• 2011movements-fsm discussion

Re: Finance: options for funding

from Jeza Goudi on Jan 05, 2013 05:07 PM
Don't feel confortable doing it... I don't see the whole process clear
right now

El sábado, 5 de enero de 2013, Daniel Seco escribió:

> No i can't i am very tired, but Vica, Orsan, Jasper, Jeza or others can.
> --- El *sáb, 5/1/13, Suresh Fernando <suresh2323@...<javascript:_e({}, 'cvml', 'suresh2323@...');>
> >* escribió:
> De: Suresh Fernando <suresh2323@... <javascript:_e({}, 'cvml',
> 'suresh2323@...');>>
> Asunto: Re: [2011movements-fsm discussion] Finance: options for funding
> Para: 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion@...<javascript:_e({}, 'cvml',
> '2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion@...');>
> Fecha: sábado, 5 de enero, 2013 17:25
> Daniel - is it possible for you to draft a 500 word or so description of
> what happened in Florence such that we can, collectively, explore if this
> is the right basis for the development of the Story?
> On Sat, Jan 5, 2013 at 5:02 AM, Daniel Seco <dsf_cm@...<http://es.mc1717.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=dsf_cm@...>
> > wrote:
>   Hi, respecting Suresh's email's paragraph below:
> 1) Institutions are not the same as organizations. Some organizations that
> could provide funding are as horizontal as we are (or more, because they
> have tried longer) but decide to put money together to fund initiatives
> they value. And for instance the WSF itself could, perhaps, be happy to
> fund the expenses we would have to pay through them. Precisely by asking
> them for that help we are just asking to have no fees for our process. And
> I think the least we could say on this is not "i don't want money from
> organizations" but what requisites does an organization need for us to
> consider it and for what money.
> 2) Somebody said about keeping money for future projects. I think this is
> not the way to go, although maybe we will obtain more than we need (i don't
> expect so) and then we would need to decide what to do with that money, i
> think we shouldn't aim directly at obtaining more than what we need. If
> this happens, let it be because of bad planning and uncertainity. Think
> that money (or other resources) we obtain will be removed from somewhere
> else, and somewhere that is going to be used for a noble cause, likely.
> 3) About the video, yes, that's right we need a video and a story, i think
> the story must be related with the fact that some of us organized some
> assembly in the streets of Florence during the ESF and liked the results
> and thought that we could provide some value to the WSF too.
> Suresh said:
>   *Crowdfunding and Movement Building*
> I think that, if possible, we should approach as many funding sources as
> possible, That said, in developing the crowdfunding strategy we are
> developing a model that funds movement building activity directly through
> the people... This is to be contrasted with funding movement building
> activity through institutions... Of course, from a flexibility standpoint,
> it makes sense to source funding from as wide a base as possible. It is,
> for example, better to receive $10 * 1000 people as opposed to 1000 * 10
> people.
> --
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> Please contact 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion-manager@...<http://es.mc1717.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion-manager@...>for questions.
> --
> *Suresh Fernando *
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> --
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