• Communication commission discussion

Re: final plan proposal

from Roberto Savio on Nov 02, 2009 02:14 PM
antonio  non hai ma messo nulla della ips, mi 
fartaqi litigare, schiagurato...una volta che ti chiedo un favore.....

At 21.27 01/11/2009, you wrote:
>por primero, preguntamo que por favor alguien 
>puede traducir in espagnol y portoguese o otros idiomas??
>dear all,
>here the revised version of the plan proposal to present to ic.
>this work has been done taking in account all 
>contribution and all discussion raised around comcom group and work.
>we hope we have include all groups and scope. If 
>you have any questions, comments, proposals, 
>please send back  to the comcom mailing list (if 
>notes directly on the plan, please do in a 
>different color and not on the attached version).
>In solidarity
>Bettina, Antonio
>2010 process project proposal
>Plano de Comunicação 2010
>The Communication Commission is among the 6 
>commissions established in 2003 in the 
>International Council meeting in Miami. The 
>Commission has been active with 4 «communication 
>projects» in Porto Alegre 2005 and Nairobi 2007, 
>and with 6 more structured projects in Belem 
>2009; it has taken care of communication and 
>information support for the Global Day of Action in 2008.
>The Communication Commission has a working plan 
>based on 8 working groups, reviewed in the 
>Berlin (2007), Abuja (2008) and Rabat (2009) IC 
>meetings, addressing media (both indipendent and 
>mainstream), intercommunication (among 
>participants) and online participation, internal 
>communication, memory, visual identity and 
>“other languages” (both in terms of translation 
>and of different communication means, including artistic expression).
>The Commission's plan has been updated and 
>presented at every IC meeting, approved and its 
>mandate reconfirmed each time. The working 
>groups are open to observers and volunteers who 
>are involved in communication activities and 
>want to help te WSF process. There are some 
>reference text (Guidelines, How we take 
>decisions online, communication plans, reports 
>from meetings, etc.) in the Commission's space 
>on Openfsm: 
>The Commission operates in coordination with the 
>S.Paulo office staff and is trying to activate 
>number of interns/dedicated staff from IC member 
>organisations for the general communication 
>tasks (in order to have inputs and translations 
>in different regions of the world).
>As of September 2009, the Comcom's space in 
>Openfsm.net has 80+ participants (of which 15-20 
>more regular contributors) and various mailing lists for the working groups.
>It is ten years that in the WSF new 
>counter-hegemonic communication shared practices 
>are developing. The experience accumulated in 
>these years has allowed to better define the 
>scope and concrete possibilities of 
>communication and information activities, which 
>are becoming key practices for the progress of 
>the WSF process. The latter is taking the form 
>of a variety of events and dates, spread over 
>the next two years and culminating in the WSF 
>2011 in Dakar. It is moving from «yearly 
>events», owned by regional organisation 
>committees (with exception of GDA) to a «WSF 
>calendar» with a succession and diversity of 
>events locally owned, and of dates 
>(mobilisations) promoted by thematic networks 
>and assemblies within the WSF dynamics.
>The challenge is now to help stimulate 
>inter-communication processes between committees 
>and participants, make the linkage of these 
>dates and events felt in a common process, and 
>make this common process visible to media and 
>public opinion in general. The form adopted for 
>2009-2011 (including moments/days dedicated to a 
>common issue – such as “another exit from the 
>crisis is possible”) leads us to explore novel 
>ways in communication capable of enabling 
>massive inclusion of new actors in the process.
>The involvement of IC member organizations in 
>the communicational process is the main 
>condition for the success of these proposals, as 
>well as the active participation of and synergy 
>with the organising committee of the WSF 2011 in Dakar.
>Working Plan :
>                     DIFFUSION
>Processes of intercommunication between the 
>participants,organizations and individuals 
>through Internet or direct,   Information 
>processing / sharing between groups facilitators / organizers and participants
>             1•           Information on WSF process :
>Improve and send the newsletter/bulletin and link it to the WSF participants
>             2•           Communication web strategy
>Redefine the general “institutional” website 
>together with the S.Paulo Office more as a 
>portal, linking to the WSF “universe” (events, 
>process and participation, registration, online 
>donation, memory, multimedia [video,radio, other 
>media], media center...]and sharing a 
>multi-event site (MAP) with participants 
>registration form and online payment 
>system.(*see infrastructure and technology)
>             3•           Communication tools and partecipation working groups
>An easy to use tool for wsf related working 
>groups to communicate and intercommunicate. 
