• Communication commission discussion

Re: Re: on mandate to fundraise - Re: recordings of ic meeting audio

from Alessandra Ceregatti on Oct 16, 2009 01:18 PM
Estoy de acuerdo con lo que propone Giuseppe y Dan; I agree with what is
being proposed by Giuseppe and Dan.

2009/10/16 Alessandra Ceregatti <aleceregatti@...>

> Hello, all
> All the reports/minutes of the IC meetings and other documents are posted
> by the WSF office on the World Social Forum website (
> www.forumsocialmundial.org.br // www.worldsocialforum.org) in the section
> "Who organizes it" > International Council > International Council
> Documents. You can found them specifically on the link below in the
> different languages:
> Portuguese -
> http://www.forumsocialmundial.org.br/main.php?id_menu=3_2_2&cd_language=1
> English -
> http://www.forumsocialmundial.org.br/main.php?id_menu=3_2_2&cd_language=2
> French -
> http://www.forumsocialmundial.org.br/main.php?id_menu=3_2_2&cd_language=3
> Castellano -
> http://www.forumsocialmundial.org.br/main.php?id_menu=3_2_2&cd_language=4
> Alessandra
> =======
> Caras/os,
> Todos los relatorios/informes de las reuniones del CI y otros documetnos
> son publicados por la oficina del FSM en el sitio web del FSM (
> www.forumsocialmundial.org.br // www.worldsocialforum.org) en la sección
> Quien organiza > Consejo Internacional > Documientos del Consejo
> Internacional. El link exacto en los distintos idiomas sigue abajo:
> Portugués -
> http://www.forumsocialmundial.org.br/main.php?id_menu=3_2_2&cd_language=1
> Inglés -
> http://www.forumsocialmundial.org.br/main.php?id_menu=3_2_2&cd_language=2
> Francés -
> http://www.forumsocialmundial.org.br/main.php?id_menu=3_2_2&cd_language=3
> Castellano -
> http://www.forumsocialmundial.org.br/main.php?id_menu=3_2_2&cd_language=4
> Alessandra
> 2009/10/16 Roberto Savio <utopie@...>
>  Alessandra, let me beg to disagree. In Parma we had a mandate for one
>> year, and then , in the following IC I did present a request for confirming
>> that mandate, and through the general indifference that was given...I still
>> have my report with me.....if we had minutes it would be there....but we
>> just read our reports, there is no place to deposit them....
>> that said I am delinquent of not being able to accompany the work of the
>> commission, because of my other  engagement with the World Political Forum,
>> so I shut up.
>> hugs roberto
>> At 23.12 15/10/2009, Alessandra Ceregatti wrote:
>> Hello, all,
>> 1. I also would like to hear a summary of meeting held on the night of
>> 8th; or, if you think the meeting has not advanced very much, I can send
>> them my comments and suggestions to the plan
>> 2. About the mandate of the Communication Commission, Savio, I have one
>> correction: the mandate was given to elaborate the plan, fundraise and
>> implement it for 2008 mobilization process as stated in the IC report of the
>> Nairobi IC meeting in January 2007, but not for forever. That decision was
>> made at the final of the meeting and some people consensus was not so clear
>> on that.
>> Anyway, due to the concerns raised on the Montreal meeting of the
>> Communication Commission it is really important that a summary report of the
>> incomes, expenses of the resources raised by the Com-com be presented to the
>> commission itself and to the IC (even if it is a preliminary version since I
>> understood that the project will only be finished by October).
>> cheers,
>> alessandra
>> 2009/10/15 Roberto Savio <utopie@...>
>>  well,I heard the recording of the commission. Without a chair variegated
>> and committed people tend to discuss about their perception and priorities,
>> and while the debate has very interesting moments, it was not conducive to
>> present a report to the plenary. And yet there were lot of documents and a
>> power point...
>> I think Giuseppe request is a very reasonable one, and i hope the
>> Commission will be able to integrate the various proposal into an organic
>> plan.
>> My I remind everybody that the commission has received a mandate to do its
>> own fundraising and administering the plan.
>> Of course, to report to the plenary would have been better, both in terms
>> of good governance and interaction with the Council( even if it is hard to
>> discern any noticeable effect, after so many years of ignored reporting to
>> the plenary). But as this did not happen, now let us go, adopt a plan, and
>> fund rise and implement it.
>> wishes, roberto savio
>> At 09.21 15/10/2009, you wrote:
>> Dear All,
>> (Desafortunadamente mi castellano es demasiado pobre para mi escribir aca
>> en los dos idiomas, espero que esto no sea un problema muy grande)
>> first of all thank you Z for this contribution. I wish to remind the group
>> taking this opportunity that we had promised Amit and the whole IC that a
>> communication plan would be delivered to the IC soon after the IC and in
>> very short time indeed. Due to some strange misunderstanding we did not end
>> up having a final meeting after the presentation of the USSF, but some of us
>> did if i undersatnd correctly.
>> Now, i beleive it would be useful for those who met to tell us, all of us
>> involved in the group, what came out of that meeting so that we can pull all
>> our creative resources together and produce a consensus plan to be delivered
>> to the IC as we promised.
>> Looking forward to hearing from you all guys and to keep working with you
>> Ciao
>> giuseppe
>> 2009/10/14 Zoul <zoul@...> where you can download and listen the
>> content of the debates of the afternoon of the 8th of october in Montréal : http://zoulstory.outrenet.com/conferences/fsm/ci/oct-09-montreal/ you
>> can also read a "coup de gueule" that i wrote after this day... (in french) Good
>> luck Zoul
>> *[Zoulstory.com] Et si on arrêtait d’avoir peur ? Le Forum Social Mondial
>> dans des beaux draps…*
>> Cette année, à Montréal, pour préparer ses 10 ans, le forum social s’est
>> mis dans de beaux draps, au sens propre, comme au figuré. Est-ce la peur qui
>> a dirigé ces mauvais choix ? Ou bien est-ce cela que nous entendons par « Un
>> autre monde est possible » qu’on ne cesse de répéter, tel un mantra, pour ne
>> plus avoir à travailler pour le construire ? Peut-être avons-nous simplement
>> cessé d’y croire ? Sommes-nous satisfaits du salaire de nos peines ?
>> http://www.zoulstory.com/blog/?2009/10/10/366--zoulstorycom-et-si-on-arretait-davoir-peur-le-forum-social-mondial-dans-des-beaux-draps
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