Giuseppe, Jason, Com Comand IC friends
(Giuseppe - We're translating your article to share your ideias next little meeting of Ciranda in São Paulo
Also your proposal, Jason.)

I agree that the path we tread is a bit too naive and romantic to the dimension of the WSF. At the same time I don't think this will be resolved chasing every new tool or the mainstream media, but rather seeking to articulate ourselves with creative movements and militant fronts, fighting for the democratization of communication in the world (And expressing it through the communication of the WSF).

How we do it?

The space of the WSF should be appropriate for this debate. Not (just) as a working group but as part of the process.
 I'd like to share the information that we're going to be part of 2 activities in the WSF in order to share ideas about these questions.
One of them is a seminar called by Ritimo and coorganized with some alternative media  (Feb, 8)
Another  will be made with Boaventura (and Intervozes, from Brazil, and FemNet, Africa) and .... , about the shared communication in times of wikileaks (Feb, 9)

Maybe, as Com Com Group, we should identify all the discussions on communication in the WSF and join them. Also disseminate them. How about produce produce a small folder about them?

It would be great a meeting of Com Com before the IC and after general debates on communication.

I'd like to ask your attencion for the Assemblies guidance.

Who is thinking to call something related with communication? We are seriously thinking about
Let's to coordenate each other to build a common calendar (if not a common assembly, and why not?)


On Tue, Jan 18, 2011 at 1:35 PM, Giuseppe Caruso <> wrote:
Jason and Ana

thanks for your comments. For practical reasons I responded to your comments (and others') in the blog, here

very interesting conversation indeed, thanks!

On 18 January 2011 11:23, Jason Nardi <> wrote:
Thank you GIuseppe.  

Your analysis is thought provoking and stimulating and I wish we could have this kind and level of discussion in the WSF (IC and not only).  I think we are stuck in an old counter-hegemonic model that is out of sync with time and with the reality of social movements today.  Not that all the discussions taking place during the forums are not relevant.  It's just the Forum itself which needs to evolve with an organisational effort that really is too tied to traditional civil society forms of meetings and is becoming less relevant for the struggles of today.  Think of what is happening in Tunisia, Iran, China and other countries, where people organise in very difficult context but are able to communicate to the world... if only the world (social forum) would be able to offer a way / space / tools / facilitation to listen and interact.  On converging issues, which are many, building a sense of common effort and strategy.

Communication (not in the sense of information, but certainly not excluding it) is key for all this.  It takes time, but also will..

Anyway, I hope we can have some "converging" moments to discuss these matters in Dakar.

We should al least think of a presential comcom meeting for those that are there (with possibility of joining through the internet) before the International Council.   Who is available to help organise it?


On Mon, Jan 17, 2011 at 9:41 AM, Giuseppe Caruso <> wrote:
dear all,

although i could not make it to the meeting yesterday i wrote something that could be of interest for the communication commission. As always feel free to pass it on if you find it useful. Sorry if it is just in English

See you all soon in Dakar

On 16 January 2011 13:42, Ibrahima FALL <> wrote:
We'll get in touch as soon as possible.
Ibrahima Fall

----- Message d'origine ----
De : nicolas haeringer <>
À :
Envoyé le : Dim 16 janvier 2011, 10h 31min 10s
Objet : Re: [Communication commission discussion] Virtual meeting TODAY at 16.00
Paris time


I won't join the meeting, as I'll on my way to the airport, landing in Dakar
If I can be of any help for the comcom once I'm there, let me know.


Le 16 janv. 2011 à 11:16, Jason Nardi a écrit :

