speak to us

[11:45:25] Marjon: is everything ok on ustream (sound and image)?

[11:45:43] Pierre: no it is off air ah now it is back on air

[11:46:48] Dan : i have good reception

[11:49:59] Marjon: pierre, how is the connection now, still the same?

[11:50:06] Pierre: very good

[11:50:13] Dan : fine

[11:50:14] Marjon: ok

[11:50:14] Pierre: listeining the adress and taking notes (is anyone taking notes today in ramallah ?)

[11:50:39] Marjon: yes we will send it to you after the meeting

[11:50:58] Pierre: thks

work plan  definition – marjon leaving the on line group (problem!)

 [11:59:55] Marjon: now allam jarrar will lead the discussions about the strategiesi will show the workplan notes now on the big screen in the meeting hall i won't be able to chat further, but will check it later

[12:06:29] Pierre: it would be very important to have someone  conveying our inputs now  for the working plan  - who is our ambassador ?

about the terme expanded

[12:04:35] Dan : (pierre, i wonder if the term 'expanded' should be replaced with something like 'policentric' (which the WSF used a few years back) or 'distance participation? 'expanded', particularly in places like palestine, does still imply a centre, and communication outwards)...

[12:04:57] Pierre: we can discuss this ....we still have time to polish our concepts in the palestine case  we are maturing

 [12:06:33] Dan : sure...

 [12:28:04] Dan : bye everyone, i'll reconnect later

working plan wip  first glimpses

[12:35:16] Marjon: WORK PLAN – STRATEGIES

1. Organizational aspects

• How will national and international members cooperate ?

• How to organize the Forum on the local level

2. What would be the program : how to organize the events

3. Communication

4. Financial issues : fees, how to get international players to support the event

5. Mobilization issue : how to work in order to involve organizations

6. Other related matters : need of legal aid committee that can deal with issues of visas, border, possible harrassments, planning how to overcome possible problems (travelling, etc.).

Create document which will be signed by all participating organizations. Create national preparatory committee.


March : outreaching and develop political process.

- Informing all the organizations (NGOs, CBOs), big meeting with the Teachers Union in order to outreach

- internal communication : outreaching

- National committee : where will the secretary be ? Who is working daily, weekly, monthly on the Forum  and on which topic are they working ? Who are the volunteers ? Who is the team basically. Identifying tasks, roles and responsibilities. Financial and administrative issues.

- Develop registration forms.

- Media committee should work on the communication and specifially the website.

- National preparatory committee : needs to be documented , name all members of the networks, clarify the structure. The political process needs to be clarified. Political inclusion and work on the ground.

- Specify when meetings will be held.

- Launch website  by the end of March. Define themes as to be published on the website.



- Discussions about locations: halls, how many events per location.

- Policy of registration : fees

- Put sub-committees in place + put them on the website




- Website should be ready.

- Registration should be open end of May.

- Locations : half of May

- Mexico IC

- Education and culture Forum meeting

- Themes (thematic axes) finalized



- 21, 22 : US social Forum


- 17-23 : Education and arts in Belém, Brazil


- Americas Forum in Paraguay





Main questions – working points

- When will registration start ?

- Identify speakers, program (at a later stage of the organization)



[12:35:25] Marjon: this is what we came up with so far

[12:35:32] Marjon: work plan

expanded agenda can be inserted in working plan

[12:36:20] Pierre: marjon :

inside this working plan we could input menting of  expanded aspect and video interlinking of venues  the palestine outreach meeting in april (?) could be a landmark for this effort mastering expansion issues

  tell paola  - when is next break

[12:39:00] Martina P.M.: whoever is in Ramallah, can you please tell Paola (Italian girl) that I'll call her during the next break at her mobile? and by the way when is the next break?

[12:42:09] Marjon: ok i'll tell her i don't know exactely

[12:42:23] Martina P.M.: thanks

 [13:01:56] Martina P.M.: connection is off, is there a break now?

