• mexico18 input5.5

last modified December 21, 2018 by facilitfsm

WSF IC - FSM CI |  |  inputs in or after CImexico18   


PHM also created this for people to leave tributes for Amit:


Amit Sengupta died today, in the Goa sea.
So tragic, so sad. So terribly sad.
Hugs and solidarity

Really terrible! 
We will continue his commitment !



very sad indeed. He was humanity doctor dedicated and I remember him clearly 
in the movement.Our condolences from Tanzania-Zanzibar


So sad! Amit was a very good comrade.



Dear Friends, 
It is with much sadness that I share this tragic news about the loss of our dear friend, comrade and IC member from India, Dr. Amit Sengupta of the People’s Health Movement. Amit died today in a swimming accident in India. 
Below is PHM’s tribute to Amit.
With much sadness and with love to you all,

Caros companheiras e companheiros,
E com muita tristeza que eu escrevo pra compartilhar issa notícia trágica do morte de nosso querido amigo, companheiro e membro do CI de Índia, o Dr. Amit Sengupta do Movimento pela Saúde dos Povos. Amit morreu em um acidente de natação hoje.
Aqui abaixo o homenagem do MSP sobre Amit.
Com muita tristeza y com muito carinho pra tudos vocês,

People's Health Movement (PHM) tribute: Dr Amit Sengupta
It is with extreme sadness that we announce the passing away of our dear comrade Dr. Amit Sengupta, a beloved colleague, friend, mentor and activist.  Amit passed away on 28 November 2018, in a swimming accident in Goa, India.
Amit was a founding member of PHM at its creation in 2000 in Savar, Bangladesh.
Trained as a medical doctor, Amit dedicated his life to the struggle for universal access to health, and worked on issues related to public health, pharmaceuticals policy and intellectual property rights. He led several research projects in the area of public health and medicines policy, and was associated with several civil society platforms and networks, including the All India People’s Science Network. He was the Associate Global Coordinator of People’s Health Movement (PHM) and coordinated the editorial group of the Global Health Watch and the WHO Watch. He was the Co Convenor of Jan Swasthya Abhiyan (JSA), the Indian Chapter of PHM. He wrote regularly for journals and newspapers across India and the world.
Amit played a key role in the recently concluded People’s Health Assembly in Dhaka where more than 1400 people from around 73 countries came together to share their struggles and plan for coordinated action for health and social justice.
Amit brought his enormous political, organisational and leadership capacity to PHM. We were privileged to have him as a co-traveller. He leaves us a wonderful legacy: the magic of his life, his intelligence, warmth, honesty, joy, wry humour and his steadfast commitment to a just and equitable world.
The untimely demise of this special comrade and friend is an irreparable loss to all of us personally, Amit’s family and for the broader health movement globally and in India. We offer our condolences and solidarity to Amit’s wife Tripta and son Arijit.  PHM and JSA will continue to carry forward Amit’s vision of strengthening the public health movement towards health for all.
Thank you comrade Amit.
Adios, Red Salute, Laal salaam!
Long Live Amit Sengupta!
People’s Health Movement Steering Council and Global Secretariat
28 November 2018


A website is being set up where people can write in or post their thoughts and tributes to Amit directly


it is a very sad news
Amit was a comrade and a friend
warmly to our community


A Associação Brasileira de ONGs, reunida em Brasília essa semana para um encontro do seu conselho diretor, quer expressar a sua profunda tristeza com a partida do Amit Sengupta. Uma página da história do mundo e do FSM está virada. Amit teve uma contribuição incisiva e determinante para existência e construção do Fórum Social Mundial e destacou-se como uma pessoa excepcional, profundamente humana e fundamentalmente preocupada com a construção de um outro mundo, uma pessoa que contribuiu para o que somos, e principalmente para alimentar as nossas utopias. Expressamos os nossos sentimentos de tristeza e solidariedade para sua família, ao mesmo tempo que celebramos a sua vida. Obrigado, Amit, e adeus! Sua memória e o seu legado permanecem vivos!

The Brazilian NGO Association, in Brasília this week for a meeting of its board, wants to express its deep sadness with the departure of Amit Sengupta. A page of world history and the WSF is upset. Amit made an incisive and decisive contribution to the existence and construction of the World Social Forum and stood out as an exceptional person, deeply human and fundamentally concerned with the construction of another world, a person who contributed to who we are, and especially to feed our utopias. We express our feelings of sadness and solidarity to Amit´s family, while celebrating its life. Thank you, Amit, and goodbye! Your memory and your legacy remain alive!
It is very very sad. We all loved him so much. Solidarity with his 

family and all Indian friends. Chico 


We of Ciranda had deep respect and admiration for the person of Amit, and we greatly felt his loss. With sadness, we ask you to express our condolences to his family  Here, you find the PHM  tribute reproduced on the WSF 2018 website,  with an introductory line also expressing condolences from IC members


Nós da Ciranda tínhamos profundo respeito e admiração pela pessoa de Amit e sentimos imensamente sua perda.  Com tristeza, pedimos que transmitam nossas condolências à família. Aqui o tributo de PHM reproduzido no site do FSM 2018, com linha introdutória expressando também condolências de membros do CI. https://wsf2018.org/en/english-in-memory-of-dr-amit-sengupta/


Sorry to know the bad news. Sincere condolence to friends and family. 

regards Uddhab

http://www.alterinter.org/spip.php?article4699  Feroz


O CLACSO e a FLACSO se somam às mensagens enviadas para Amit Sengupta
Amit teve uma contribuição incisiva e determinante para existência e
construção do Fórum Social Mundial.
Amit made an incisive and decisive contribution to the existence and
construction of the World Social Forum.
Toda nossa solidariedade para a família e amigos.

Eu, pessoalmente quero lamentar esta perda pois o FSM deixará de ter
um grande parceiro, companheiro e facilitador dos processos que
construímos até aqui. Registro que perdemos um amigo querido e um
animador ímpar. As diferenças sempre foram qualidades e fortalezas
entre nós.
Abraços para a família e amigos



Que pena! So sad.. Wonderful person, dear friend... My love to the family  Gina 


Que pena la perdida de Amit, un gran compañero. Para lxs que tuvimos el privilegio de compartir con él tantos CI, no lo olvidaremos. Un abrazo a su familia y todxs los que compartimos su amistad.
Desde DAWN expresamos mucha pena por su pérdida.

Development Alternatives with Women for a New Era (DAWN)


Terrible ! 

Profondément touché par la disparition soudaine de AMIT. Un pillier du FSM et un homme qui a consacré sa vie à la défense d'un droit fondamental des peuples à la santé et au mouvement People’s Health Movement
Il nous manquera.
Toutes mes profondes condoléances à sa famille, à ses ami-e-s et au mouvement social qui perdent un homme de grande qualité humaine et un homme dévoué aux causes des peuples

We Amit we have lost a great comrade and a good friend. Respect for all what he has done, for how he was.


Sad news ,deep condolences and strong solidarity  for his family and friends . 

What a very sad new! 
Amit was a beautiful human person 
Condolences from Frantz Fanon Foundation to his family and friends

 Thanks, Pierre.

PHM also created this for people to leave tributes for Amit: