• 2011movements-fsm discussion

  • Re: Conecting the movements: Call from Libertarians from Tunis

    from shawn on Mar 14, 2013 09:50 PM
    Agreed with some of what is said here, mostly the analysis, but I prefer to see for myself and decide my opinion of the World Social Forum and their organizers. I'm very well aware of the critiques that are out there, and if the accusations are true and bad as they say, then I will support them,  but perhaps being young and somewhat naive is a gift at this moment, i want to first try and engage the WSF before abandoning it. For what it's worth, at the US Social Forum conference to plan for 2014, the mood was very strongly critical of these same problems. Maybe the tides are changing?  #------ Original message ------From: Mikifus Date: 3/14/2013 12:05To: 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion@...;Cc: yoss89@...;Subject:Re: [2011movements-fsm discussion] Conecting the movements: Call from Libertarians from TunisThanks for sharing.I don't agree with all of what they say, but the reason I'm not going to Tunis with you all is because I don't want to receive any molotov cocktail from these people while the police is protecting me. I'd prefer to be on the other side though.
    2013/3/14 <tina@...>
    Dear all
    A friend asked me to foreword you following Call from Libertarians/Disobedience Movement from Tunis "The people want the fall of the system".
    Militant regards
    Texte in Arabic, French, English here : www.appelsm.wordpress.com
    World social forum : 26>30 march 2013. Tunis / Program and calendar here
    of the FSM : www.fsm2013.org
    Revolutionaries of the world,
    On the occasion of the World Social Forum which will be held in Tunisia
    during March 2013, we believe that the liberal reformist approach opted
    for by the organizing bureaucracy of the Forum will in no way lead to a
    revolutionary project for the people of the world. Even though the event
    is presented as an opportunity for the revolutionaries coming from all
    corners of the globe to meet, we deem that the ultimate objective, namely
    the collapse of the capitalist system, will not be taken into
    This Forum will take place in a highly critical time in the history of the
    world; social movements and uprisings are sweeping capitalism off its
    feet. Rage against the system does not recognize frontiers and
    geographical taxonomy of East and West. The so-called democratic states
    are as threatened by these risings as the worst dictatorships; the
    question to be examined is what are the driving forces of these revolts
    from Spain to Egypt and from Greece to Tunisia which are jeopardizing the
    capitalist states?
    The economic crisis is not a conclusion made by &#8220;experts&#8221; and professional
    critics of the field, even politicians in power and their oppositions
    admit that they are incapable of putting an end to the outrageous rates of
    unemployment, impoverishment, undernourishment, diseases and pollutions.
    The repetitive discourses delivered through mass-media are only
    encouraging people to adjust to the situation and await resolutions that
    will never come. This proves that the system has resorted to the time-old
    strategies of encroachment and propaganda in order to survive one of its
    many major crises along history. Wherever and whenever implemented, these
    strategies only brought about ravages and precariousness.
    Despite the recurrent scenario of democratic succession to power and
    elections as a means of power distribution between &#8220;left&#8221; and &#8220;right&#8221;,
    &#8220;liberals&#8221; and &#8220;conservatives&#8221; and despite the huge budgets spent to
    organize media campaigns to promote the illusion of &#8220;democratic
    transition&#8221; and &#8220;political liberties&#8221; or &#8220;freedom of expression&#8221;, only
    disillusionment is installed.
    The World Social Forum, which is held and financed by capitalists and
    their affiliates, is nothing but an attempt to convince the victims of the
    capitalist system that the inherent reason behind the economic crisis are
    the so-called &#8220;Neo-Liberalism&#8221;, &#8220;extreme globalization&#8221;, &#8220;financial
    speculations&#8221; and worsening debt which they suggest calls for the one and
    only alternative and that is the reformation of a system which is the
    actual source of these ailments.
    Libertarians of the world,
    The wretched of the earth are rejecting their everyday reality through
    raising and revolting; now they know that union and determination are the
    keys to their own liberation and to the liberation of future generations
    from the grip of capitalism.
    As the wretched and revolutionaries of the world we have to continue the
    insurrection in order to liberate our existence from the deadly claws of
    capitalism. There is absolutely nothing more powerful than our union and
    determination to fight till the last gasp against the oppressive system.
    We boycott and oppose to this Forum not only because we refuse to have
    anything to do with the bureaucratic syndicalist associations organizing
    the event, and because the mere participation in the Forum is equivalent
    to being part in the project of promoting for and installing colonialist
    collaboration and social submission which are cherished by bourgeoisie,
    its media and political mediocrity, but also because we primarily boycott
    every reform movement whether it came from the right or the left.
    We are the allies of social revolution.
    As the crisis is intensifying and is the more felt by the masses we can
    see disobedience movements being born all over the world along with
    incessantly growing uprisings. These different crises have resulted into
    revolutionary movements in different countries like Tunisia, Egypt, Yemen,
    and Bahrain as well as social uprisings in Greece, Spain, Portuguese,
    Island, and even in the United Kingdom and the United States.
    Libertarians of the world,
    This call is ours. It is that of the marginalized, the unemployed
    graduates and non-graduates, the farmers without lands, women without
    voices, the exploited miners, all those that bureaucrats of the WSF
    pretend to represent after excluding them from the organizations of
    debates. Our call is that of disobedient, revolutionaries and of other
    social movements opposed to the capitalist system and authoritarian
    Politicians, media and ideologies,
    Sellers of illusion and fear disguised under their reformist customs who
    are pretending to be against the capitalist system are only a part of this
    very system. We only have to examine the components of this Forum, its
    bureaucratic organization and statements to realize that it does not
    attack the essence of capitalism and that it is nothing but another
    attempt to diminish the rage of the billions of individuals revolting
    against hunger, impoverishment and precariousness chanting but one unique
    &#8220;The people want to fall of the regime&#8221;
    This was the cry the echo of which resonated from Tahrir Square to Wall
    Street, from Athena to Tunis and from Barcelona to Bahrain. This cry
    carried one simple slogan that frightens the retrograde forces which call
    for an accurate articulation of the exact words of the slogan:
    &#8220;The people want the fall of capitalism&#8221;
    Capitalism is the system; a particular president, a political party, or a
    king, are no more than the temporary guardians of the system and not the
    system. They are the docile executioners of its mechanisms regardless of
    the form of the government it adopts.
    Libertarians of the world,
    Mass-media owned by world capitalism spends billions to circulate the
    illusion of democratic transitions. It distorts any experience or attempt
    of self-organization by workers to manage their own resources because it
    threatens capitalist&#8217;s best interest.
    In order for us to emancipate ourselves today we need to form
    revolutionary fronts, coordinate our actions and effectively fight against
    the world capitalist regime. We want to trigger real transformation in our
    societies which must be based on self-management of resources.
    We call upon all the revolutionary forces of the world, movements and
    organizations of resistance capitalism to unite our work internationally
    against the pseudo-democratic states or dictatorships whether they were
    secular or religious, liberal or conservative.
    Capitalism is the crisis; the fall of the system is the fall of capitalism !
    Disobedience Movement
    Mail : contact.appelSM@...
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