• 2011movements-fsm discussion

Fwd: [P2P-F] Fwd: Commons Space at the World Social Forum - Update

from ÖrsanŞenalp on Jul 08, 2016 10:12 AM
Begin forwarded message:

From: Kevin Flanagan <kev.flanagan@...>
Date: 7 Jul 2016 16:52:23 GMT+2
To: P2P Foundation mailing list <p2p-foundation@...>
Subject: [P2P-F] Fwd: Commons Space at the World Social Forum - Update
Reply-To: P2P Foundation mailing list <p2p-foundation@...>

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Nicole LEONARD <nicole.leonard@...>
Date: 7 July 2016 at 12:50
Subject: Commons Space at the World Social Forum - Update
To: wsf2016@...,
commoning@..., echanges@...

Hello to all,

This summary is to give you an update on the preparation for Commons
Space at the World Social Forum (WSF) in Montreal from August 9 -14.
>From now on we will be sending periodic emails so you can keep track
of the activities that are being prepared.

Commons Space will be based at ECTO co-working space in Montreal,
located at 936 Avenue du Mont-Royal E. We will begin with a welcome
event on Monday the 8th, the evening before the World Social Forum
begins. Then there will be 2-3 time slots for smaller activities
during the day for Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. These
activities will be staggered so as to complement other World Social
Forum events.

To get an idea of what is already being planned by the participants,
here are examples of confirmed sessions for the Commons Space:

·        City as a Commons

·        Panel Discussion for the Commons

·        Wiki & Mapping Sprint

·        Cooperatives and Commons

·        Commons as a New Political Subject

·        Commons, the State and New Political Movements

·        Play Commonspoly!

·        Post-Capitalist Transition Convergence Assembly with other movements

·        Drafting a Global Commons Charter

·        Social Economy in Montreal

·        School of Data

Commons Space is an official self-managed thematic committee of the
WSF, and is intended to be a space for contributors to collectively
build a program. To see what is in progress and participate in the
planning please contribute to the hackpad:

Do not hesitate to reply with any questions. The general invitation is
attached again for reference if needed.

In solidarity,

Nicole Leonard

Skype: kev.flanagan
Phone: +353 87 743 5660

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