• Communication commission discussion

Re: EN/PT Re: texto base para CI -insumos

from Jason Nardi on May 03, 2010 09:27 PM
Disculpe Norma,

he trabajado a la revision del documento en la noche - y ya està distribuido
en la lista del CI.  He utilisado tu version correcta como base.  Si haces
tiempo para una ultima revision, manana voy hacer copias para distribuirlo
en el CI.

Un abrazo,

2010/5/3 Norma Fernandez <normafer2003@...>

> Jason:
>           necesitás corrección al español? No lo leí en detalle porque
> anduve tomando parciales en la facultad, pero ahora tendrìa un poco de
> tiempo, si cambiaron muchas csas. Espero que me contestes
>                                              Norma
> PD: supongo que te llegó mi corrección del anterior (la base) pero no me
> comentaste nada
> --- El *sáb 1-may-10, Jason Nardi <jason.nardi@...>* escribió:
> De: Jason Nardi <jason.nardi@...>
> Asunto: Re: EN/PT Re: [Communication commission discussion] texto base para
> CI -insumos
> Para: communication-commission-discussion@...
> Cc: "antonio pacor" <apacor@...>
> Fecha: sábado, 1 de mayo de 2010, 2:46
>  Dear all,
> I'm including the last revision of the document for the IC, which I'd like
> to send tomorrow (I just arrived in Mexico city and it's late at night).
> Thanks Antonio, for your comment - the idea of this document is not to get
> into details of every experience; there is a separate compilation of the
> different activities of the Comcom, which I hope I can finish by tomorrow
> and will distribute to all IC members during the meeting.
> saludos
> Jason
> Hola a todos,
> Estoy incluyendo la última revisión del documento para el CI, que me
> gustaría enviar mañana (me acaba de llegar a la ciudad de México y es tarde
> en la noche).
> Gracias Antonio, por tu comentario - la idea de este documento no es entrar
> en detalles de cada experiencia; hay una recopilación separada de las
> diferentes actividades de la ComCom, que espero poder terminar mañana y
> distribuirá a todos los IC miembros durante la reunión.
> saludos
> Jason
> 2010/4/30 antonio pacor <apacor@...<http://ar.mc342.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=apacor@...>
> >
>> Dear all,
>> I think that all of us got different experience in this years of struggle
>> against the hegemonic media .
>> So I dont understand if we have also to write the history of hours
>> experience in terms of tv and videos, also if we were not involve "
>> officialy" in the communication Commision since the meeting in the Trasimeno
>> Lake.
>> For example like italian weare started in the Florence Social Forum were
>> we open a TV ( more the 150 peoples involve) digital Tv, or in India were
>> with the indian and pakistany team we produced highlights , daily video ,
>> always in a collective way also if we did not know personally the Brasilian
>> project. Ours common struggle and the space of the forua, European, Local
>> and World social forum put us in contact and then after some years we did
>> all together the Global Day of Action that it was a summa of the different
>> experience .
>> So Please let me know if we have to produce , as focuspuller, a short
>> document about the indipendent video path that involve us and other
>> collectives  .
>> The indiam team leaded by Paromita Vora, the camerandes of Mali,  the tv
>> group of Nairoby Slum etc etc .
>> I will ask to you also if we have to do that for the distribution with
>> satellite at the international tv, because in terms of contact we reach
>> millions and millions of people around the world , also during Porto Alegre
>> 2005 where the eurovision was not presented , but after our job come back in
>> Maly, Nairobi, Belem , Global Day of ACtion.
>> thanks and a huge hug to everybody.
>> paco
>> focuspuller
>>  2010/4/30 <rita@...<http://ar.mc342.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=rita@...>
>> >
>>> Jason
>>> Obrigada pela solução proposta. Mas independentemente de documentos
>>> anexados, creio que seria importante que o texto basico expresse as
>>> distintas vozes e processos históricos que hoje interagem para a
>>> comunicação.  Talvez com alguma revisão.
>>> O item sobre o primeiro GT é um claro exemplo. Eu não me referi 'a
>>> coberturas (apenas) feitas durante o evento FSM, mas a meses e meses de
>>> trabalho coletivo, dese a carta conceitual em 2004, até o relato e carta
>>> enviados ao CI. Me recordo de que tínhamos uma lista bem participativa
>>> moderada pela Patrícia Giufridda (que então trabalhava com a Alessandra
>>> Ceregatti), além dos eventos presenciais. Entao, penso que a memória disso
>>> seja possível.
