• 2011movements-fsm discussion

Re: Post requiring moderation

from "Dr. TR. Rojas-D" on Mar 08, 2013 04:44 PM
Oki, hello my fellows

For what I understtod after reading Hella's messages (reading many times),
 they are willing to print TGS program or calendar or activities along with
the WSF (as part of?) and they need us to send them such material before
March 15 (we have one week)

Dani offered to send the calendar, so it means that we have it (can we
double check and also make sure every one is happy and agrees with what is
in this program?) I say so, because Shawn from NY and Larry from
InterOccupy need to know.

*By tomorrow *we have to answer Hella whether the other 3 activities are
part of our TGS program, Hella also asked where would we like these
activities to be (she asked our opinion), and Orsan answered her but maybe
because of language issues she did not understand (also happened to me).

I would respond short -easy- phrases and also make the question to Hella,
but in 2 separated emails.

*Email one: *subject: Activities related to Indignados

Greetings Hella,
The 3 activities related to our space that you pointed earlier are not
officialy part of our program but it would be advisable to have them close
to our space, we would be thankful if you decide to place them near The
Global Square area.

*Email two:* Question about WSF program printouts

Greetings Hella you requested that we send you the program of The Global
Sqaure activities, please let us know if you will print this program within
the main WSF program or as a separated brochure.

 We would prefer to have our activities printed as part of the program (*Is
this correct? are we all happy with Orsan's request?*), even though we have
not paid for the space. we would like to see this happening.

If any one can translate these messages to French, after we make sure that
there are no objections, I will be grateful. We then can send the messages
in both languages, just in case.

Thanks for you attention!

>  > De: unfoundeyes@...
> > Fecha: 8 de marzo de 2013 01:35:10 GMT+01:00
> > Para: marita <maciacia50@...>, Daniel Seco <dsf_cm@...>
> > Asunto: Re: from Global square
> > Responder a: unfoundeyes@...
> >
> > Hello again,
> > Could you please tell me before saturday,are these activities related to
> > your space, do they ned to be gathered with yours so that we do not put
> them
> > in the wrong space:
> > ajerro Organisation: The People Yes! Network
> > - A l'heure de la crise globale, quelles articulations entre mouvements
> > sociaux, citoyens ( Indignés, Occupy Wall Street, Y'en a marre) et forces
> > politiques de transformation ?
> >  Organisation:  Transform!
> >
> > - Comment collaborer au-delà du FSM ? "Comment stimuler le partage
> durable
> > de connaissances et d'alternatives dans une perspective locale/globale" ?
> > (1/3)
> > raphael canet Organisation:  Les YMCA du Québec / UNIALTE
> >
> >
> > Waiting for your reply
> > Hella
> >
> > De : "unfoundeyes@..." <unfoundeyes@...>
> > À : marita <maciacia50@...>; Daniel Seco <dsf_cm@...>
> > Envoyé le : Jeudi 7 mars 2013 23h16
> > Objet : Re: from Global square
> >
> > Hello Marita and Daniel
> > Mrs Amelie has given me the charge to collect the program of the Global
> > square movements for the WFS in Tunis.
> > If you wish to have it printed witth the Forum program, please to
> provide it
> > before March 15th in order to communicate it in time for printing.
> > Waiting for your reply.
> > Hella
> > ________________________________
> > De : marita <maciacia50@...>
> > À : laylariahi@...; Hella Tunis Tunis <unfoundeyes@...>;
> hamouda
> > <hsoubhi@...>
> > Envoyé le : Mardi 5 mars 2013 13h53
> > Objet : from Global square
> >
> > Hi Layla and everybody from Tunis,
> > we write from Global square
> > Hella participated in the 17th Feb Mumble meeting in order to give us
> some
> > help for the organization of our space and assemblies in Tunes. As you
> know
> > we are individuals linked to the 15M in Spain, Occupy, student
> movements, Yo
> > Soy 132!, T'harrek, Idle No More!, VIA22 and other grassroots movements.
> > During the WSF we would like to collectively create a space to hold daily
> > open assemblies.  On the 27th, 28th and 29th of March 2013 in Tunis OPEN
> the
> > program.
> >
> > After the meeting we held on the 3rd of March
> > http://www.global-square.net/?p=808 we have some questions and logistic
> > problems to solve and we need your help:
> >
> > 1. The most important thing for us is that the assemblies we are
> organizing
> > will be open and free for all.
> > Is there a chance to make this compatible with the structure of the camp
> > where the WSF is taking place?
> > One possibility is that we could held our assemblies outside the
> building of
> > the University in the Open space (*) we would like to organize too.
> > How people could get to this space without paying?
> > Is there a chance to have a different pass for people who are not
> entering
> > the building joining other workshops and keep themselves in the space of
> > Global Square?
> > Any proposal?
> >
> > 2. Could we be reassured that The 3 assemblies (27,28,29th) have
> > translation, sound system and wifi?
> >
> > 3. Is it possible to have this kind of facilities also for the
> assemblies on
> > 26TH? At least the translation?
> >
> > 4. For the open space (*) is it possible for you to suggest a space which
> > doesn't create problem to the WSF and where we could be together, with
> > internet facilities, exhibition, art, meetings,....  Could we have some
> > infrastructure to held exibition, some tables, chairs,...?
> >
> > 5. From the logistic point of view is there any chance for people who
> cannot
> > sleep in a tent to use the University dormitory? Do they have to pay for
> it?
> > And if they have to pay how much will it cost?
> >
> > AND WE INVITE YOU AND ALL TO PARTICIPATE: building this space in the
> forum
> > together is one of our aim, Next meeting, the 9th Global Square Meeting
> will
> > be on Sunday, 17th March, 19:00 GMT, 20:00 CET, 21:00 IST, in Mumble:
> > Occupytalk.org/Assemblies & roundtables/OPEN SPACE.
> > How to join Mumble: http://www.global-square.net/how-to-join/
> >
> >
> > http://www.global-square.net web
> > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TuWKo3J6CKU&feature=youtu.be  video
> > #GlobalSquare in twitter
> > facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Global-Square/545634578791218
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > Archive: http://openfsm.net/[…]/1362732604759
> > To unsubscribe send an email with subject "unsubscribe" to
> > 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion@.... Please contact
> > 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion-manager@... for
> questions.
> >
> >
> > --
> > Archive: http://openfsm.net/[…]/1362751678115
> >
> > To unsubscribe send an email with subject "unsubscribe" to
> > 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion@.... Please contact
> > 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion-manager@... for
> questions.

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