• 2011movements-fsm discussion

about next #p2pWikisprint

from Bernardo Gutiérrez on Mar 12, 2013 05:56 PM
Hello you all

As some of you know, next 20 th P2P Foundation is organizing a big, huge
and distributed Wikisprint to map commons, P2P and open iniciatives.
Iniciatilly it was going to happen in Spain. But now it is going to happen
in the whole Latin America, Italy, Greece and New York. And it is not going
to be just a wikisprint for mapping. It´s gonna be a self coverage
multimedia day, with speeches, streamers, video, remix...

I made a text for P2P Blog in English


We are speaking in Twitter Hashtag #P2PWikisprint

A lot of people of 15M-Spain are inside. It would be nice that Arab Spring,
Occupy, YoSoy132, were inside. Rio Grande do Sul Government (Gabinete
Digital of Porto Alegre) is inside. It would be nice as well to have FSM

We have a press release in a PAD. But we need translators


Any questions...¿?¿?


www.futuramedia.net  <http://www.bernardogutierrez.es>
<http://www.bernardogutierrez.es>@bernardosampa (twitter)
São Paulo +55 11 43044380 (fijo) +55 11 84881620 (celular)
Madrid +34 669 098365

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