( This message sent at  kind request of SASF Organizing Committee members, who have not -yet- direct access to IC lists )

Dear  IC and commission members

Greetings and wishes from South Asia Social Forum Secretariat.


 You may be  aware that all our preparatory activities around the ensuing South Asia Social Forum, 2011 has been gathering momentum (*1)  more than a hundred organizations have registered one month before the event date

.In order to review and plan further about our overall preparations we will meet in a General Council Meeting on 19 October, 2011,  at Chayanot Milonayoton ( 1st  floor) from 10 AM to 01 PM.  bangla time  - that is 4am to 7am UTC .

We will "enlarge" this preparation meeting on internet,  as we did on august 5th  (*2)

If you want to follow  the 19th october meeting,  select the channel  http://www.ustream.tv/channel/sasf-bd-extention
If you want to participate  remotely  in it  through chat or audio, also contact the skype user "sasfbd.extension", your text chat and audio inputs during the meeting  will be valuable to us ! if you intend to participate please give notice to sasfbd.extension@gmail.com


SASF is intended to be an "extended event " ( see the invitation (*3)  , and, as IC and comisison members, you are well placed to  be promoters of SASF extended

We invite those of you joining with us in Dhaka  before IC meeting ,   and organizing  activities in 18-22 november , to "enlarge" their activities on internet with live video streaming  (*4) and allow remote participation

We invite  those of you not coming to Dhaka are  to register local  activities  on the themes of SASF(*5)  (no internet needed),  and /or register distance encounter activities in order to  exchange through skype video chat with groups in Dhaka   ( *6)

We are looking forward to your direct or extended participation in SASF process  up to November 22nd , and to a successfull IC meeting 23-25th november  after SASF

Muhammad Hilaluddin. Aaman, Prodip,
From SASF Organizing comittee, SASF Extended working group


(*1) Visit SASF website here : http://www.wsfsouthasiabd.org/  and particularly , visit the registered actvities and organizations

(*2) August 5th dhaka meeting  video and notes memory is  here : http://openfsm.net/projects/sasf-bangladesh-extended/sasfbd-august-videos -   We intend to enlarge the IC meeting  23 -25 the november  ( see enlargement of Mesopotamia meeting preparing dhaka IC meeting  http://openfsm.net/projects/ic-extended/icextended-amedvideos-en

(*3)  The invitation to  extended participation  in SASF  is  here : http://www.wsfsouthasiabd.org/extended-invitation . adn the 5 cases for extended participation http://www.wsfsouthasiabd.org/cases-extented ; Kindly contact our extension team sasfbd.extension@gmail.com for information and support

(*4) http://www.wsfsouthasiabd.org/register/index.php/event_registration   when filling the activity form,  click "yes" on the question" will you enlarge you activity" - sasf extension team will contact you

(*5) http://www.wsfsouthasiabd.org/register/index.php/local_registration -  Define your place, hour, topic - Your local activity  will be in the sasf extended program - themes of sasf http://www.wsfsouthasiabd.org/theme

(*6) http://www.wsfsouthasiabd.org/register/index.php/distance_registration - Define a common topic to be adressed via video chat with  a group present  in Dhaka or your delegate in dhaka IC - Your distance encounter activity  will be in the sasf extended program - sasf extension team will contact you
you can as of now contact more than 70 organisations , see their presentation form (left column link)  and contact them  (right column link ) http://www.wsfsouthasiabd.org/register/index.php/organization_list