• Communication commission discussion

Re: Re: Re: [FSM 2009 - Comunicacao] Thanks - evaluation - post-forum

from Marica Di Pierri on Feb 11, 2009 11:24 AM
Hi friends,
what about you?

We're caming back to daily (and mad) work, like usually.. but really with a lot of saudade.
In those days I'm working to the final report, looking for any news about FSM in spanish countries all around the world.
If you've found some info or news in spanish please send me to this mail address!

However.. I'm really sorry.. but I just remember that I have an important meeting tonight so I think will be difficult to participate to the web chat..

I'll read all chat contents when I'll came back at home 
and I'll talk with Monic for all relevants things.

a lot of kiss and see you on next chat

Marica Di Pierri 
Responsabile Comunicazione Ass. A Sud  

+39 348.6861204 
Skype: maricadipierri

Da: Monica Di Sisto <monicadisisto@...>
A: fsm2009com-discussion@...
Cc: wsfic liscom <wsfic-communication@...>; lista communication-com <communication-commission-discussion@...>; fsm2009tv-video-discussion@...; fsm2009ciranda-discussion@...
Inviato: Mercoledì 11 febbraio 2009, 11:42:34
Oggetto: [Communication commission discussion] Re: Re: [FSM 2009 - Comunicacao] Thanks - evaluation - post-forum

Dear friends,
many thanks to all of you for the wonderful experience and all the new things I've learned during those days. Here in a rainy Rome the "saudade" is stronger than expected ;-)
A new year of huge mobilizations and struggles is spreading around and it's important to evaluate our job to to the best during the next months.
Listen to you later today
Best wishes

2009/2/11 Matheus <alma@...>

Ook jij bedankt! Was formidavel. Matheus 
-------Mensagem original-------
De: antonio pacor
Data: 10/2/2009 06:18:00
Para: fsm2009com-discussion@...
Cc: wsfic liscom;  lista communication-com;  fsm2009tv-video-discussion@...;  fsm2009ciranda-discussion@...
Assunto: Re: [FSM 2009 - Comunicacao] Thanks - evaluation - post-forum
Dear all, querid@s,
I wish to thanks all of you for the job made in Belem!!!!!!!!!
thank you
antonio pacor
2009/2/10 Jason Nardi <jason.nardi@...>:
> [ENG] ________
> Hello everybody!
> Just a quick message to say thank you to all for the work done before and
> during the Forum in Belem!
> I think it would be very useful to make an evaluation of the experience and
> what we can take on for the future.
> Those of you who still have some energy could join the online meeting of the
> communication commission of the IC, next wednesday February 11 at 18 hrs GMT
> via skype.
> [ GMT: 18:00 / Brasília: 16:00 / Rome: 19:00 / Mumbai: 23:30 / San
> Francisco: 10:00 / Khartoum: 15:00 ]
> Suggestions for the agenda or skype contacts to participate:
> fsmsite@...
> [POR] _________
> Olá pessoal!
> Basta uma rápida mensagem para agradecer a todos pelo trabalho realizado
> antes e durante o Fórum em Belém!
> Penso que seria muito útil para fazer uma avaliação da experiência e aquilo
> que pode assumir para o futuro.
> Aqueles de vocês que ainda têm alguma energia poderiam aderir ao encontro
> online  da Comissão da comunicação do CI, na próxima quarta-feira 11
> fevereiro a 18 hrs GMT via skype.
> [GMT: 18:00 / Brasília: 16:00 / Roma: 19:00 / Mumbai: 23:30 / San Francisco:
> 10:00 / Cartum: 15:00]
> Sugestões para a agenda ou contactos para participar skype:
> fsmsite@...
> [FRE] _________
> Bonjour à tous!
> Juste un petit message pour dire merci à tous pour le travail accompli avant
> et pendant le Forum à Belém!
> Je pense qu'il serait très utile de procéder à une évaluation de
> l'expérience et ce que nous pouvons prendre pour l'avenir.
> Ceux d'entre vous qui ont encore l'énergie, pourrait rejoindre la rencontre
> en ligne de la commission communication du CI, mercredi prochain 11 Février
> à 18 heures GMT via skype.
> [GMT: 18h00 / Brasília: 16:00 / Rome: 19:00 / Mumbai: 23h30 / San Francisco:
> 10h00 / Khartoum: 15:00]
> Suggestions pour l'ordre du jour ou skype contacts à y participer:
> fsmsite@...
> [ESP] __________
> Hola a todos!
> Sólo un breve mensaje para decir gracias a todos por el trabajo realizado
> antes y durante el Foro en Belem!
> Creo que sería muy útil para hacer una evaluación de la experiencia y lo que
> podemos asumir para el futuro.
> Aquellos de ustedes que todavía tienen algo de energía podría incorporarse a
> la reunión en línea de la comisión de comunicación de CI, el próximo
> miércoles 11 de febrero a las 18 horas GMT a través de Skype.
> [GMT: 18:00 / Brasilia: 16:00 / Roma: 19:00 / Mumbai: 23:30 / San Francisco:
> 10:00 / Jartum: 15:00]
> Sugerencias para la agenda de contactos de Skype o de participación:
> fsmsite@...
> _________________
> Jason Nardi
> Social Watch - Italy
> skype: jason42
Archive: http://openfsm.net/projects/fsm2009com/lists/fsm2009com-discussion/archive/2009/02/1234258508716
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Monica Di Sisto - Vice presidente
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