• 2011movements-fsm discussion

28th first workshop global square in WSF

from marita cassan on Mar 28, 2013 09:46 PM
9am workshop networked solidarity? interaction between labour, NGOS political groups and the squares(Orsan has some notes which are not here and they have to be added)
 : in Tunisia a lot of institutions made a confederation. A big 
eeventwas organized in order to write a new constitution in a 
participative way, to unite poeple so it would be open project to 
challange the existing structure.  At the end people who have been 
working in the project presented themselves as a party in the election 
(dusturna) and only one person took advantage of the work on this 
constituition One
 guy was speaking for all, and caprute the power, the attention of the 
media This happens with a lot of institutions , they say we are 
horizontal  but at the moment there is only power control ..
 He  was also in this process of constitutient  tunisian project took 
Frenc constitution and only added ïn the name og God" at the beginning 
of the French constituition. 
 in spain most pople were opposing unions npeopot black  people lost 
their trust in these organisations. people and wghite of course but 
there were wtong links between unions and parties. there are good people
 in these organisations  but reflection
 on how should unions and parties look at  and approach people . 
expereince with european social forum.. bottom up process for people to 
define what kind of europe we want... professional organisation have 
planned everythin  we dont have same ideas and language on 
horizontality.. obsessed with perfectionn abd we want have all done 
perfect before we start working together.. the way vertical 
orgnaisations work make iot not possible for movements and people to 
join the process.. 
 15M started with no party, no union.. assemblies based on individual 
participantion.. responsibility to build collective fight.. one of the 
most important priobciples .. we carry on holding this principles in all
 the assemblies but there are spaces for collaboration with unions and 
NGOs and some of 15M assemblies are involved in them. It's not a 15M 
collective presence. 15M joins normally TUs mobilisations as  a critical
 block . There is a plan... we have to reflect  on the fact that there 
is an interest in manuplation and control of the movements by unionsn 
and parties.. Now that assemblies are decentralised this chance to 
manuplation the assemblies is more possible.. There is project gto build
 an X party, there are some pople from the movement involved in this.. 
they say this is an open structure but the process till now it does not 
look very transparent at least for what I have seen. Movements must stay
 as a movement not become institutionalised and keep its exsistence as 
it is in the society. 
 groups and network grew last years now there for a longer   - people 
are trying to exclude people from the movement and begun acting like a 
parties... start goign back and start oganising around ideas..In Spain 
we have citizen ties;; waves.. to fight with ... in order to stay 
horizontal we need to deconstruct institutions and create new ones... 
Student union: political partiece the dynamism of studentss tried to embra
Union person from quebec.. importance of students.. there wasa 4 months strike of students for free access to schools
 it is very important to build alliance between movements and TU because
 we could build actions together in order to fight the system.   On  
april 2t there willl be a big demos against government policies. Make  
the governement back off. I am here to share and build links. 
 person from a TU in canada saying that TU leaders try to use movents   
to  say they are conneescted with them but the aim is to control, to   
get  votes for the parties. In Canada the labour movements there Now we will see as it goes.
 Austria we had organization in the demo and  offered a logistic help: 
cars, coffee. We    built a better relation between TU and students 
organization. It was    really nice to see what people could be 
together. It is possible. There are who try to give new great ideas. I 
would be interested 
 : the idea of working together with TU is different from having 
relation with political parties and ONGs. All of them are part of the 
system. TU and NGOs. I am very happy to hear that there are different 
position in TU. TU at the end defends wage labour so they are in the 
structure. If they try to break this border it's fine but as a whole 
they are inside the capitalist system. If we dont work for the capital 
we are out of the capitalism. And capitalism is organized in a jerarchy 
way. At the same time TU organize themselves in the same way. In march 
TU organized so many demonstration. The strike doesn want to change 
system. The SF is a very good exemple of this but there are some 
limitation. Political parties are forbiden to be in the SF. 
 15M: do we really need a government change or do we need a change of 
the system (10.45 am)? I dont think a government change is the solution.
