• 2011movements-fsm discussion

  • off topic: software for social movements

    from daniseco on Jan 23, 2013 08:01 AM
    Hi everyone, i already asked a few from spain througj whatsapp but i d like input from you guys on this. So today im meeting spme guys to show me the software they've developed for social movements. They have developed something that they are pretty confident its going to be huge change specially for nonprofit organizations. To these and individuals they will let us use it for free but they will make the money charging profit organizations for it. I trust at least one of the two guys, hes the uncle of a friend, hes a self declared ecologist multimillionaire who founded one of spanish leading software companies and i used to teach math to his kids. So my question is: what should we ask for to this software? How should i be evaluating it? What should i look at? Please answer directly to me not to flood this list with this offtopic. The meeting is in 3 hours from now.