• Communication commission discussion

Re: Reminder: Online meeting today at 3pm Brasil, 5pm Dakar, 6pm Paris

from Igor Georges Palakot on Dec 13, 2010 06:01 PM

I really want to take part to this meeting unfortunatly I'm busy 6h - 21h
(gmt) sorry. I'll read your reports later.


2010/12/13 Jason Nardi <jason.nardi@...>

> Dear all,
> just to remind you that we are going to have our skype online meeting today
> as programmed at 6pm Paris time.
> If you have not given your skype id, please send it to me or to the list so
> you can be included.
> We are expecting the Dakar comcom to join us.
> Cheers,
> Jason
> Hola a tod@s,
> sólo para recordarle que vamos a tener nuestra reunión en línea con Skype
> hoy según lo programado a las 18 horas.
> Si usted no ha dado su ID de Skype, por favor enviar a mí o a la lista para
> que pueda ser incluido/a.
> Estamos a la espera de la comcom de Dakar a unirse a nosotros.
> Saludos
> Jason
> --
> Archive: http://openfsm.net/[…]/1292235579132<http://openfsm.net/projects/communication-commission/lists/communication-commission-discussion/archive/2010/12/1292235579132>
> To unsubscribe send an email with subject "unsubscribe" to
> communication-commission-discussion@.... Please contact
> communication-commission-discussion-manager@... for
> questions.

Igor Georges Destshiny PALAKOT
Ingénieur Informaticien,
Responsable Informatique
ENDA Tiers-Monde / SYSPRO
BP 6879 Dakar-étoile / Sénégal
Tel (Office) +221.33.821.70.37
         (Fax)   +221.33.823.57.54
        (Mob)  +
     (Paris)  +
web: http://enda.sn/syspro2

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