• 2011movements-fsm discussion

  • Meeting later today! LAST MINUTE CALL!!

    from basstress on Jan 04, 2015 05:55 PM
    Hi to everyone,
    This is a last minute call for those who might be willing to help out to
    write the proposal for our space in the WSF of Tunis! Let's meet* today at
    7pm GMT (in 1h30min) *on Mumble (check below the instructions for
    *Check your local time here: time zone converter
    We will be working on this pad : https://titanpad.com/globalsquare16
    Really really hope to find some of you there!
    Mumble  is a voice chat Open Source software
    How to join Mumble: http://www.global-square.net/how-to-join/
    download Mumble and go to:
    Label: tomalaplaza.net
    Server:  tomalaplaza.net
    Port: 64738
    Channel: Plaza de los pueblos
    Nickname: Your name/nick