• 2011movements-fsm discussion

Re: in half an hour

from "Dr. TR. Rojas-D" on Dec 21, 2012 11:46 AM
hi all, the recording of the meeting can be downloaded from this link

and the minutes are here http://titanpad.com/agora99firezneWSF3

there is a lot of productive conversation going on in the list

you are all welcome

On Tue, Dec 18, 2012 at 7:26 PM, mariangela <maciacia50@...> wrote:

> hi in half an hour the meeting is starting
> see you there
> mariangela
> *Call for the third Occupy the WSF Online Meeting – Tuesday, 18th of
> December, 2012 at 19.00 PM GMT*
> From 26-30 March 2013 the World Social Forum (WSF) will take place in
> Tunis. The WSF is a global meeting bringing together civil society
> organisations, social movements and activists to discuss our struggles to
> build another world.
> In the recent meetings of Agora99 and Firenze10+10 a diverse group of
> individuals, active in 15M, Occupy and other horizontal grassroots social
> movements and networks around the globe, started to talk about the
> possibilities to participate in the WSF in Tunisia, recognizing this can be
> the right time and place to come together and share our experiences and
> practices.
> To discuss and organize our participation in the WSF, we started an open
> communication process through regular online meetings and an inclusive
> mailing list which is a space open to a variety of initiatives, gathering
> particularly participants from the various movements mostly emerged
> throughout the year 2011 (Tunisia, Egypt, Senegal, Morocco, Spain Chile,
> Usa, Quebec, etc).
> During the meetings of 30 november and 7  december many proposals have
> been suggested: a series of assemblies  within the official program of the
> WSF, an open space about the future  of our struggles, communication
> skill-sharing workshops, a camp and  caravan in Tunis, and more. In order
> to make our these activities as open and inclusive as possible, we also
> discussed the options of a  solidarity fund for travelling and interactive
> live connection with our  activities in Tunisia.
> The  coming months we will continue to develop these plans. We intend to
> always keep our process open to new people, new proposals, constructive
> criticism and fresh fuel to the fire from all the corners of the world.
> Therefore we warmly welcome your participation in our online meetings
> and/or mailinglist.
> *You can join the mailinglist here:*
> http://openfsm.net/projects/2011movements-fsm-wsf/lists/2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion
> *Our next meeting is:*
> Date: Tuesday, 18th of December, 2012
> Time: 19:00 GMT/UTC
> for other locations please use the time zone converter:
> http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html
> Pad: http://titanpad.com/agora99firezneWSF3 (suggest agenda items here)
> Mumble  is a voice chat Open Source software (works similar to skype but
> is not  a corporate tool). How to download-install-connect the program to
> participate:http://occupytalk.org/article/how-connect-our-server
> *Configuration:*
> Label : Occupii
> Server : occupytalk.org (has to be written exactly as it is)
> Port: 64738
> Channel: Assemblies & Round Tables > OPEN SPACE
> Nickname: Your name/nick
> If you are not familiar with Mumble, please try to test it before the
> meeting starts. We’ll be waiting to help you go through the settings.
> --
> To unsubscribe send an email with subject "unsubscribe" to
> 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion@.... Please contact
> 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion-manager@... for questions.

"Para que el trabajo en equipo sea eficaz, cada uno de sus miembros debe
ser consciente de las motivaciones subyacentes de los demás miembros

El equipo debe trabajar conjuntamente hacia la solución de problemas estudiada
y definida conjuntamente, más que con soluciones predeterminadas.

Los resultados de los equipos de trabajo, ya sean empresas, equipos
deportivos o en otras actividades, dependen en gran medida de la motivación
de sus miembros" (?????)

Doctora por la Universidad de Santiago de Compostela (PhD)
Máster en Gestión de Sistemas Integrados (IMS - SHEQ)
Innovadora Social por el Instituto del Banco Mundial (WBI)
Gijón Toma la Calle <http://www.facebook.com/groups/167907269942762/>
Take the Square International
Peoples Assemblies Network (PAN)

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