• 2011movements-fsm discussion

Re: invitation next mumble meeting?

from Shawn Carrié on Mar 14, 2013 01:46 AM
I'd like to suggest something for the call on Sunday:  It would be great if we could really lay out the path before us and the logistical work that needs to be done, and to set other times for us to rendezvous on Mumble and have 'worksessions' to hammer those tasks out. #------ Original message ------From: Kaylynn StrainDate: 3/13/2013 19:23To: 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion@...;Subject:Re: [2011movements-fsm discussion] invitation next mumble meeting?I will not be available, sorry.  Lo siento, no puedo juntar en la cita.
On Mar 13, 2013 6:12 PM, "Bernardo Gutiérrez" <bernardobrasil@...> wrote:
Hi JasperGreat.  I will try to be on Sunday on Mumble, ok? Global Square is quite important. It would be nice as well you to speak on 20th on our #p2pwikisprint Hang Out about this (Global Square, FSM). I can´t be in Tunis, but virtually, would be a pleasure

BestBernardo2013/3/13 jasper teunissen <jasperteunissen@...>

I think some people offered to make an invitation for the next meeting, coming sunday 17 of march, 19:00 GMT on mumble.
It's getting late.
grts jasper

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