Results 101 – 110 of 212
  1. IC Extension

    created by facilitfsm, May 21, 2011

    EN This space is about remote participation in WSF IC related meetings, enlarging them in internet ES Este espacio es para participacion a distancia en reuniones del CI FSM, ampliandolas en internet FR Cet espace est pour la participation a disance aux réunions liées au CI FSM en les élargissant sur internet

  2. IC members Declarations

    created by facilitfsm, February 5, 2017

  3. ic-methodology

    created by fsmsite, July 29, 2008

    WSF International Council Methodology Commission / Comissão de Metodologia do Coselho Internacional do FSM

  4. ic-strategy

    created by facilitfsm, June 21, 2011

  5. Impuls*FSM

    created by facilitfsm, February 2, 2009

    espacio de convergencia iniciado en la asamblea fsm2009 titulada "frente a la crisis, impulsar el proceso permanente del foro social" - convergence space initiade in the wsf2009 assembly titled " facing the crisis, impusling the permanent process of social forum"

  6. India & WSF 2021

    created by facilitfsm, March 25, 2014

    A place to exchange views about wsf in and out of India

  7. Indonesia & WSF

    created by facilitfsm, January 10, 2016

    a meeting and info space about indonesia and wsf

  8. Info Bubbles Initiative in WSF

    created by facilitfsm, October 20, 2020

  9. inisa10 Juntxs para otro Pacto Global

    created by facilitfsm, February 26, 2018

Results 101 – 110 of 212