• wsfextended act355 fearlesscities final plenary en

last modified June 11, 2017 by facilitfsm

I (to be corected  a lot of revereration )


f I talk too fast – will talk in English –am going trying   into some focus around  ?  - things   strength ,   just as good to learn from our mistakes and  it si to  recognize our successes  - highlight  in present era  phrasing we  are  using in Jackson  -  seru track  ,  thinking that our forces   left progrssive  forces  can make … and do so in such a way that     we can take the state and we mean  transform  -  without transforming society t we say   that it is a false premise  - first and foremost  transform society  from the bottom up  in a participatory , history everywhere , were you look at , great  transformative experiment comes from the bottom ,  and what we have seen  time and time again in the last  50 years 

1/ the welfare state is undermined- almost virtually destroyed   US  never was fully implemented,  but  here in Europe,  had one   and what is being  put at its place  -is the capital  determine   by those who    eand  and everybody , world banks   so these are the  partake  in restructuring and in  in building a new platform  a new model -  most of you –that is  direct contact with your neighbor , with people In your neighborhood   and  you can find out  what  are their hopes and desires,  dreams  and together  you can figure out   how to organize for what you want    ,   … irrational or rationale  ,   there is certain notions that  might ahve to confront in your  community  racism; sexism, xenophobia  is more  the local  level  -their  belief  and create   ……,   force that build   the model of municipal hits municipal peace – we are   switch   99 and  this is  new experiment     new form of organizing  - particularly   after  -  I believe  thinking of  new ways for practicing democracy, first and foremost in  1994  ,  in Europe, in  Latin America   ,   London constant  trying    after living   from the bottom  , practicing   from below,  use the lessons ,  how do we  not only   everything  control of the democrats bu use as a platform  -  genuine practice    is emerging  democracy  - this   what people  and we  bring this  to you this is what we think ,  that is really being bullt -  adn for us nation state exist   almost everywhere  an old ..;   inheritance which increasingly  come to anti democratic    who has actually   communities  adn make themselves  more and more  in  USA  .. in Europe ,  more and more resistent  , but  there is  critical wills,   there are more people  now on earth that  live in cities than in rural area;  this is a   relatively   news human  phenomenon  ,  works in our benefit , but we have to orgnazie ourselves   foces,  who want  dictate us,  turism,  or finance  ,  you can afford  being in cities and reconstitute  the majority,which wil supersedes this old structures solidarity for each other   -    this conference , the future   global transform     we want  a much better   than we inehreit  to make sure   that we give  ;.  Future is really not ;.let see to it .  


Kurdistan / Which goes beong    we must estalibh our system or self govern We call it I kurdistance  democratic autonomy,  we are fighting for the whole of middle east ,   against capitalys modernity and mentality for a democratic modernet ,   we think it is still possible  to realize  a wmen liberate radically   demcocaric  communical and ecological revolution   thank you  -

Toulouse  /  thre years ago  - 35% of the votes, but not the seats  majority  not based on proportionality   that was   first time in  such a platform      to keep on  Toulouse . am part of the  platform  - …. We really had no options