• 2011movements-fsm discussion

  • Fwd: [coyote-l] Dringend: UnterstützungfürChoucha-Flüchtlinge im Hungerstreik nötig!

    from Ulrike Beudgen on Apr 07, 2013 07:51 PM
    Von meinem iPhone gesendet
    Anfang der weitergeleiteten E‑Mail:
    > Von: "conni" <conni.gunsser@...>
    > Datum: 7. April 2013 21:39:53 MESZ
    > An: <coyote-l@...>, "Landesfluechtlingsraete" <fluechtlingsraete@...>, <w2eu-de@...>, "aei-europe" <aei-europe@...>
    > Betreff: [coyote-l] Dringend: Unterstützung für Choucha-Flüchtlinge im Hungerstreik nötig!
    > Die Situation der anerkannten Flüchtlinge aus dem Lager Choucha, die seit dem 29.3. vor dem UNHCR-Büro in Tunis im Hungerstreik sind, spitzt sich zu. Sieben Flüchtlinge wurden schon ins Krankenhaus eingeliefert. Der UNHCR hat bisher jedes Gespräch verweigert. Dringend sind mails, Faxe, Anrufe und Solidaritätsaktionen erwünscht, spätestens am nächsten Donnerstag, an dem in Tunis eine Demonstration dazu geplant ist.
    > Nähere Infos auf:
    > https://chouchaprotest.noblogs.org/
    > Bisherige Presseartikel sind hier (aus Deutschland leider kaum etwas):
    > https://chouchaprotest.noblogs.org/articles-reports/
    > Unten ist ein Mustertext für Faxe und e-mails, die an folgende Adressen geschickt werden sollten (besser sind natürlich eigene Texte, egal in welcher Sprache – Ursula Schulze-Aboubacar, die UNHCR-Vertreterin in Tunis, ist Deutsche):
    > UNHCR Tunis
    > 41 bis Av Louis Braille, Tunis
    > tuntu@... - Tel +216 71901732 - Fax +216 71 90 84 34
    > UNHCR-Vertretung
    > für Deutschland und Österreich
    > Wallstraße 9-13
    > D-10179 Berlin
    > Telefon +49 (0)30 - 202 202 0
    > Telefax +49 (0)30 - 202 202 20
    > gfrbe[at]unhcr.org
    > Sub-Office Nürnberg
    > Frankenstraße 210
    > D-90461 Nürnberg
    > Telefon +49 (0)911 - 44 21 00
    > Telefax +49 (0)911 - 44 21 80
    > gfrnu[at]unhcr.org
    > UNHCR-Büro in Österreich
    > Postfach 550
    > A-1400 Wien
    > Telefon +43 (0)1 - 260 60 4048
    > Telefax +43 (0)1 - 263 41 15
    > ausvi[at]unhcr.org
    > www.unhcr.at
    > UNHCR Genf:
    > Our address:
    > United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
    > Case Postale 2500
    > CH-1211 Genève 2 Dépôt
    > Suisse.
    > Our telephone number:
    > +41 22 739 8111 (automatic switchboard)
    > Our fax number:
    > +41 22 739 7377
    > Text für Protestfax/-mail:
    > Hungerstrike in front of the UNHCR / Tunis - several Refugees in Hospital*
    > As you probably acknowledge, recognized Refugees from Choucha Refugee Camp
    > have been on hungerstrike in front of the UNHCR office in Tunis since
    > Friday, the 29.03.2013.
    > I am writing to you, as I am very worried  about the state of health of
    > these persons and think that it is UNHCRs responsability to urgently find
    > a solution for them.
    > Furthermore, I learned that the Camp will close at the end of May 2013.
    > Those Refugees will then take part of an "Integration Programme", in some
    > southern cities in Tunisia. This integration of Refugees in the tunisian
    > society already gave signs of failure, as the protest of the Refugees,
    > that had been "integrated" in Medenine, in front of the UNHCR office in
    > Zarzis showed already. They were attacked verbally and physically by
    > locals because of their skin colour and religious beliefs. They do not
    > feel safe in Tunisia and they want a real and effective protection system.
    > They have been recognized as Refugees by the UNHCR, thus it is clear that
    > they are in need of international protection. Apparently, Tunisia is at
    > this moment unable to assure this security due to post-revolution unrests
    > and the lack of a functioning asylum system.
    > According to UNHCR policy, Refugees arriving at Choucha Camp before
    > 01.12.2011 had the right to be included into the Resettlement Programme.
    > Many within this group have arrived after this date because they were not
    > allowed to enter Tunisia, although they had already passed the Libyan
    > border. This should not be hold against them and determine their future.
    > I support the demand of the refugees in hungerstrike, to be resettled to a
    > third country with working protection systems for refugees!
    > As the Situation is getting more serious from day to day and numbers of
    > hungerstriking Refugees have been taken to hospital already,
    > I urge the UNHCR to take action right away in order to find a safe
    > solution for these persons, taking in account the hungerstrikers
    > conditions at this very moment!
    > _______________________________________________