• 2011movements-fsm discussion

Re: Assemblies want to take control on water in grece

from marknbarrett@... on May 01, 2013 07:45 PM
Both items tweeted @panworldwide ( the Twitter feed in support of www.peoplesassemblies.org )
Sent from phone

-----Original Message-----
From: Rami Brahem <rami.brahem@...>
Date: Wed, 01 May 2013 19:13:53 
To: <2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion@...>
Reply-To: 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion@...
Subject: Re: [2011movements-fsm discussion] Assemblies want to take control
	on water in grece


  What is Initiative 136?

*Initiative 136 is a citizens' initiative that opposes the privatization 
of the Water and Sanitation Company in Thessaloniki and proposes its 
social management through local-level cooperatives. *

In Greece we are living in an exeptional situation where public debt is 
used as an excuse for the privatization of many public goods and 
services. In February 9th the Greek Parliament ratified the second 
"rescue" memorandum and turned it into State Law. With this law, all the 
privatization procedures that had been voted in 8 months ago (June 2011) 
are speeded up causing a severe deterioration in the standard of living 
of the Greek people and the selling off of our national wealth. Under 
the auspices of the International Monetary Fund and the European 
Commission, the Greek government puts on public tender, among many 
others assets, the Water and Sanitation Company of Thessaloniki (EYATH), 
even though it is an efficient and profitable company that offers 
quality water services in low prices, without ever reporting any 
financial loss. The Greek government, after breaking up the company into 
two parts - the first one responsible for the management and invoicing 
and the second for  infrastructures and maintenance -- has the intention 
to sell the first one, the most profitable, in a public tender, while 
the second one will remain in hands of the state.

According to the new law 40% of the shares and the management of EYATH 
is for sale. The company's profits during the last 5 years were EUR75 
million, while the price of the takeover (after the collapse of its 
stock market value) is not more than EUR55 million. In 2010, EYATH's 
profits were EUR12,4 million, while in 2011 EUR20,1 million. This is 
another case of implementation of the model "privatization of the 
profits, socialization of the loss". Water is the ultimate commodity 
that nature offers us and the United Nations have recognized that the 
access to clean water and sanitation is a human right. According to 
recent polls, the citizens oppose the privatization of water. The myth 
of 'efficiency' of private management has collapsed, since dozens of 
scientific researches prove that all over the world, wherever 
privatization of water services has been applied, it proved to undermine 
water quality, increase water loss, undermine the infrastructure and 
increase water prices.

Apart from defending the water of Thessaloniki, Initiative 136 aims to 
highlight the alternative prospects that are offered to the citizens and 
the Greek people who can, under the current crisis condition , take the 
matters that affect them into their own hands. We believe that this 
potential can be fulfilled through a cooperative movement which combines 
community solidarity and environmental respect; a movement of Social 
Economy that offers an alternative to the capitalist course of action; a 
productive and economic model that combines collective ownership and 
individual incentive. The sustainable water management lies in the core 
of such an initiative that respects the environment and protects the 
natural resources through a public, nonprofit, democratic, socially 
controlled and rational usage.

*If one divides the estimated value of EYATH by the number of the water 
meters (namely the number of the users), the result is the symbolic 
number of 136 euros. The idea behind Initiative 136 was born in the 
summer of 2011. *

It was the result of the discussions that took place in Thessaloniki, in 
the White Tower assemblies of the squares movement ("Indignados"). On 
the 10th of August, the workers of EYATH, social movements, 
organizations and citizens of Thessaloniki, decided that *we are not 
willing to let anyone play *with the water our families drink; *we will 
not allow any financial interests -- foreign or national -- to* 
*speculate with* our water and jeopardize the public health and 
environment of our area. The ownership of EYATH *is now a* *matter for 
the citizens *of Thessaloniki.

*We decided to join our forces in a common endeavour under the name 
'Initiative 136', whose purposes are: *

- *The acquisition of 40% and the management of EYATH by the citizens. *

- *Social control of the city's water*

- *Democratic operation of the company*

- *The non-profit character of the company, in line with social policies 
and environmental protection. *

In this effort, we invited all citizens to actively participate. We are 
also in contact with all the Mayors and Municipal Councils of 
Thessaloniki´s metropolitan area, as well as many of social and 
professional organizations. The overwhelming majority supports our 
initiative, which made its first public presentation on the 28th of 
November, 2011. Many cooperatives have already been created in the 
region of Thessaloniki, with thousands of pre-signed members. It is now 
becoming clear that the only way to defend the common goods is through 
social management and solidarity.

Get in touch with Initiative 136 on *info@...* <mailto:info@...>

Le 5/1/2013 6:03 PM, Sol a écrit :
> Hello people,
> Maybe some of you know the big event that is being organized in Athens 
> 7-8 of June, the Alter Summit www.altersummit.eu 
> <http://www.altersummit.eu> .
> This effort is trying to build a big alliance of European trade 
> unions, civil society organizations and social movements in order to 
> create a counter-power that confronts the neoliberal Europe.
> Despite of the fact that the involvement of Trade Unions makes 
> difficult the creation of an open process, some organizations: The 
> Transnational Institute (TNI) and Corporate Europe Observatory (CEO), 
> are initiating an open process to prepare an Assembly on June 7^th in 
> Athens on the area of Economic governance & the Troika.
> We would like to invite you to participate in the preparation of this 
> Assembly which we propose to kick start with a Conference call on 
> *Monday afternoon May 6th*.The objective with the call is to make sure 
> we have a proposal for a preparatory meeting in Zagreb 10-11. May.
> We attach a doodle to determine the most suitable time. 
> http://doodle.com/ymkvtygpnb85cu5q - to determine the most suitable 
> time - you can also just indicate your availability here - between 
> 14.00-15.00; or 15.00-16.00 or 16.00-17.00:
> For the agenda of this Tel Conference, we are suggesting to discuss 
> the following:
> > What objectives and aims for the Assembly?
> > What title for the Assembly?
> > What Format for the assembly?
> > What Methodology for the Assembly?
> > Which logistics/resources we need for the Assembly?
> Please share also other points you have for the agenda.
> We propose to do the call via Tel Conference. This system costs will 
> at local call price, the details to connect will be provided.
> Please fill the Doodle and write back to me by Friday at 13.00 to 
> confirm if you can be at the call and if you and your group would like 
> to be part of the preparations.
> We hope you will be able to participate in this preparatory process - 
> even if you might not be going to Athens - as we believe the 
> preparation will be quite important in achieving a good outcome in 
> Athens and for a greater convergence of European movements and 
> struggles for the rest of 2013 and beyond.
> With best greetings!
> Sol
> --
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