• wsf2012 continuity between events

Wiki modificadas recientemente December 22, 2011 por facilitfsm


french version     spanish version

logofsm2010.jpg Continuity in dialogues  in various activities held in successive events 


Along WSF calendar is a succession of events of different themes and scales  

It is possible to build continuity in the dialogues held in activities of same networks in successive events,

Continued dialogue allow steps forwards in understanding in planning  etc..

Continuity can be given by the presence in those events of a same group of people,  it can be also given by the cross remote participation  in enlarged activities ( allowing  remote participation, producing also a video and text memory of the participants interchanges 


At event level , organizers can set up stands where to develop relationships between participants in sucessive events (see contribution on this  from within methodology commission)

Networks can plan  to develop enlargement of their successive activities in successive events  and build among their participants a growing understanding of the relevancy of remote participation ,