Dear Wilhermina

we are with you in solidarity
and with all the workers of striking mine

we are sure that social justice will be on the road of this fundamental struggle

In solidarity

gustave massiah
representative of CRID at the IC of WSF

Le 21/08/2012 16:51, Wilhelmina Trout WMW a écrit :
Dear Gina
my sincerest apologies for not being present these past days in these discussions, after my last task of sending you my notes.  Thank you for taking over & carrying the load. 
I am sure you, with the rest of the world, witnessed the recent killings of striking mine workers at the Lonmin Mine here in Marikane, it has shocked the world & here in South Africa we are trying to come to grips with the loss of lives and to make sense of this brutality.
But for now I will follow the discussions & continue participating actively in the group shortly.
In solidarity

On 20 August 2012 22:41, gina vargas <> wrote:
 dear friends, I am sending some ideas in attachment. Please respond as soon as posible

amig@s, estoy enviando algunas ideas en el docuemtno anexado; por favor respondan pronto


2012/8/19 Francine Mestrum <>

(Inglès: ver abajo)


Muchisimas gracias Gina por todo el trabajo!

Es muy interesante tu document, pero me preocupa las pocas reacciones que suscita.


Me pregunto si no podria ser por la formulacion de tus dos propuestas:


-          El protocol

-          El plan de trabajo

Yo no estoy muy segura de entender correctamente lo que quiere decir. El protocol: se trata de establecer las ‘reglas del juego’ de nuestro grupo?

Y el ‘plan de trabajo’: las distintas tareas con las responsabilidades?


No me parece Buena idea de divider el trabajo en distintos grupos, seria una fragmentacion mas, es algo que tenemos que evitar.


En cuanto a CI o grupo de trabajo: pienso que Chico y Liege tienen razon. Por un lado, porque tener un grupo de trabajo si mandamos todas las infoirmaciones a todos/todas? Por otro lado, pienso que los miembros del CI tienen una necesidad/voluntad de expresar sus frustraciones, seria un ejercicio de ‘catarsis’, pero van a hacerlo por escrito? Eso lo dudo …


Quizas que en primer lugar todos los miembros del grupo tendrian que mencionar cuales puntos piensan que tienen que ser discutidos?

Quizas trabajar con un cuestionario?


No sé si esas reflexiones pueden ayudar a progresar …


Esperando las noticias.





Thank you very much Gina for all the work done.

Your document is very interesting, though I am worried about the lack of reactions …

I woner if it could be linked to the working or your two proposals:

-          Protocol

-          A working plan

I am not sure I understand them well. Protocol: do you think of the ‘rules of the game’ our working-group has to follow and respect?

Working plan: do you think of a list of different tasks with responsibilities?


I do not think it would be a good idea to split up in different sub-groups, this would me even more fragmentation, something we have to avoid, I think.

Concerning IC and/or working-group: I think both Chico and Liege are right. On the one hand, it is no use to have a working group if all messages go to the whole of the IC. On the other hand, I think there also is a need for all members of the IC to espress their frustrations, it coule be a kind of ‘catharsis’, though I am not sure they will do this in writing …


Maybe the first thing to do is ask all members of the working-group to send a list of points they think will have to be discussed with priority?

Maybe we should work with a questionnaire?


Well, I do not know if these reflections are going to help …


Waiting for more news,



Van: gina vargas []
Verzonden: 15 August 2012 14:01
Onderwerp: [WG about future] Re: confirmando que funciona


Querid@s amigos, aca va una propuesta para continuar nuestro trabajo. Espero sus comentarios y propuestas para avanzar.

Dear friemnds, here I am sending a proposal to see how we can continue working.  Waiting for your comments and propsals to began to work.

the traslation to english have been done in google; although I have correct it, I am not sure that is good englsi. Maybe some of you that know both can check?


2012/8/12 gina vargas <>

Hola gentes, a sugerencia de Pierre, nos comunicaremos a traves de
esta lista. Esta es una prueba para ver si esto funciona.

Dear friends , Pierre sugests that we comunicate through this list.
This is a prove to see if it functions.



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