• Communication commission discussion

Re: Re: [Wsfic-communication] EN/PT: Letter of the LG to the ComCom / Carta do GE para a ComCom

from Roberto Savio on Dec 02, 2009 03:42 PM
Dear all,
if there is no agreement over my letter, please 
annex it to whatever you want to write. But I 
want my opinion to stand anyhow...roberto

At 16.41 02/12/2009, you wrote:
>[EN only, disculpe!]
>Dear all,
>More than a week has passed since this message (see below) from the
>Liason Group was sent to our list and we have not discussed or
>answered it yet.
>Before or as we do, there is an urgent matter to deal with, which has
>come out from the report of the IC meeting in Montreal, in particular
>from the report of the LG meeting which has a part on the "evaluation"
>of the communication commission.  If you haven't already, you may read
>the text in the document attached (or get the whole report from the
>home page of the WSF website - here is the 
>direct link: 
>Any of you who participated to the meeting in Montreal or have been
>actively engaged with the Commission's work know that whatever
>problems we may have (which we have been discussing openly
>throughout), they are not what is described in that report, which was
>done with no prior consultation or request of clarifications.
>Therefore I think we need to react strongly.  It is not a matter of
>not accepting criticism, on rhe contrary.  Roberto Savio has written a
>text in response which I subscribe completely and I think we should
>discuss it and send it as soon as possible to the IC.  The idea is to
>send it as a collective response. What is your opinion?
>I really hope that this does not distract us from our work (I will
>briefly send another mail about detailing the communication plan,
>activities, timing and resources), but we certainly cannot ignore it.
>Please take the time to read carefully and to comment in this list.
>Thanks and ciao,
>2009/11/23 WSFIC_FSMCI <fsmci@...>
>(Versão em Português mais abaixo)
>EN: *Letter of the Liaison Group to the IC Communication Commission*
>Dear friends of the IC Communication Commission,
>As you all know, the IC Liaison Group has met after the Montreal IC
>Meeting in order to identify what it should do after the decisions
>taken it, so it can fulfill its role as facilitator of the relations
>between the Commissions and the IC, to fully develop the WSF process
>in a integrated, transparent and shared way among all the people who
>voluntarily and determined build the dream of another world possible.
>Going through the reports of the different Commissions during the last
>session, we  saw that  there are issues that  were raised in the
>Communication Commission which need discussion.
>As we all know, the Liaison Group can not and should not decide on how
>each Commission work, as they are autonomous and responsible for what
>they do. But it can and it should help them resolve and overcome any
>issues they might face. As, for example, it was already done in
>Montreal, to resolve the difficulties around the making of the WSF
>Newsletter, under responsibility of the Liaison Group Support Office,
>currently located in Sao Paulo. The Liaison Group will keep on
>following the developments of this task, as decided in Montreal.
>In this perspective, we want to propose a Meeting of the Liaison Group
>with the members of this Commission. The first occasion for such a
>Meeting seems to be the Social Forum to be held in Porto Alegre at the
>end of January 2010. As, however, not all the members of this
>Commission nor all the members of the Liaison Group are going to
>attend this event, we could, before it, have one or more chats on the
>web with all the members of both the Communication Commission and the
>Liaison Group as soon as possible.
>We are aware that this Commission is currently under an intense
>process of exchanging information and propositions, which it something
>truly positive. It is in order to make sure that this important work
>of the WSF process, is kept going, that we consider it important to
>deepen the relations between the Liaison Group and the Communication
>WSF International Council Liaison Group.
>PT: *Carta do Grupo de Enlace para a Comissão de Comunicação do CI*
>Companheiras e companheiros da Comissão de Comunicação do CI,
>Como vocês sabem, o Grupo de Enlace (GE) do CI, reuniu-se depois da
>Reunião do CI em Montreal para identificar o que lhe caberia fazer a
>partir das decisões então tomadas, para bem cumprir o seu papel de
>facilitador das relações entre as Comissões e destas com todo o CI,
>para que o processo do FSM possa se desenvolver de forma integrada,
>transparente e compartilhada entre todas as pessoas que constroem de
>forma voluntária e determinada o sonho de um outro mundo possível.
