• WG about future

point of order/cuestion de proceso (traduccion/translation)

from Giuseppe Caruso on Aug 14, 2012 11:51 AM
es posible de pedir la ayuda de traductores (babels) asi que cada uno pueda
escribir en el idioma que escoja?

is it possible to ask translators' help (babels) so that each of us can
write in the language one chooses?


thank you francine and chico i read both papers with great attention, so
much to discuss...
gracias a francine e chico, lei los dos ensayo con gran atencion, hay mucho
para discutir...

Dr. Giuseppe Caruso
Post-Doctoral Researcher
Erik Castrén Institute of International Law and Human Rights - University
of Helsinki
PO Box 4 (Yliopistonkatu, 3)
00014 Helsinki - Finland
email: giu.caruso@...
tel. +358 9191 23525
Mobile: +358 (0) 44 2222 848

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