• 2011movements-fsm discussion

  • Buen Conocer Ecuador, copyleft politics!

    from Bernardo Gutiérrez on Jun 09, 2014 12:58 AM
    Hello you all.
    Here you have the final press release of Quito Buen Conocer Summit. It is
    been a fantastic experience, an amazing prototype for creating public policy
    from open and copyleft paradigms. I have been inside from December. The
    Summit was more a hackmeeting than an event, mixing experts and local
    leaders, academic and amateurs. Langdon Winner, for example, said in his
    twitter account, that it was the best summit he had ever been. This project
    could serve as method for changing the economic matrix of capitalism.
    Ecuador could be the first postcapitalist country in the world
    We have the press release also in Spanish.
    Video FLOK Doctrine> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RgTL1p1JEsk
    Hashtag: #buenconocer
    @bernardosampa (twitter) / @futura_media
    São Paulo +55 11 43044380 (fijo) +55 11 84881620 (celular)