> Dear all
> I'm confirming our meeting today at 4pm.  Imbrahima, Tidiane and others from
>Dakar shoulf be able to join us since they will have just finished the
>organising committee seminar which is taking place this weekend.
> Please make an effort to attend!
> On skype (send me yr skype id if you're not already in)
> cheers,
> Jason
> On Fri, Jan 14, 2011 at 8:46 PM, Mallory Knodel <> wrote:
> Thanks Jason and Dan-
> A total of 4 techies from the US Social Forum will be in Dakar as of this
>weekend (me) and over the next week. We will be in Dakar to support organizing
>efforts leading up to the forum in any way that is useful to Igor and the local
>technology team. If you know of other international techies that will be in
>attendance, you can have them contact me in the event that they would like some
>collaboration and/or join accommodation.
> We look forward to the meeting on Sunday,
> -Mallory
> On 01/14/2011 11:50 AM, Jason Nardi wrote:
>> Dear Dan and all,
>> thanks for this and your previous message!
>> I agree with you and relaunch the proposal of having an online meeting on
>>Sunday -- I would say both the 16th and the 23rd, since there is a lot to
>>discuss.  Perhaps we could do it at 3pm CET (Central European Time - i.e.
>>Paris), which could help people from most of the world to join in.
>> I remind everyone that Judith and the interpreters group is waiting for an
>>answer on needs for interpretation for Communication and Media  (Media center,
>>Press, Radio, etc.).
>> So please, whoever is concerned, give your ideas and proposals as soon as
>> An update from Dakar would also be useful.
>> The international press has prepared a Press Kit which will be circulated very
>> Cheers,
>> Jason
>> On Thu, Jan 13, 2011 at 1:55 PM, dan baron <> wrote:
>> Hi Jason and everyone
>> Sorry for my delay in responding. We're dealing with many pressures here -
>>personal and social - all at once.
>> Thanks for your proposal to meet. I think it's essential we have a virtual
>>meeting before Dakar, and now that your proposal of 6/7 January has passed, what
>>about during a weekend, when more of us may be available? Could we try a Sunday
>>night, for example (16 or 23)? For me, the 16th would be better, and would give
>>us time to act on anything we decide, before Dakar.
>> All the best
>> Dan
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: Jason Nardi <>
>> Date: Tue, Jan 4, 2011 at 11:19 AM
>> Subject: Re: [Communication commission discussion] WSF Media center
>> To:
>> Hi Tidiane,
>> happy new year to you too!
>> Thanks a lot for the update, it looks exciting.
>> I'll consult with Monica about the press kit and get back to you with some
>>ideas and contacts by tomorrow.
>> I think it would be useful to have an online meeting after your meeting on
>>Wednesday.  Maybe on the 6th or 7th?
>> cheers
>> Jason
>> On Mon, Jan 3, 2011 at 11:22 AM, Tidiane Kasse <> wrote:
>> Hi All  and happy new year
>> Some updates
>> 1st point
>> We have identified a place for the press center at Dakar university : it is the
>>Library. We have there :
>> - a room where we 200 journalists or more can fit easily.
>> - 40 individual boxes with computer
>> - 8 rooms (10 people capacity)
>> - two rooms (40 people capacity)
>> - a cofee room
>> - an Internet cafe
>>  - The technical configuration (Infrastructure Networks / Internet / Wireless)
>>is by far the best in the university and we just need two specialized lines in
>>order to increase the flow for radio and Tv, what we intend to do quickly with
>>the IT Department.
>> At UCAD 2, where the International Council took place in november and where
>>some activities will take place, we have also identified a room we can use for
>>press conference. A the room Council took place is also available for the press.
>>As well as the restaurant.
>> 2nd point
>> On january 10th we plan a workshop local press, international press agencies,
>>international press correspondent, media organisations and media networks based
>>in Senegal, in order to prepare the coverage of the WSF.
>> 3rd point
>> We will the discuss the Press Kit during our Wednesday meeting. Can you give
>>some ideas about what you think is important to be part of this press kit ?
>> --
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Nicolas Haeringer
World Social Forum's International Council Resources Commission
skype : nicolas.haeringer


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Dr. Giuseppe Caruso
Post-Doctoral Researcher
Centre of Excellence in Global Governance Research - University of Helsinki
PO Box 4 (Yliopistonkatu, 3)
00014 Helsinki - Finland
tel. +358 9191 23525

Teaching Fellow (on leave)
School of Oriental and African Studies
University of London


To unsubscribe send an email with subject "unsubscribe" to Please contact for questions.


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Dr. Giuseppe Caruso
Post-Doctoral Researcher
Centre of Excellence in Global Governance Research - University of Helsinki
PO Box 4 (Yliopistonkatu, 3)
00014 Helsinki - Finland
tel. +358 9191 23525

Teaching Fellow (on leave)
School of Oriental and African Studies
University of London

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