>Define the essential tools to facilitate 
>participation of organisations and individuals. 
>One website (taking in account what already 
>exist)  used as a reference point for all 
>groups.  (*see infrastructure and technology)
>             4•           Expanding WSF events
>Expanded  is a whole organizing/ mobilizing and 
>participatory approach allowing to break the 
>travel cost barrier and include many new 
>participants in the dynamics of a forum event
>             5.     Online donations and campaign
>Develop a global campaign for 
>self-sustainability of WSF (based on the organisations' and
>participants ownership of the wsf process - in 
>terms of both inkind and economic
>resources) and promote the online donation 
>system on all wsf websites and in connection
>with the participants' database.
>             6•           Commission Strategy seminar
>A few days meeting to discuss in depth 
>communication strategy issues related to the 
>mid- and long- term WSF process, networking, 
>promotion as well as to the work on the detailed 
>plan for 2010 and 2011. This meeting could 
>involve Methodology commission members as well 
>as the ad hoc 2010 IC working group. Date to be 
>defined (depending also on resources), possibly by January 2010.
>Communication of events to promote partecipation 
>and multimedia coverage of events for contamination and memory
>Relevant is the Interaction  with the Organizing 
>Committee of events to garantee internal and 
>external communication during event:
>¬         within all sf actors and new potential 
>partecipants at the wsf process
>¬         with general pubblic to sensibilize and involve toward wsf universe
>¬         toward alternative/independent  and 
>mainstream media for local and international visibility
>It is IMPORTANT to assure  that the 
>infrastracture for communication be prioritized 
>and guaranteed in/for the next World Social Forum events.
>objectives :
>1•        Web site strategy
>The first visible communication for WSF should 
>be expressed in an interesting to look  website, 
>wich must be the gate to all social forum 
>websites. It may have in the homepage a world 
>map ( like for GDA2008) and links to local event 
>sites. (*see infrastructure and technology)
>             2•           Shared collective Communication spaces
>Independent/alternative Media 
>stimulate the formation of mixed (local and 
>international) teams of             shared 
>communication teams that promote coverage of the 
>event in             exchange and collaboration 
>policy   *See specific projec
>Forum de Radio (AMARC) A campaign in 6 languages 
>to promote the Forums and their coverage to 
>radios in the Americas, Europe, Africa, Asia and 
>Australia. Facilitation of coordinated 
>programming, spots, in different languages. 
>Special involvement of community radios 
>worldwide.             *See specific project
>Tv and video exchange 
>system  (<http://wsftv.net>wsftv.net) Facilitate 
>the building of a online video community to 
>promote the coverage of the 
>different             sf events around the 
>world;  Possibility to open for each forum a 
>specific channel in the website related to and 
>linked with the other forum websites. *See specific project
>             3•           Press and 
> international mainstream media facilitation
>Increase the visibility of the WSF in public 
>opinion worldwide.
>Virtual media center 
>(website/section/repository) – with all 
>materials for journalists and a complete map of 
>all the events, allowing to join a shared 
>communication.International Press pool (press 
>kits, press releases, informatin of other media 
>actitvities, etc)
>Facilitate distribution of  the forum tv 
>coverage by satellite and through Eurovision Worldfeed
>Translators pool (8 languages: EN, ES, PT, FR, DE, AR, HI, SW)
>             4•           Visual identy and other “languages”
>for a coherence in the online tools promoted by 
>the WSF there is the need of having some 
>elements of common visual identity in order to 
>make the connection among the various events visible and immediate.
>Promotional common “materials” for the “Forum 
>2010” (graphics design, logo, banners, general 
>visual identity) in open digital formats to be 
>shared and promoted throughout and adopted by 
>the events, and to be used for virtual communication.
>Cultural, artistic and dialogic communication: 
>promoting other “languages” of communication 
>(artistic and cultural dimensions, besides media 
>and internet) emerging from the Forum dynamics 
>and linking the different events.
