• 2011movements-fsm discussion

minutes 17 march mumble meeting

from jasper teunissen on Mar 18, 2013 09:39 PM
Original: http://titanpad.com/globalsquare9

Also posted here: http://www.global-square.net/minutes-17-march-2013/

  Minutes 17 March 2013

During this last online meeting before the WSF in Tunis we discussed our 
schedule of proposed activities and how to make sure people who are not 
attending can communicate with us through livestreams, skype, mumble, etc.


0. introducing each other
1. moderation, minutes,  turns
2. Recap the basics on WSF & GlobalSquare (for those who may be new)
3. Review the events being planned


*0. introducing each other*


Marisa, OWS New York
Kate, Occupy London
Shawn, OWS New York
Jasper, Occupy Nijmegen, the Netherlands
Orsan, Occupy Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Dani, 15M Barcelona
Bernardo, 15M-Internacional, Latin America´s social movements
Piran, Berlin
Pierre , Paris -- tunis extended : http://www.fsm2013.org/en/node/5653
Carminda -- VIA22- Montreal- Quebec -
Solem-15M Amsterdam
John, Occupy London

*1. moderation, minutes,  turns*

Facilitation: Dani, Minutes: Jasper, Shawn and all

*2. Recap the basics on WSF & GlobalSquare (for those who may be new)*

Dani is explaining the background of the GlobalSquare initiative. More 
info on http://www.global-square.net

here you can subscribe to the mailinglist: 

Proposed activities for the World Social Forum in Tunis:

slot 1: 9h00-11h30
slot 2: 13h00-15h30
slot 3: 16h00-18h30

On the 27th:
1st slot:
Link: http://www.fsm2013.org/en/node/4600
Organized by: GlobalSquare.
2nd slot:
Link: http://www.fsm2013.org/en/node/4603
Organized by: GlobalSquare.

3rd slot:
Title: Open assemblies of the movements from the squares 1
Link: http://www.fsm2013.org/en/node/1227
Organized by: GlobalSquare.

On the 28th:
1st slot:
Title: Networked solidarity? interactions between labour, NGOs, 
political groups and the squares
Link: http://www.fsm2013.org/en/node/7069
Organized by: GlobalSquare.

2nd slot:
Title: "VIA22  -- Comment collaborer au-delà du FSM? Espace ouvert et 
créatif pour le  dialogue entre les personnes impliquées dans les 
mouvements sociaux  actuels et au sein de la société civile / How can we 
collaborate beyond  the WSF? "
Link: http://www.fsm2013.org/en/node/2346
Organized by: VIA22.

3rd slot:
Title: Open assemblies of the movements from the squares 2
Link: http://www.fsm2013.org/en/node/1229
Organized by: GlobalSquare.

On the 29th:
1st slot:
Title: "Interoccupy: Connect. Colaborate. Organize."
Link: http://www.fsm2013.org/en/node/4019
Organized by: InterOccupy.

2nd slot:
Title: Open assemblies of the movements from the squares 3
Link: http://www.fsm2013.org/en/node/1232
Organized by: GlobalSquare.

Some practical points on crowdfunding: is going to happen on the spot, 
because the online options were not suitable.

*3. Review the events being planned*

*Daniel* presents the different proposed activities (see above)

*Piran:* our 3 assemblies and 3 workshops (Orsan and Vica) are 
registered under the name of GlobalSquare. We have to say something 
about the other 3.

Very vague title of Networked Solidarity. Individuals have registered 
activities with the name of GlobalSquare. I'm concerned about 
responsibility: what is part of GlobalSquare.

*Dani:* my personal opinion. we made an organisation because we needed 
one to be able to register events. Via22 and Interoccupy activities were 
already registered.

*Orsan:* I agree with Piran. From the beginning we were discussing this, 
to keep the activities open. It is not called assembly because there are 
3 assemblies at the end of each day.

The idea was to link people from different occupied workplaces, etc in 
my meeting (Networked Solidarity) and we want to listen to different 
experiences. If you want to add anything, please do so.

*Marisa:*I imagined the workshop as a conversation, a dialogue, with 
common questions that we all face. I'm not too worried about anyone 
dominating the conversation, or trying to be a panelist. I think we're 
all in agreement.

*Piran:* I find your ideas very nice, Orsan, but some points were 
problems for me and needed to be more clear. I don't agree with sharing 
with political parties taking part in the new movements.They represent 
as individuals, not as memebers of the parties. Political parties send 
their representatives, as a delegation, and this is something that we 
never accepted. This is the whole problem of competition and struggle 
that overtook the whole movement.I also don't agree with working with 
trade unions, because they are a part of the system and impeding direct 
action, and they are hierarchical. These points should be clear, that 
was my point.

*Shawn:* we can debate all day about unions etc, but i think we are here 
to connect, we are just one of many groups, i like the idea and i think 
it's relevant topic here to talk about ngo's and unions and how to 
relate to them. I think it's very different in Tunsia than for examplke 
in Europe or the US. I would like to see the agenda clearified and maybe 
we can talk about that.

