• 2011movements-fsm discussion

Re: Fwd: [stopg8announce] Final national gathering 25 and 26 May, London

from Ludovica Rogers on May 14, 2013 04:00 PM
No sorry, not yet. I will post as soon as they put it up. 

On May 14, 2013, at 5:49 PM, Mikifus <mikifus@...> wrote:

> Is it already published somewhere?
> When I ask for this is because the email format is not blog-friendly to copy and paste.
> 2013/5/14 Ludovica Rogers <vicaolsx@...>
> Final stopG8 organising meeting: also Internationals are welcome!
> In parallel other groups are organising things during the week of action. 
> Most of those organising them will also be at the stopG8 gathering.
> Other planned events/actions:
> International Skillshare: http://globalskillsxchange.net/
> Workshops and talks:  http://www.thesparkspace.org/
> Action: http://theyoweus.org.uk/
>> StopG8, week of action in London, 10th – 14th June. Get involved!
>> StopG8 is organising a week of action, including workshops, gigs and
>> cultural events in June. There is also a major day of action on Tuesday 11
>> June in the West End, the 'J11 – Carnival against Capitalism'. There's
>> lots to do and we need more people to get involved.
>> This is the time to come and take on jobs. The final national gathering
>> will be in London on 25th and 26th May (venue tba, see
>> network23.org/stopg8/).
>> We need: artists, rabble rousers, musicians, fly-posters, fundraisers,
>> trouble makers, social media geeks, promoters, kitchen crew, people to
>> hold down a convergence space, and more.
>> Local London organising meetings will take place every Monday 6:30pm at
>> LARC (62 Fieldgate Street, Whitechapel, London, E1 1ES)
>> More info on StopG8:
>> The UK is hosting the G8 conference in Fermanagh on 17-18th June in the
>> North of Ireland. The Stop G8 network has come together to oppose it and
>> to take action against capitalism.
>> The G8 is a meeting of the leaders of the eight 'most powerful' nations,
>> held annually. It will be used to discuss strengthening international
>> capitalism and as a photo opportunity to give the impression of benevolent
>> leadership. Any real solutions to the problems we face can't involve
>> institutions as undemocratic as the G8. The real problem is capitalism; in
>> order to fight austerity, exploitation and the destruction of the planet
>> we have to challenge the G8 leaders instead of lobbying them.
>> Stop G8 has already made an international callout for participation in a
>> week of action from the 10th-14th June in London, leaving space for people
>> to go to Ireland. We are also planning a programme of cultural events to
>> coincide with the week of action and convergence space in London from the
>> 8th-15th June.
>> We are holding a Carnival against Capitalism (#J11) in the West End of
>> London on 11 June, under the slogan "One Common Struggle". There are also
>> mass actions planned on the 12th, 13th and 14th of June, see
>> https://network23.org/stopg8/week-of-action/ for a list.
>> We need your help to make all this happen!
>> To propose items for the agenda, request accommodation in London or for
>> more info please contact stopg8@...
>> network23.org/stopg8/
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