>>> Eu sinto de verdade por não ter enviadoo documento que voce pede, mas
>>> compreenda que relatos de atividades coletivas da Ciranda no FSM nao depende
>>> só de que eu escreva um texto por minha conta. Acabamos de encerrar nosso
>>> encontro de dia inteiro sobre a comunicação e estamos coletando relatos
>>> sobre ele ainda.
>>> Uma decisão positiva desse encontro é que eu deveria fazer esforço para
>>> participar da reunião do CI. Eu recebo meu visto amanhã. Então espero estar
>>> com voce no México.
>>> Até lá e obrigada pelas observações
>>> Rita
>>> Thank you for the way you suggest but
>>> Independent of separated documents, I think that the basic text should
>>> express the the diferents voices and historical process interacting for the
>>> communication today. Maybe we can make some copydesk.
>>> The item about the first WG is a clear example. I didn´t refer a coverage
>>> made during the FSM event, but months by months of collective work since the
>>> conceptual letter in 2004 until the report sent to the IC. I remember we had
>>> a participative list moderated by Patricia Giufridda (working with
>>> Alessandra Ceregatti), apart of presential and virtual meetings. Then, I
>>> consider memory is posible.
>>> We really sorry about we didn´t send the document you ask for, but you
>>> know, the reports on the collective activities of Ciranda in the WSF don´t
>>> depend only of the text I could write by myself. We are just finishing our
>>> all- day-meeting debating communication issues and collecting reports of it.
>>> But a positive decision of this meeting was that I should to make efforts
>>> to be present in this IC meeting. I´ll receive my visa tomorrow. Then, I
>>> hope to work with you in Mexico.
>>> See you there and thank you for your comments
>>> []s
>>> Rita
>>> Citando Jason Nardi <jason.nardi@...<http://ar.mc342.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=jason.nardi@...>
>>> >:
>>>   Hi Rita,
>>>> thanks for your contribution!
>>>> And thanks to the others as well... different points of view are
>>>> converging
>>>> - we should have started this much earlier, but we'll have time to
>>>> discuss
>>>> during and after Mexico, nothing is written in stone, fortunately!
>>>> Just one point, Rita, that I find is important: the part you added
>>>> titled
>>>> "Comunicación compartida – Colectivos se integran a la comunicación del
>>>> FSM"
>>>> is what we discussed would be an annex at the end of the document to
>>>> give it
>>>> more space and dignity ("El tercero es un excursos sobre la experiencia
>>>> comunicacion compartida y independiente que saliò desde el primero FSM
>>>> en
>>>> Porto Alegre y se ha desarrollado hasta hoy"), which you agreed on and
>>>> had
>>>> taken charge to draft.  I suggest you complete it with some more info on
>>>> how
>>>> it evolved and especially what is the situation today (and leave how
>>>> Salete
>>>> had corrected in her revision of the first part of the document).
>>>> On the other hand, I don't agree that all those activities cited in that
>>>> paragraph where promoted by the International Council or by a working
>>>> group
>>>> (GT) inside it as a pre-Communication commission ("Ese primer GT de
>>>> Comunicación del Consejo Internacional ha logrado reunir mas de 100
>>>> participantes..."): many were and are independent initiatives that take
>>>> place (only) during the Forums, with mainly local participation or some
>>>> stimulation by the Forum organising committees.  They are certainly and
>>>> fully part of the process, but distinct (historically I mean) from the
>>>> IC.
>>>> I wish they had taken part to  the work in the IC, but unfortunately
>>>> this
>>>> hasn't happened yet... I do however agree that the role of the
>>>> Communication
>>>> commission is to  stimulate and widen participation in the dialogues you
>>>> mention ("estimular y ampliar a participación en esos diálogos").
>>>> I really think we need to discuss this further, especially the "how to"
>>>> do
>>>> it.
>>>> As for the other annex ("el segundo documento es una evaluación sobre
>>>> las
>>>> actividades en marcha, para que se pueda apreciar la situación
>>>> existente"),
>>>> we're still missing Ciranda's report on activities to facilitate
>>>> alternative
>>>> media coverage of the first 3-4 months of 2010, which you also
>>>> stimulated in
>>>> March.  As of now, we have the one on Press, Video/wstv, Expanded and
>>>> report
>>>> of the "tech group".