>3. Memory and documentation
>is the first and organized depository of the forum process memory.
>Other many source of multimedia memory are 
>potentially available but not yet linked and 
>organized for a common consultation.
>             1•           Memory available to all partecipants
>Allow wsf memory material to be reached by all 
>partecipants through a search engine that can 
>reach all the digitalized exhisting memory 
>material spread in different web sites.*( see infrastructure and technology)
>             2•           Production of memory
>Stimulate, train, support  the production and 
>digital collection of memory at each event ( 
>text, photo, audio, video) providing when 
>necessary, the proper format for documenting 
>activities and outcomes, and make those contents visible online
>             3•           Memory Archive
>Map the multimedia Memory archive in terms of 
>cataloging and uploading all available past 
>multimedia material (text,audio,photo, video) 
>.Consolidate and update the multimedia database
>4. Infrastructure and technology:
>This is a PREREQUISITES for all the above:
>tools to assure global communication!
>Past experience with development of WSF websites 
>has lead to try to setup a Technical webteam and 
>a Software support group in order to work with a 
>community of developers worldwide to help find 
>better technical solutions within a “political” 
>context and promoting the use of free software.
>We strongly beleive in the need of a very easy, 
>fast to use tool, with only stricktly necessary 
>functions, constructed possibly by professional technicians.
>Tasks include: optimizing servers and hosting; 
>data transmission, softwares and databases for 
>different needs of communication.
>List of proposals :
>          A.         WSF PORTAL
>             www. 
> <http://forumsocialmundial.org>forumsocialmundial.org 
>with world map of events (linked to local web 
>sites) and different links button lead to:
>WHAT IS WSF? history, charters of principles, 
>memory of process, organization…
>PARTECIPATE : how to partecipate in wsf events 
>and process and instruction of how to; including 
>INTERNAL NETWORK ( for now we have 
><http://www.open.net>www.open.net and 
><http://www.process.net>www.process.net) + Online donations and campaign
>            MEMORY:  search anythink you need 
> here (search engine like google) that pics out 
> documents ( altogether or separate 
> text,       pictures, video, audio,radio)   *see memory serach engine below
>                                MEDIA COMMUNICATION:
>            1.           Alternative Media, 
> Collective and Shared communication (Ciranda, 
> TV Forum, Wsftv, Radio and related networks)
>            2.           Independent Media
>            3.           Mainstream Media- Virtual media center
>          B.         Memory Search 
> Engine         * (proposed in memory and documentation)
>Create an organized database and /or searching 
>engine for all different types of memory 
>material (audio,video, text+foto) that currently 
>exists and make it available thorough the 
>existing websites ( 
>ciranda, wsftv, forumradio, 
><http://openfsm.net>openfsm.net,) *we have seen 
>that It is possible to set up a portal that will 
>be used to collect and make searchable the 
>contents residing on other portals that are 
>supported by application of any technologies, as 
>long as they are able to export to RSS or ATOM ( 
>most portals are capable).The portal will be 
>equipped with a very simple interface and 
>accessible without authentication. The interface 
>will present only the disclaimer of the portal 
>and a search form (ei: google). search results 
>will be presented to the User, after sending the 
>request, in the form of a list of content marked 
>with the title, date and a brief description. 
>The title will be clickable. By clicking on it, 
>the user will be routed directly to the place where resides the news.
>          C. Partecipation/intercommunication Website
>             Processes of intercommunication 
> between the participants,organizations and 
> individuals through Internet or 
> direct,   Information processing / sharing 
> between groups facilitators / organizers and participants .
>             Communication tools and partecipation working groups
>An easy to use tool for wsf related working 
>groups to communicate and intercommunicate. 
>Define the essential tools to facilitate 
>participation of organisations and individuals. 
>One website (taking in             account what 
>already exist)  used as a reference point for 
>all groups.              (*see infrastructure and technology)
>          D. Event site
>             The first visible communication for 
> WSF should be expressed in an interesting to 
> look  website, wich must be the gate to all 
> social forum websites. It may have in the 
> homepage a world map ( like for GDA2008) and links to local event sites.
>To unsubscribe send an email with subject 
>"unsubscribe" to 
>Please contact 
>for questions.
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