• 2011movements-fsm discussion

  • '9 Britain's Response to the Biodiversity Action Plan.' cont'd.

    from Robert Piller on Nov 08, 2014 10:44 AM
    Inthis report we uncover new evidence regarding the effects wind-farmsare having on our birdlife (please see the attached).   Also, where onthe entire planet might the most inappropriate place for a wind-farmbe.   Do take a look.
    SirIan Botham.
    Wenow have a powerful ally in the fight against the RSPB's. dreadfulpolicies on wind-turbines.  Link included in the attached.
    Inthe meantime the debate continues.   In the next report I'll bebringing out our 'Plant Forests and Make a Fortune' paper once again.   By vastly expanding the forests this would store huge amounts ofcarbon and I'm not so sure that deforestation isn't causing much of the problems in the first place.  As I've previously suggested massive wealthcould be created for conservationists as well as creating endlessexpanses of habitat at the same time. 
    FaroesePilot Whale Killings.
    Pleasesee the attached on a new campaign I'm outlining.
    Anotherpage included here.  In a future report we will be talking aboutregional identity and how this is reflected in many of our oldbuildings.
    Pleaseclick on the links below and sign the petitions.   Thank you.
    Robert Piller.
    Campaign Against the Trade in Endangered Species...
    Inthis report we uncover new evidence regarding the effects wind-farmsare having on our birdlife (please see the attached).   Also, where onthe entire planet might the most inappropriate place for a wind-farmbe.   Do take a look.
    SirIan Botham.
    Wenow have a powerful ally in the fight against the RSPB's. dreadfulpolicies on wind-turbines.  Link included in the attached.
    Inthe meantime the debate continues.   In the next report I'll bebringing out our 'Plant Forests and Make a Fortune' paper once again.   By vastly expanding the forests this would store huge amounts ofcarbon and I'm not so sure that deforestation isn't causing much of the problems in the first place.  As I've previously suggested massive wealthcould be created for conservationists as well as creating endlessexpanses of habitat at the same time. 
    FaroesePilot Whale Killings.
    Pleasesee the attached on a new campaign I'm outlining.
    Anotherpage included here.  In a future report we will be talking aboutregional identity and how this is reflected in many of our oldbuildings.
    Pleaseclick on the links below and sign the petitions.   Thank you.
    Robert Piller.
    Campaign Against the Trade in Endangered Species...