• 2011movements-fsm discussion

Re: general information on our presence in Tunis

from Orsan Senalp on Mar 21, 2013 11:19 PM
this some of us' contact details in tunis to keep in touch at least

and I was working on this invitation:

"Dear fellows,

Global Square initiative is creating a space in and out side the World
Social Forum in Tunis in order to exchange, share and reflect on our
experiences in horizontal grass roots uprisings / movements among
ourselves as well as with others coming from other countries, regions
and realities.

The program of all the activities that will be organised within
official Forum can be seen here:

There will also be other events and spaces self--organised outside the
Forum by those of us who will be travelling to and residing in Tunis.
Any one can join these activities as individuals or assemblies via
online (mumble) meetings: http://www.global-square.net/how-to-join/

and follow them via live streaming on (Global Revolution) channel:....
(needs to be confirmed)

you can also connect by using skype: globalsquare1

Please join in these efforts that are organised openly and share your
experiences with us and others, pass this invitation to others who
would be interested in joining us in Tunis or connect out events

In solidarity"

I think we could use the occupytalk open space for the mumble
connections, and i have created a globalsqaure1 skype account to use
during the events, please make changes and corrections on the text and
if we get the confirmation from vlad abour using glorev for live
streaming lets spread this message all together!


On 21 March 2013 23:47, Ludovica Rogers <vicaolsx@...> wrote:
> I have given up on them. Tried emailing a few times got no reply.Tried
> calling and got no reply. I've booked in a pension. Prices are just as
> cheap.
> Again. I apologies, for my silence in the last weeks. I have too much to
> sort out before I leave. But I am very looking forward to seeing you all,
> and will be there from Monday, ready to dive into all we have planned.
> See you soon!
> Vica
> On Mar 21, 2013, at 11:35 AM, marita <maciacia50@...> wrote:
> Also I dont know if people who, like me, are waiting for the lodging at
> university and people who have already booked something somewhere could
> organize a friendly emergency way of solve the problem
> --
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