• wsfcafefsm ottawa medialivestreaming

Wiki modificadas recientemente August 26, 2014 por facilitfsm

WSF Cafe FSM |

 invitation  wsfcafefsm ottawa  | invitation  wsfcafefsm ottawa fr   | participant profile in skype conversation room 

café narrative   |  topics- sujets in café    |   pad with participants comments on videos |   chatlog in skype room


 censing of recorded  VIDEO BY ALTERNATIVE MEDIA 


99% media - 99%Media's stream is visible here  www.99media.org

here is our tentative schedule ( about 12 workshop livestreamed and 3 assemblies)  



Rabble.ca live video will appear http://rabble.ca/rabbletv

 The PSF asked rabble to video stream the major plenaries and some of the assemblies, so we are focusing on that.Our website is rabble.ca

 ON thursday we'll be livestreaming  opening remarks at 12:30 and Naomi Klein's speech. The beginning of the rally.  The rally as it arrives on Parliament Hill at 4PM on the 21st, and then the speakers on Parliament Hill.  

censing of recorded videos form SELF ORGANIZED EXTENSION  check here:  