>>>> I'll send a recompiled draft tomorrow -- though I'm traveling the whole
>>>> day,
>>>> so I hope I can make it.
>>>> cheers,
>>>> Jason
>>>> 2010/4/29 <rita@...<http://ar.mc342.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=rita@...>
>>>> >
>>>>   Hi
>>>>> We understand that we have three interactives process under the called
>>>>> “WSF
>>>>> communication”, together in he same efforts to build the Communication
>>>>>  Comission, but as diferents processes in dialogue inside the Com Com
>>>>> and
>>>>> inside the WSF process. Because of that, it is natural that some part
>>>>> of our
>>>>> points of views are more visible than others, according who speaks
>>>>> about.
>>>>> Then, we contribute with some paragraphs according our experiences.
>>>>> They
>>>>> are in red color (in spanish). Thanks Jason and all of you who started
>>>>> this
>>>>> document. The contribution we send to you was pointed in the Ciranda
>>>>> last
>>>>> meeting in São Paulo, last sunday.
>>>>> Olá
>>>>> Nós entendemos que existem três processos interagindo na chamada
>>>>> Comunicação do FSM, juntos no mesmo esforço de construir a Comissão de
>>>>> Comunicação, em sua diversidade de vozes, mas como diferentes processos
>>>>> em
>>>>> diálogo dentro da Com Com e dentro do processo FSM. Por causa disso, é
>>>>> natural que parte dos nossos pontos de vista estejam mais visíveis que
>>>>> outros, dependendo de quem estiver falando.
>>>>> Assim, nós contribuimos para o texto com alguns parágrafos que refletem
>>>>> nossa experiência. Eles estão em vermelho (e em castellano). Obrigada
>>>>> Jason
>>>>> e a vocês que iniciaram este documento. A contribuição que estamos
>>>>> enviando
>>>>> foi apontada no último encontro da Ciranda em São Paulo, no último
>>>>> domingo.
>>>>> saludos
>>>>> Rita
>>>>> Citando Salete Camba <salete@...<http://ar.mc342.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=salete@...>
>>>>> >:
>>>>>   Olá todas/os
>>>>>> Algumas contribuições rápidas feitas em verde
>>>>>> Bj
>>>>>> Salete
>>>>>> Pierre George escreveu:
>>>>>>   Hi Monica and all
>>>>>>> Thanks Monica for reacting  quickly...
>>>>>>> i welcome this needed  discussion .time , even if ends up being
>>>>>>> very
>>>>>>> short ...
>>>>>>> I am glad you are agreeng  on two important  things :  the  paragraph
>>>>>>> about 2008 and the   distinction about internal and  external
>>>>>>> dimension of
>>>>>>> the communication which is mentionned  explicitly in various
>>>>>>> paragraphs
>>>>>>> now clarifying  on two observations you made
>>>>>>> 1 / why specify "forum "event"  and not just "forum" ,
>>>>>>>  is  to  recall that we avoid equating the events with the
>>>>>>>  process...
>>>>>>> and remind that  "comunicating the process to rest of  the world"
>>>>>>> is still
>>>>>>> a goal one concrete step forward can be  the  accumulation of events
>>>>>>> as in
>>>>>>> 2010, assuming there are more " binds"  between them   this could  be
>>>>>>> aa step
>>>>>>> in creating a global continous  presence of wsf  - the end of the
>>>>>>>  paragraph
>>>>>>> alludes to this  we  exchanged on this inside comcom  in rabat last
>>>>>>> year ,
>>>>>>> see the  header of our text there
>>>>>>> http://openfsm.net/projects/communication-commission/comcom-report-in-ic-rabat-en
>>>>>>> so i totally agree with you!  .; we are motivated by the process,
>>>>>>>  and
>>>>>>> cannot be contenet just wiht events ,  and look for ways to go
>>>>>>>  beyond one
>>>>>>> event per year, or isolated events,   2 /about ressources.