*Orsan:* It doesn't have to be negative and can also be positive. We had 
a general stike in US called by an assembly and supported by unions. 
Zapatistas, AnonymousThere are these types of interactions that we have 
to talk about, and it doesn't have to be positive. Last week, for 
example, we had this "For A European Spring" mobilization. So it's 
importatnt to link these people online and on the ground. Also, Via22 
has a very similar concept for their workshop, of how we can 
collaborate. There are many activists active in the NGO's, but they are 
also criticial. As Shawn said, we can work on it together, there is a 
pad, if there's anyone who would like to contribute, maybe we can talk 
after this meeting.
Working pads for this exchange
Pad 1: http://titanpad.com/networkedsolidarity
Pad 2: http://titanpad.com/newglobalunionism

*Marisa:* I'm a bit worried about having this conversation now. We 
should be having this in person. We're talking about talking. 
Personally, I'm more interested in talking about lodging and logistics, 
because we're now only a week away from Tunis. That's why I got on this 
call, and I'm going to have to leave in 20 minutes.

*Pierre :* will those 5 activities be  enlarged on internet ? who ? how ?

*Dani* answers to Pierre: we will do streamings ourselves, we have money 
for simcards,

--- something about program, time slots etc...

*Piran:* we need to set the next meeting: how where when, I have not 
seen the email you talk about Daniel.

*Dani:* agree with Piran: we need to set the meeting on 25th in Tunis to 
prepare things

*Pierre:* If this groups  global square is just taking one initiative, 
and there are other groups via 22 interoccupy  doing the same, there has 
been a lot of talk about not representing anyone, there should be a 
clear statement about inviting people to participate remotely  in those 
assemblies from USA europe  spain etc.., I think it makes an important 
point, and people will feel like through those initiatives they are 
transformed and understand more points about the social forum . Si it is 
important  to give advanced notice, and not just streaming on the go 
unidirectionnal , but way to submit comments to tunis, not to be 
intrusive in the dynamics face to face in tunis  but to be a bridge 
with  what is happening in Tunis, and this requires advanced notice and 
clear instructions on what people  that mean to tele-participate  need 
to do. That's more the political aspect of my remark. I think it's 
important to be clear to people far away from tunis  who mean business 
and want to participate what they need to do and who is their coounter 
part and hwo their inputs will be treated .

*Bernardo*: this is Bernado orginally 15M Madrid, now in Brasil, met 
Pierre last year in Porto Alegre. I think it;s important what Pierre is 
saying. In B. we have trade unions, but also big movements, youth, free 
software. I will try to helkp you to connect with these movements. There 
are new spaces, for example in Porto Alegre there was a space, hangout. 
It's important to connect. Speaking about Global Square, I can help you 
finding resources.

*Dani:* maybe you can make clear what kind of recourses:

*Bernardo*: I'm talking about money and about resources for 
communication, maybe I can help.

*Marisa*: I just wanted to propose to have dinner on the 25th together 
in the evening to identify the roles and tasks for the assemblies. I 
have to leave soon so I want to figure out a system for this. I can also 
send out an announcement to people here in New York and spread the 
message. So define the tasks and sending out messages.

*Dani:* So, any proposal for a place and time for a prep meeting: time 
5pm? anyone knows a place?

*Marisa:* anyone in touch with the student union? and meet at their 
place at the university?

*Marisa volunteers to check with the students union and let us know if 
this is possible.*

*Dani*: as soon we have bought some simcards, we can publish the numbers 
on the website so people can get in touch with us.

*Pierre*: pasted a example of an invitation to make sure we get in touch 
with people who want to connect from a distance, advice to use skype 
because many people have skype. to make sure that GlobalSquare is 
offering a protocal for connection and include people and make them 
comfortable to participate in the conversation. At least the group has 
to inform the liason person, whoever that is.

Circulate the message at least one week before the assemblies so 
wednesday , so people consider to be part of it. GlobalSquare is among 
400 organisations who want to teleenlarge activities in Tunis. If you 
want I can get you in touch with a young volunteer person from Tunis 
Extended for technical assistance, but the responsiblity for sending the 
invitation  and organiszing the liaison is with your group.

*Kate*: about accomodation. People in Occupy London plan to stay in 
student places for 10 euros a day. Any info on other options?

*Dani*: some info is on the website.

*Dani*: who is going to send the invitation for the teleparticipation

*Sol*: asks for clearification about the task

*Sol, Orsan, Jasper offer to help and meet after this meeting to do the 

*Pierre*: not mix up invitation about teleparticipation and preparation 
meeting (...)

*Sol*: I agree with the point that they are 2 different things.This 
process has been open for months so it's quite clear that this is 
happening. and about how to connect to assemblies. it is important to 
know what technology to use. I think we need to know as soon as possible.

Pad to share info to be in touch once in Tunis:

*Carminda*: do we have a place to meet beforehand. There is a march on 
tuesday, maybe we can go together. We are coming with more than 200 
people from quebec.

*Orsan*: People from NY and Madrid with experience in Live Streaming 
will be in Tunis. They might help us.

*Sol*: These groups will have their own activities son we need to know 
whether they can actually stream the assemblies.

*Orsan volunteers to have this information for coming Wednesday.*

*Pierre*: Skype might be used for sure. If we get other technologies we 
could use them then. There are two elements, the video and the chat. The 
video is for getting a sense of what is happening and the chat for 

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