 Actually notghing change if PP o PSOE is in tghe government in Spain or
 PDL or PD is in power in italy. We need the impowrment of people and 
get in our hands the power on commons 
 people here want jobs, security. We havent really see a change. What we
 are facing is the same situation: an imperialist and capitalist. 
students ask us to participate to the demo against represion sufferend few days ago during a demo where whepons were used 
TU fron Quebec : students were fighting against the new tuition fees in the University. 
 started arains neoliberal deregulation of the education system. student
 opposed to 80% increse in tution fees. we will not get free education 
tpo day first step was opposibng the increase in fees. whole civil 
society was in big meeting. I am coming from student movemetn. big 
meeeting organised  from 80% to 3 percent..  moderate grups thought it 
is a good comprimes revolutionaries asked for free education, we said 
them go on figing. so figth for reforms today.. 
 : I worked in Tu in Turkey and some NGOs. I have a very critical 
approch with this kind of institution. There is burocracy. Even a 
progressive union there is a vertical structure. The relation between 
state and funding they have to accept compromise. There are people 
working for unions who are critical. There are dynamics of bridging the 
gaps. What happened during this crises. It is possible to activate these
 links. there are many critical unionist. Offence come from the states. 
It becomes very obvious that is a difficult time. Now I work in 
Neitherland. There are interaction between people in the streets and TU 
and NGOs. At the forum in Florence for istance it was clear that 
organization were going to fill up their agenda. Forum dont really work 
in a horizontal way.  
 from canada: we have to fight for reforme in the way to win the process
 at the end. Unions defending interest of wage labour. capital has been 
trying to corrupt the unionist. What we see now in canada is an attak 
against radical unionist. The attak is about our union talking about 
Palestine and all general issues. We are ponting out the connection 
betwwen coorporation responsable in supporting occupying palestine and 
the same coorporation responsable of the bad policies in our countries 
 person from South Africa - she is a part of a polityical party and a 
union and she is an activist.. marikina workers massacare..
servce delivery is a big uissue.. 
 he like few last interventions.. debate about revolution and reform is 
nt meaningful. they go together.. small and big changes are linked to 
eachother.. there is no one thing devided from other.. we have to big 
for small and big changes. happy to hear that there are unions unionists
 thinking similar way.. there are unions that one to go beyond existing 
system.. people shouldnt there are clever ways of the bypass horizontal 
way of working.. i am not takign  if we need new unions or arties they 
should be better than existing ones. 
if we have to create anew structure that hould be carefull and by talking openly done.. 
 marita: two examples one is a list presented to the election, called 
list of civil revolution.. with the idea to collect movements.. at the 
end of the day people from the redical partiies from left, they imposed 
to the list.. that was failure because of the attempt by the left party 
 movement - they are working in a similar way to party x in spain.. they
 orgnised online and website is controlled by 2 peson..  people can not 
participate, it is not horizontal or open..  there is an attept to get 
ideas and signs to gain personal power and advantages.. 
keeping our independence..
 exisiting structures: from italy 5 star movement.. we should try to see
 how did they get there, which was their succesful way.. at the same 
time there is a transperancy.. movement should not involve in 
governments it is a cpontradiction.. there is a possibility to build 
vconsensus among various movements.. theatre villa occupation. they 
manage the space not only for cultural activities but also for 
discussion on property and alternative...how to design new politics and 
reprodiction..  they a within the same system 
 adressing the same issues like occupy and 15m but they od arguments in 
the 5 star program... did it in a way marketin and comedian lead the 
website.. there are also very go
.. there is an isue about the instrumentalisation of the movement for political and personal gains.. the looseness,, media and new tools can be use to control and gain power..

 is a good example of a bad example for solidairty between different 
groups and movement.  we had workers movements, student movemetns, we 
had water and commons movements.. we didnt have a general mpovegment. 
.it is a problem of all social movements,  they didn;t merge last years 
 movements started from top, not by people... the problem is not thot 
the relationship between organised movements and non organised 
movements, in our country and in many other places, links 

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