• 2011movements-fsm discussion

  • '9 Plant Forests and Make a Fortune.' cont'd.

    from Robert Piller on Jul 04, 2014 11:18 AM
    Dear Sir/Madam, 
    We have here some letters on various issues as well as some more words from the Reverend (please see the attached).
    Bird Declines cont'd.
    There are many theories coming over concerning falling bird populations, in particular Swallows and Martins that seem to be disappearing into a vortex each and every spring they make their return trips.  The RSPB. speculates about nest destruction as being one of the key reasons amongst various others, the gradual expansion of the Sahara Desert, deforestation and hunting abroad were others; all four of which, I have to say, certainly won't be helping.  Something that could very much help here, at least on the last three issues, is the idea we've put forward in our paper 'Plant Forests and Make a Fortune.'  Once any piece of land is in ownership it could be secured, trees grown on it and any hunters kept out; they're not exactly organised gangs in most cases, local villagers going around with catapults looking for things for the pot. 
    All of these theories are of course relevant but these don't even begin to explain what's happened to our resident Starlings and Curlews etc. There have always been negatively minded people knocking down Martin nests (I always think those that do that kind of thing are the first to get their fly-sprays out to kill the insects the Martins would otherwise had eaten).  But for everything to be disappearing the way they are, so recently and so rapidly what's more, for me points to something new, sinister and very disturbing.  We know birds and bats are attracted to wind-farms, drawn in by the fascination of the blades turning around and around, no-one will give it airtime or even speak about it, it's like there's a veil silence that shrouds the entire issue. 
    These other problems species had to face long before wind-farms ever came onto the scene are of course relevant. Lapwings, as another example, had OPs. and silage cutting to deal with and like the Swallows with their already exiting problems they too now have these new horrendous dangers on top of all the others.  When a species is already in so much trouble, in particular Lapwings, Hen Harriers etc., it only takes something else to be dumped on it for that something to become the final death-nail, and so it's hardly any wonder there are hardly any left today.  The RSPB. won't tell you this, according to them there are still thousands of Lapwings, and even where they do acknowledge a problem, they are absolutely oblivious to the real issues as to why. Take a look for yourselves is what I say, if anyone's finding thousands Lapwings, please do email in and let us know.
    Martin nests destroyed (please see the attached). 
    Rainforests cont'd. 
    This more or less brings to an end this year's campaign but I will be fetching it out again next year as I think it is a very important topic to discuss.  From much of the feedback we've had, it seems to me that at least some are under the illusion that I'm somehow advocating the replacement of what is now Amazonia with blanket rubber plantations, whereas nothing's further from the truth.  There are what amounts to entire counties of horrendously damaged forest all over the Amazon basin and it never is going to be restored unless it is brought into ownership and given full protection.  For the most, it won't even need replanting, seeds will do that all by themselves, but it does guarding against further fires, grazing and logging.  But in order to do this it has to be on a financially viable footing, which means it does need to earn its keep as it were, which is why I'm suggesting working areas of native and naturally occurring species in order to do this.  The idea's not exactly new in any case, the native Indians were managing and gardening much of Amazonia for a millennial for their food and herbs, and all without destroying the forest what's more
    It really does need to be saved on mass too and there really is no doubt about it what's more.  Amazonia is drying out as a direct result of all the fragmentation that's happening and once the place becomes like a tinderbox it will become ever more vulnerable to forest fires at that really will be the end of the place.  As well as restoring the forests, conservationists as I've said in my paper could stand to make a fortune in the process and it really could be self-funding.  But anyway, will get back to it again in 2015 when we can have wasted another year.
    Alun Davies, destroyer of the environment and killer of geese to keep his post.
    Please see link.
    Ash Dieback cont'd.
    Since reporting this a month or so ago many of the trees have produced a huge amount of secondary regrowth and many seem to be doing well enough.  It is early days but I suspect some will survive, produce seeds and carry on.
    Frogs' Legs:
    It's coming to our notice that restaurants and occasionally TV. programmes are increasingly selling/promoting frogs' legs, so if anyone can provide us with footage regarding the cruelty aspect of the frogs' legs trade we'd be grateful.  I've contacted those that once made the film I'm talking about but they've been most unhelpful.  It's important to have this kind of material if you want to get through to those in the trade and show them just how cruel it actually is.  So if anyone can help we'd be grateful.  Please see link.
    Vulture Threat.
    The EU. is about to approve the veterinary drug diclofenac which has been proven deadly for Vultures and some Eagles in many other parts of the world, particularly in India and Pakistan.  Please see the link. 
    Please write to:
    tonio.borg@...; janez.potocnik@...; Frederic.vincent@...; Gladys.VELLA@...; Marilena.ZAMMIT@...; Andreja.sKERL@...; Lorella.Corato@...;
    Also see the links below.  Thank you.
    Yours sincerely.
    Robert Piller.
    Campaign Against the Trade in Endangered Species...
     Affiliated to:
    World Council for Nature