• 2011movements-fsm discussion

Re: Fwd: [Squares] Fwd: Blockupy Frankfurt - Intl Call and Plans

from Mikifus on May 13, 2013 12:35 PM
Is this published somewhere?

2013/5/12 Ulrike Beudgen <ubeudgen@...>

> Von meinem iPhone gesendet
> Anfang der weitergeleiteten E-Mail:
> *Von:* Hangup <hangup@...>
> *Datum:* 12. Mai 2013 19:24:30 MESZ
> *An:* squares@...
> *Betreff:* *[Squares] Fwd: Blockupy Frankfurt - Intl Call and Plans*
> *Antwort an:* squares@...
> -------- Original Message -------
> Here is the international call to Blockupy frankfurt, and in the
> attachment you can find
> 1. action agreement
> 2. description for blockading the ECB and actions the frankfurt
> airport, the shopping mile "zeil", and deutsche bank
> 3.  international call to blockupy as PDF "from the crisis' edges to
> the power's core"
> See you in Frankfurt!
>  From the crisis' edges to the power's core
> International Call to Participate in Blockupy 2013 in Frankfurt May
> 30th to June 1st and other struggles against the Troika
> Everywhere we resist and revolt against the crisis and its governance,
> we put strength in living struggles and conflicts, and on these
> pillars we build and weave a new Europe that is born from grassroots.
> The Europe we live in, far from the noble thoughts that might have
> inspired it once upon a time, has been built by a top-down process,
> driven by pacts and agreements among governments. This has taken place
> within the framework of neo-liberal ideology, under strong pressure to
> please financial markets and companies. The result is the
> concentration of power in the hands of a few institutions, themselves
> the direct expression of governments which claim to be 'ours'.
> Every real direct involvement and expression of people has
> progressively been avoided as much as possible. And will be even more
> so in the future, when national parliaments will simply be
> increasingly "informed" about what are the needed and mandatory
> decisions and country-specific measures to be taken.
> The governance that the Troika enforces is rude and brutal, based on
> austerity imposed upon our lives, privatizations of the commons, cuts
> on social spending and solidarity, tight control and barbarous
> oppression of migrants.
> In this framework, there is no possible compromise with the power that
> is shaping and driving the governance of crisis in Europe.
> The only way out we see is a direct, diffuse, widespread and
> autonomous social opposition that rises up from grassroots, that not
> only speaks up furiously against that governance but that also
> fiercely builds effective conflicts and shared and common alternatives
> at all levels - from the local to the European.
> We think it's time, respecting the autonomy of specific local
> movements, to weave and organize a network of struggles that resists
> and takes back to the people what is being swept away: basic income
> and social care, houses, basic common goods like water, energy and
> transportation, high-quality knowledge, labour and social rights, the
> freedom of movement, and, in general, the possibility to achieve
> dignity and freedom in life.
> This is how we intend to actually blockupy this Europe and to rebuild
> our Europe from the grassroots: through living struggles and conflicts
> that are open, viral and mutant; social practices that can be
> invented, replicated and run by all of us.
> The Europe we imagine is not the institutionally-constrained,
> geographically-bordered region that is usually meant. We think of Euro-
> Mediterranean Europe, instead, as an entity defined by the common and
> diverse struggles taking place against that same rude and brutal
> enforcement of neo-liberalism. It means a new topography of struggles,
> from Western Europe to the Balkan regions, from Eastern Europe to the
> whole South-Mediterranean area, considering the 'Arab springs' as a
> living part of the constituent process we look for.
> We all now live at the edge of the neo-liberal Europe. Our life has
> been made as such: constantly in crisis, constantly at the
> desperation's edge.
> We don't want to make it anymore. We want our life back, our dignity
> back. We want our future back, since life without a future is worth
> nothing.
> So we call from all over Europe, people that are struggling, people
> who want to struggle, people who want to tread on kings to march at
> the core of power and be counted. The public discourse must be twisted
> from the tracks of acquiescence, the chance of taking action
> everywhere is now being connected on a general European level.
> So we'll be in Frankfurt from May 30th to June 1st, taking part in the
> action days to block the ECB.
> So we'll be in Frankfurt to give strength and body, in thousands and
> thousands, to the struggle against the crisis, the Troika, against
> those that shaped this Europe that we do not want anymore. All those
> who want to deprive us of what makes life worth living, what we want,
> we need, we deserve, must go away.
> Que se vayan todos!
> It's a matter of love, dignity and rage.
> Save the dates:
> We will meet along the week of action around the second anniversary of
> 15M In Frankfurt for BLOCKUPY (30th of May to 1st of June)
> For decentralized international protests on June 1st gathered by the
> alliance "Peoples united Against the Troika"/"Que Se Lixe a Troika"
> In Athens for the AlterSummit (7th to 9th of June)
> And every time in all the local struggles for our goal: Blockupying
> Europe.
> approved by the International Preparatory Blockupy Meeting in
> Frankfurt, April 27th
> _______________________________________________
> Internat_blockupy-frankfurt.info mailing list
> internat@...
> https://ml06.ispgateway.de/mailman/listinfo/internat_blockupy-frankfurt.info
> --
> Sent from my Android phone with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.
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> https://n-1.cc/pg/groups/104127/take-the-square-international/
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> https://lists.takethesquare.net/mailman/listinfo/squares or
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