• 2011movements-fsm discussion

  • What to do in case of having no sleeping place yet, مايجبالقيامبهفيحالةعدموجودمكانللنومخلالأيامالمنتدىالاجتماعيالعالمي

    from caravanefsm on Mar 25, 2013 01:53 PM
    آخر الأخبار
    latest information
    2013/3/22 caravanefsm <caravanefsm@...>
    > http://fsm2013.org/fr/node/11965
    > http://pad.tn/p/r.N7EF6McKQ1EykwnE
    > There are thousands of participants
    > expected in joining FSM in Tunis. Not all of these, especiell those,
    > who decide in the last minute to join, had already organised
    > sleepingplaces in hoteks or private herberges. Beside this it is this
    > also question of money to book (sometimes expensive) hotels, a fact
    > even if it exists, should – in our meaning - not force people to
    > cancel their participance. We think, that this problem wasn't until
    > now much enough in the target of the general FSM-preparation as it
    > should be. So, how can it be solved:
    > And – even if we don't find a
    > printable solution, we are nearly sure to solve this problem by
    > various possibilities.
    > Yust – a simply look one te map gives
    > one possibilitiy:
    > http://www.openstreetmap.org/export/embed.html?bbox=10.14253,36.83227,10...<http://www.openstreetmap.org/export/embed.html?bbox=10.14253,36.83227,10.14583,36.83388&layer=mapnik&marker=36.82131,10.14420>
    > The shown university campus has an huge
    > area (marked in light green colour). It should be possible to find
    > there a place there for sleeping. So yust bring a sleepingbag,
    > matelas, blanket and a tent (if possible for you a second one for the
    > people who have none). It should be possible, to use some of the
    > campusplace for sleeping.
    > We think that the best way in
    > organising a place to sleep, for those who have this need, is a
    > collective one. So we propose a meeting yust at the beginning of the
    > fsm to start this collective process. It should take place after the
    > starting-manifestation at the 26.3. assuming at 7 pm at the coffee in
    > the migrant place. There we'll introduce to you some places in and
    > outside the campusarea to build up a camping/sleepingplace, infos how
    > to get there, and then we all decide together, where we go.
    > We can't guarantee a success in getting
    > a sleepingplace by this way because of administrative reasons - but
    > we support this collective process as good as we can and we think, if
    > people should organise themselves - esp. in affinity groups, we are
    > more effective.
    > Getting a sleepingplace is in our
    > meaning not the end of this collective action of the
    > FSM-participants, who needs one; this should be rather a
    > startingpoint of a temporarily time during the FSM, in which people
    > can also live together, discuss directly and exchange experience
    > together as a neccessary addition to the more hierarchical and
    > confronting way of sharing informations in panels, exhibitions and
    > lectures as it is planned by the general FSM-preparation.