>>>>>>> You are right that organisations can contribute any kind of
>>>>>>>  ressources
>>>>>>>  .the point i wanted to make here is that- through  dialogue in the
>>>>>>> IC
>>>>>>> (and after it )- we are looking for ways to  formulate with the
>>>>>>> organisations,  "how" they can contribute  Tthe  intention here it to
>>>>>>> mention "facilitation" which is a task of IC  commission  , and "
>>>>>>> give
>>>>>>> example" in using the "spaces" provided by   the "facilitation" :
>>>>>>>  sus estructuras y sus recursos (humanos) a facilitar procesos
>>>>>>>  comunicacionales en el proceso foro  y  dar ejemplo en usar
>>>>>>> concretamente
>>>>>>> los “espacios de visibilidad e intercomunicacion “asi  creados. : for
>>>>>>> instance  world social forum.info  <http://forum.info> is a space
>>>>>>> created and faciltitated by ic  comcom to communicate the process  ,
>>>>>>> now
>>>>>>> what can be proposed  to  IC organsiations is to co-facilitate  this
>>>>>>> space ,
>>>>>>> how ,    and to  concretely "use" it , setting example , and
>>>>>>> developing
>>>>>>> practices
>>>>>>> Best regards
>>>>>>> Pierre
>>>>>>> 2010/4/28 Monica Di Sisto <moni.disisto@...<http://ar.mc342.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=moni.disisto@...><mailto:
>>>>>>> moni.disisto@...<http://ar.mc342.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=moni.disisto@...>
>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>>  Hi to all!
>>>>>>>  I think that our mexican agenda is already stuffed and we can't
>>>>>>>  add other focus, sorry Pierre.
>>>>>>>  Some observation about your revision of the document:
>>>>>>>  - "event forum" it's not correct, because our commission don't
>>>>>>>  participate just in "event" but support the WSF rocess, otherwise
>>>>>>>  I don't think most of us would be interested in.
>>>>>>>  - recursos we're using because of the IC mandate are not just
>>>>>>>  humanos, but also technical, economic, ideal, energetics and so
>>>>>>>  on, so your emendament in not correct
>>>>>>>  Other parts are confused and not add any substantial as such.
>>>>>>>  For those reasons I support the Roberto+Jason+Pia+Norma+...
>>>>>>>  version of the document, with the ecception of the para about 2008
>>>>>>>  and the distinction about internal and external dimension of the
>>>>>>>  communication.
>>>>>>>  Best, see U in Mexico
>>>>>>>       Monica
>>>>>>>       2010/4/28 <pierre.george@...<http://ar.mc342.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=pierre.george@...><mailto:
>>>>>>> pierre.george@...<http://ar.mc342.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=pierre.george@...>
>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>>      Hola a todo/as
>>>>>>>      Aqui viene una version del texto-base presentado  por jason
>>>>>>>       con unos
>>>>>>>      aportes  ( en azul en el texto )  , con 3 elementos
>>>>>>>      principales , que sean
>>>>>>>      o no incorporados valen la pena considerar en el dialogo con el
>>>>>>> CI
>>>>>>>      1 >> tomar en cuenta la experiencia de 2008 que consolido
>>>>>>>      bastante la
>>>>>>>      comission,
>>>>>>>      2 - >> agregar mas que estamos buscando como formular maneras de
>>>>>>>      incorporar mas organizaciones del CI a facilitar los processos
>>>>>>> de
>>>>>>>      comunicacion relativos al foro, que por esto necesitamos
>>>>>>>      tiempo de dialogo
>>>>>>>      en el CI
>>>>>>>      3 >> complementar la propuesta b) - mencionando parte interna
>>>>>>>      e externa de
>>>>>>>      la comunicacion
>>>>>>>       For the agenda of 1st day  i think the proposal is  very
>>>>>>>      good, i would
>>>>>>>      submit  some more items  to be considered in our encounters
>>>>>>>      wiht other
>>>>>>>      commissions
>>>>>>>      -social networks as outreach tools  for "expansion"
>>>>>>>      -intercommunication over distance  for "methdology"
>>>>>>>      -making preparation and follow up  phase of events more
>>>>>>>      participatory for
>>>>>>>      "methodology "
>>>>>>>      -nature and importane of "facilitation"   for "methodology"
>>>>>>>      -communication between events  for "strategy" ( strenghthen
>>>>>>>       common
>>>>>>>      identity of a sequence of events )
>>>>>>>      - facilitation role of IC  for "strategy"
>>>>>>>      hasta pronto
>>>>>>>      Pierre
>>>>>>> --
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