• 2011movements-fsm discussion

  • April Report 2019.

    from Robert Piller on Apr 18, 2019 10:17 AM
    Dear Sir/Madam,
    April Report 2019.
    In this report we have some very disturbing evidence coming in regarding Scottish Natural Heritage and it's approach to what they describe as 'conservation.  Wholesale butchery more like!  Their contact details are in this link below so please write your messages and let them know what you think.
    There are also letters and other articles included. It all makes good reading so do take a look.
    Important notice!  The Canadian seal cull has begun.  Please go to the link at the bottom of this page, click on it and on the Notice Board are details of how you can write your messages of protest.
    Do please get involved.  It's a global disgrace this is still going on.
    Pesticides' Campaign Cont'd.
    Continuing on this very important matter. More information coming in and exposes the many truths of what's happening behind the scenes within the industry and looks in great depth at the many issues.
    Let's Do This For Polly!
    If you've not already done so please share, open the link and write your messages to the pet-food manufacturers.
    This campaign has been a huge success but it needs to go to that next level in order to get those artificial antioxidants removed.  Whilst additives like colourants and preservatives have been completely abandoned by many companies the use of artificial antioxidants remain as prevalent as ever.  The manufacturers will reply by saying they are safe to use and that all additives are strictly within EU. permitted levels. Just write back and tell them you won't buy their products until they're removed altogether.
    Please do it for Polly and tell these companies to get this muck out of the nation's pet-food once and for all.  This is an ongoing campaign we'll be putting out there until such time as we see significant changes.
    Look Out For The Yellow Asterisks.
    To keep everyone informed throughout the year our Current Issues section has now two subsections, Monthly Reports where you'll find the newsletters, and the Notice Board onto which anything can be placed at any time.  We only actually message twice a year now but the monthlies are there to read on the web page.
    Go through to the various Projects Pages and take notice of all articles marked with yellow asterisks.  These issues are not widely known or recognised but are nonetheless causing a great many problems so it's important to get the public aware.
    Keep this link safe http://cates1980.wixsite.com/cateswebsite/about_us to where it can be viewed at any time.
    Yours sincerely.
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    Robert Piller...
    Campaign Against the Trade in Endangered Species...