[13:06:35] Pierre: is back with echo sound is with echo

[13:07:00] Ahmad: am trying i just refreshed the page and back to boradcast again

[13:09:37] Pierre: sound is good now

[13:10:03] Ahmad: the problem in the internet connection


issue of expanded commitee

[13:01:14] Pierre: media and communitation subcmmitee, and also maybe "expanded" subcommittee which is different than media



work plan follow up

[13:26:00] Marjon: we will update this work plan and send it to you

[13:28:30] Martina P.M.: ok, thankyou!

[13:28:51] Pierre: thanks

list of attendees including expanded participants

[13:29:05] Martina P.M.: I'd appreciate if you included in the list of attendees those who attended online and participated in the skype chat

[13:29:44] Pierre: that is another token for inclusion of epxanded aprticipant in the seminar  ;)

[13:37:35] Fida: the plan is to be circulated to all of us in order to review.

[13:38:00] Pierre: fida are you in the meeting also or somewhere else? i mean in ramallah

[13:42:25] Fida: no. I am in the north But I am following up on line

[13:48:56] Marjon: hello all, thank you for your participation we will send you all the documents today after fine-tuning them bye bye

 [13:49:47] Rita Freire: Thanks Marjon

[13:49:58] Martina P.M.: bye! and thanks

[13:50:01] Marjon: it was my pleasure

conversation Fida and Pierre

[13:49:31] Pierre: before ou go marjon  we are talking with fida about the need to grow expereience of expanded participation i guess things are  much more concrete for us now : :)

[13:50:30] Marjon: we will talk later for sure!! : now i need to eat, ciaoooo

[13:50:38] Pierre: so we can only improve as a team  ciaooooo

[13:50:42] Fida: yes. bon appetit

[13:51:28] Marjon: sure salamat!

[13:51:54] Fida: just to make sure thatr we wii get the info to follow up on

arrival of Mishel – meeting with martina – encounter in the online group

[14:53:38] Mishel Remacka: hello,

[14:56:55] Mishel Remacka: marion r u there marjon, i'm waiting give me a sign...it's lidra

 i'm the sustainability frontiers representative today I read all your comments and summaries, sounds amazing, well done. I would like to add or clarify the label that your group 7 used ...social changes. to avoid any misreading the best one is socila justice

[15:11:09] Martina P.M.: hi Mishal, the meeting in Ramallah is over this is martina from Italy we agreed that we can send suggestions and comments by email

[15:11:44] Mishel Remacka: I 'm so sorry, it's any other time that i can participate

[15:12:23] Martina P.M.: no problem, in any case suggestions from us would be formally taken into account only if sent by email

[15:12:31] Martina P.M.: so that everyone can read them

[15:12:57] Mishel Remacka: OK then

[15:13:05] Martina P.M.: where are u now? which country?

[15:13:49] Mishel Remacka: Canada, representative of Sustainability Frontiers I would like to suggest to the education group the importance of sustainability education that covers all  kind of education that are already mention at your meeting, also it is very important to consider social justice, environmental education and climate change education

[15:30:06] Martina P.M.: I agree please send this to the email addresses of the Advisory Committee, I'm doing the same now with my suggestions

[15:30:41] Mishel Remacka: hwo about you MArtina where are u right now

[15:31:01] Martina P.M.: Italy, Pisa. We also had a representative in Ramallah see you in palestine at the WEF, inshallah :) you'll read more bout my ngo in the email I'm sending now

[15:31:44] Mishel Remacka: I think I met her in Novemeber 09 in ramallah

[15:32:32] Martina P.M.: let me check if I included your address... what's your email?

[15:32:44] Mishel Remacka: please, also you can check out our site www.sustainabilityfrontiers.org

[15:32:53] Martina P.M.: ok, will do!

[15:33:30] Mishel Remacka: my email is

[15:33:39] Martina P.M.: (y)

[15:33:46] Mishel Remacka: piace parlare con te

[15:34:05] Martina P.M.: piacere mio ciao!

[15:35:19] Mishel Remacka: stay communicada Martina, e bella fine settimana

[17:20:17] Pierre: well that is another encounter in our expanded seminar rool  :)