• Communication commission discussion

Re: The last newsletter before the forum

from Claudia Diez de Medina on Jan 20, 2009 09:02 PM
Dear Thiago,

In point 2, please include IPS TerraViva, we will be working with  
Ciranda as well but we will have our own website and a one printed  
edition of the TerraViva journal.

I will send you our web adress tomorrow.

Good work, Claudia

Il giorno 20/gen/09, alle ore 19:15, FSM Site - Thiago ha scritto:

> Friends,
> there's one more newsletter planned to be sent Thursday night.
> Those are the items:
> 1) "welcome to belem" – (there's a good "survival guide" made by  
> belem office and translated by brave volunteers here. The idea is  
> make the guide available on the website and link on the newsletter)
> 2) Where to get informed
>     - The idea is provide a comprehensive guide of media covering  
> the WSF. Those are the ones that'll be listed:
>     - ciranda
>     - wsftv
>     - clipping made by state government (covers mainstream media)
>     - fsm2009amazonia.org.br website
>     - some tools that need to be discussed:
>        - fsminfo blog (some kind of clipping, but of the digital  
> world, blogs, etc - http://openfsm.net/projects/fsm2009-info/)
>        - twitter (I'm really thinking on using www.twitter.com in  
> order to create a "live" clipping and informative service for WSF  
> people)
> - If you have additions, please send me the direct links for media  
> that'll have special coverage of WSF
> 3) Online program of WSF
>     - the program is online here (http://tinyurl.com/8rf85p) and  
> will be constantly updated. It's based on Excel spreadsheets, so  
> people can use CTRL+F to find names of activities, people and issues.
> 4) OpenFSM training during WSF
> 5) Security tips (made by police, waiting for the translation,  
> available on the website and linked on the newsletter)
> waiting for your inputs,
> -- 
> Thiago Benicchio
> World Social Forum Office - Sao Paulo, Brazil
> skype user: benicchio

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