• wsf2012 support organization

last modified January 4, 2012 by facilitfsm

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 Contact -  Invitation 2012 -  WSF2012 Calendar - Past events - Interact in OEspaces - With Commissions - Tasks

logofsm2010.jpg organisation and Possible operation of mailing lists

Orientation is to start with team list only and differentiate into other lists according to needs  and clarity of focus of tasks

Working party

The group welcomes support of  WSF Office ( bulletin )  and  other people like Gus /strategy commission   wsf2012 support -team mailing list

The group is open to members of IC and commissions and to participants related to various areas of the world , so they can identify events more relevantly  N America L America  Europe Russia West and East Africa Middle East South asia, East asia Australia

Mapping other dates and scenarios than WSF related events  may need a 2012 scenario map mailing list

The group will coordinate with the organizers of next ic meeting in amed /diyarbakir  :may need a wsf2012 support -IC prep contact mailing list

The group will bein contact with organizers of fsmm and forum of forums, and this may need a wsf2012 support- main events contact mailing list

Facilitation group

Group facilitation starts with those who decided to start the group Hernan Jason Pierre Samir : may need a: wsf2012 support-facilitation mailing list

Communication with past  and identified wsf process event organizers :

Based on  team members knowledge

Past and upcoming Event organisers are subscribed  in the agora  space mailing list , then proposed to go into a thematic mailing list when a sufficient number is reached  see themes-

Wider Communication to upcoming event organizers  and invitation to participation in wsf2012 process

Done issuing a widely circulated invitation    WSF bulletin might be used to circulate it

Communication with IC and commission members willing to be supporting

Presentations from IC members 

idea is to maintain a specific pool of IC members ready to come to some events and present the global process, this may need a  wsf process support- ic presenters mailing list  - can be done With expansion and strategy and methodology commission? 

Facilitation of OE spaces 

IC or commission members can regulate/coordinate their OE space facilitation moderation action in  wsf process support -OE space facilitation mailing list  

Global relation with media on wsf2012

a  wsf process support -media relation

mailing list  can be started with communication commission  , focusing on global visibility of wsf 2012