>Revisando então os informes das diferentes Comissões na última
>plenária, nós percebemos que havia questões levantadas na Comissão
>de Comunicação que precisavam ser discutidas.
>Como todos sabemos, o Grupo de Enlace não pode e não deve interferir
>no funcionamento das Comissões, que são autônomas e responsáveis
>pelo que fazem. Mas pode e deve ajudá-las na superação dos problemas
>que venham a enfrentar. Como, aliás, já foi feito ainda em Montreal,
>para resolver dificuldades que estavam se criando em torno da
>produção do Boletim do FSM, de responsabilidade do Escritório de
>Apoio do Grupo de Enlace, sediado atualmente em São Paulo. O Grupo de
>Enlace continuará acompanhando o desenvolvimento desta tarefa a partir
>do que ficou combinado em Montreal
>Dentro dessa perspectiva, queremos propor uma reunião do Grupo de
>Enlace com os membros da Comissão. A primeira ocasião para isso
>parece ser o Fórum Social que se realizará em Porto Alegre no final
>de Janeiro de 2010. Como, no entanto, nem todos os membros da Comissão
>e do próprio Grupo de Enlace estarão presentes nesse evento,
>poderíamos, antes dele, ter um ou mais “chats” pela Internet com
>todos os membros da Comissão e do GE, logo que for possível.
>Temos conhecimento de que a Comissão está atualmente em um intenso
>processo de troca de informações e propostas, o que só pode ser
>visto como muito positivo. É com o intuito de fazer com que esse
>trabalho importante do processo FSM continue seguindo que consideramos
>extremamente importante esse aprofundamento das relações do Grupo de
>Enlace com a Comissão de Comunicação.
>Grupo de Enlace do Conselho Internacional do FSM.
>Wsfic-communication mailing list
>To unsubscribe send an email with subject 
>"unsubscribe" to 
>Please contact 
>communication-commission-discussion-manager@... for questions.
>[EN only, disculpe!]
>Dear all,
>More than a week has passed since this message 
>(see below) from the Liason Group was sent to 
>our list and we have not discussed or answered it yet.
>Before or as we do, there is an urgent matter to 
>deal with, which has come out from the report of 
>the IC meeting in Montreal, in particular from 
>the report of the LG meeting which has a part on 
>the "evaluation" of the communication 
>commission.  If you haven't already, you may 
>read the text in the document attached (or get 
>the whole report from the home page of the WSF 
>website - here is the direct link: 
>Any of you who participated to the meeting in 
>Montreal or have been actively engaged with the 
>Commission's work know that whatever problems we 
>may have (which we have been discussing openly 
>throughout), they are not what is described in 
>that report, which was done with no prior 
>consultation or request of clarifications.
>Therefore I think we need to react strongly.  It 
>is not a matter of not accepting criticism, on 
>rhe contrary.  Roberto Savio has written a text 
>in response which I subscribe completely and I 
>think we should discuss it and send it as soon 
>as possible to the IC.  The idea is to send it 
>as a collective response. What is your opinion?
>I really hope that this does not distract us 
>from our work (I will briefly send another mail 
>about detailing the communication plan, 
>activities, timing and resources), but we certainly cannot ignore it.
>Please take the time to read carefully and to comment in this list.
>Thanks and ciao,
>2009/11/23 WSFIC_FSMCI 
>(Versão em Português mais abaixo)
>EN: *Letter of the Liaison Group to the IC Communication Commission*
>Dear friends of the IC Communication Commission,
>As you all know, the IC Liaison Group has met 
>after the Montreal IC Meeting in order to 
>identify what it should do after the decisions 
>taken it, so it can fulfill its role as 
>facilitator of the relations between the 
>Commissions and the IC, to fully develop the WSF 
>process in a integrated, transparent and shared 
>way among all the people who voluntarily and 
>determined build the dream of another world possible.
>Going through the reports of the different 
>Commissions during the last session, we  saw 
>that  there are issues that  were raised in the 
>Communication Commission which need discussion.
