• 2011movements-fsm discussion

  • Minutes second conference to organize European strategy meeting on Economic governance and the Troika

    from Sol Trumbo Vila on Aug 20, 2013 09:20 PM
    Dear all,
    Monday 19th at 13 CET we held the second phone conference to organize a 
    European strategy meeting on “Economic governance, the Troika and the 
    struggle against European neoliberalism”.
    The main outcome has been the confirmation of the date and venue 
    (Amsterdam 4-6 October) and the outline of a draft of the program.
    You can find the minutes of the call here: 
    http://titanpad.com/kQfTJuVwRA (It includes a preliminary costs for the 
    venue and accommodation)
    The draft of the agenda of the meeting is being discussed here: 
    http://titanpad.com/307wTKtSzG (Do not delete information from the Pad, 
    just add your comments)
    The deadline for the comments is next Monday 26th of August.
    The final version of the agenda will be decided in the next call: 
    TUESDAY 27TH of August 14.00 CET (details will be provided soon)
    In solidarity,
    Sol Trumbo Vila,
    Project Coordinator
    EU Economic Governance Project
    Transnational Institute (TNI)