• 2011movements-fsm discussion

  • Colours / Non-Colours of Global Revolution

    from Mark Barrett on Jun 27, 2013 04:24 PM
    Dear ISM Student Comrades
    Please see below..
    On 27 June 2013 17:07, Tammy Samede <samede_tammy@...> wrote:
    > Hi all-totally agree white all the way
    > Sent from my iPhone
    > On 27 Jun 2013, at 17:00, Mark Barrett <marknbarrett@...>
    > wrote:
    > Antonio wrote:
    > >RED is not a good idea at all.
    > RED is only half humanity. And it is inevitably antagonist of the other
    > half... that is rather BLUE.
    > Scorched Earth war with pyrrhic victories, no matter on what side... is
    > NOT the way to go.<
    > white white white
    > peace peace peace
    > rainbow rainbow rainbow
    > love love love
    > On 27 June 2013 16:36, Antonio Garcia <ningunotro@...> wrote:
    >> RED is not a good idea at all.
    >> RED is only half humanity. And it is inevitably antagonist of the other
    >> half... that is rather BLUE.
    >> Scorched Earth war with pyrrhic victories, no matter on what side... is
    >> NOT the way to go.
    >> ------------------------------
    >> To: weorganise@...; squares@...;
    >> globalnoise@...;
    >> 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion@...;
    >> makeouruniversity@...
    >> From: marknbarrett@...
    >> Date: Thu, 27 Jun 2013 08:50:43 +0000
    >> Subject: [Squares] Fw: [ism-global] Red square
    >> FYI and post-Quebec struggle ;)
    >> Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone
    >> ------------------------------
    >> *From: * Lindsay Curtis <lindsay.curtis55@...>
    >> *Sender: * international_students_movement-request@...
    >> *Date: *Wed, 26 Jun 2013 20:53:32 -0700
    >> *To: *Nabil Belkabir<nabelkabir@...>
    >> *ReplyTo: * Lindsay Curtis <lindsay.curtis55@...>
    >> *Cc: *ISM<international_students_movement@...>
    >> *Subject: *Re: [ism-global] Red square
    >> Nabil, I think that's called felt. And you have a great idea....
    >> On Wed, Jun 26, 2013 at 2:34 PM, Nabil Belkabir <nabelkabir@...>wrote:
    >> The Student Union for the Change of the Educational System (UECSE,
    >> Morroco) is begining a campaign. We will be distributing red squares to
    >> students all over the country and would like to know if anyone could help
    >> us find the material that suits this task best. The material we would like
    >> to use is this kind:
    >> http://www.revuejeu.org/sites/default/files/imagecache/grande/images/carre_rouge.jpg.
    >> We could use some kind of red cloth but would like to know the name of this
    >> material.
    >> Thank you in advance, and solidarity with you all #1world1struggle
    >> Regards,
    >> Nabil
    >> _______________________________________________ n-1 working group:
    >> https://n-1.cc/pg/groups/104127/take-the-square-international/ Squares
    >> mailing list Squares@... for unsubscribe/etc:
    >> https://lists.takethesquare.net/mailman/listinfo/squares or
    >> Squares-owner@...
    > --
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