>As we all know, the Liaison Group can not and 
>should not decide on how each Commission work, 
>as they are autonomous and responsible for what 
>they do. But it can and it should help them 
>resolve and overcome any issues they might face. 
>As, for example, it was already done in 
>Montreal, to resolve the difficulties around the 
>making of the WSF Newsletter, under 
>responsibility of the Liaison Group Support 
>Office, currently located in Sao Paulo. The 
>Liaison Group will keep on following the 
>developments of this task, as decided in Montreal.
>In this perspective, we want to propose a 
>Meeting of the Liaison Group with the members of 
>this Commission. The first occasion for such a 
>Meeting seems to be the Social Forum to be held 
>in Porto Alegre at the end of January 2010. As, 
>however, not all the members of this Commission 
>nor all the members of the Liaison Group are 
>going to attend this event, we could, before it, 
>have one or more chats on the web with all the 
>members of both the Communication Commission and 
>the Liaison Group as soon as possible.
>We are aware that this Commission is currently 
>under an intense process of exchanging 
>information and propositions, which it something 
>truly positive. It is in order to make sure that 
>this important work of the WSF process, is kept 
>going, that we consider it important to deepen 
>the relations between the Liaison Group and the Communication Commission.
>WSF International Council Liaison Group.
>PT: *Carta do Grupo de Enlace para a Comissão de Comunicação do CI*
>Companheiras e companheiros da Comissão de Comunicação do CI,
>Como vocês sabem, o Grupo de Enlace (GE) do CI, 
>reuniu-se depois da Reunião do CI em Montreal 
>para identificar o que lhe caberia fazer a 
>partir das decisões então tomadas, para bem 
>cumprir o seu papel de facilitador das 
>relações entre as Comissões e destas com todo 
>o CI, para que o processo do FSM possa se 
>desenvolver de forma integrada, transparente e 
>compartilhada entre todas as pessoas que 
>constroem de forma voluntária e determinada o 
>sonho de um outro mundo possível.
>Revisando então os informes das diferentes 
>Comissões na última plenária, nós percebemos 
>que havia questões levantadas na Comissão de 
>Comunicação que precisavam ser discutidas.
>Como todos sabemos, o Grupo de Enlace não pode 
>e não deve interferir no funcionamento das 
>Comissões, que são autônomas e responsáveis 
>pelo que fazem. Mas pode e deve ajudá-las na 
>superação dos problemas que venham a 
>enfrentar. Como, aliás, já foi feito ainda em 
>Montreal, para resolver dificuldades que estavam 
>se criando em torno da produção do Boletim do 
>FSM, de responsabilidade do Escritório de Apoio 
>do Grupo de Enlace, sediado atualmente em São 
>Paulo. O Grupo de Enlace continuará 
>acompanhando o desenvolvimento desta tarefa a 
>partir do que ficou combinado em Montreal
>Dentro dessa perspectiva, queremos propor uma 
>reunião do Grupo de Enlace com os membros da 
>Comissão. A primeira ocasião para isso parece 
>ser o Fórum Social que se realizará em Porto 
>Alegre no final de Janeiro de 2010. Como, no 
>entanto, nem todos os membros da Comissão e do 
>próprio Grupo de Enlace estarão presentes 
>nesse evento, poderíamos, antes dele, ter um ou 
>mais “chats” pela Internet com todos os 
>membros da Comissão e do GE, logo que for possível.
>Temos conhecimento de que a Comissão está 
>atualmente em um intenso processo de troca de 
>informações e propostas, o que só pode ser 
>visto como muito positivo. É com o intuito de 
>fazer com que esse trabalho importante do 
>processo FSM continue seguindo que consideramos 
>extremamente importante esse aprofundamento das 
>relações do Grupo de Enlace com a Comissão de Comunicação.
>Grupo de Enlace do Conselho Internacional do FSM.
>Wsfic-communication mailing list
>To unsubscribe send an email with subject 
>"unsubscribe" to 
>Please contact 
>for questions.

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