• Communication commission discussion

Re: Re: [Wsfic_fsmci] Fwd: Chico Whitaker's text on the WSF future

from Azril Bacal on Jan 25, 2012 07:38 AM
Querido Roberto,
Necesitamos más "Casandras" como tú.
Abrazotes polares

On Wed, Jan 25, 2012 at 1:26 AM, Roberto SAVIO <utopie@...> wrote:
> Dear Chico,
>  I am distributing your contribution to my 15.000 users in Othernews. If you
> can provide the text in Spanish, I will circulate to Spanish readers.
> You will recall that Othernews come out of the International Council in
> Paris as an instrument of information over global issues. Unfortunately, the
> user profile shows that only 17% of the original recipients are still
> reading it. But is has grown dramatically outside the WSF.
> I am glad that you realize that communications is a very Central issue.
> Certainly, that perception so  far is not linked to bring concrete action. I
> felt becoming a kind of Cassandra, and no longer useful...I hope that I was
> wrong...roberto
> At 08:19 AM 1/24/2012, WSFIC_FSMCI wrote:
> I am sending you a text I have just written about the WSF future,
> indignados, etc. that I hope will interest you. In English and in
> Portuguese.
> All the best, Chico Whitaker
> Estou lhe mandando um texto que acabo de escrever, sobre o futuro do FSM,
> indignados, etc, que espero possa lhe interessar. Em português e inglês.
> Meu abraço, Chico Whitaker
> Content-Type: application/msword;
>          name="Novas perpectivas para o processo FSM 23012012.rtf"
> Content-Disposition: attachment;
>          filename="Novas perpectivas para o processo FSM 23012012.rtf"
> X-Attachment-Id: 1ab3afbbbc45fdd7_0.1
> Content-Type: application/msword; name="New pespectivas in WSF process.rtf"
> Content-Disposition: attachment;
>          filename="New pespectivas in WSF process.rtf"
> X-Attachment-Id: 1ab3afbbbc45fdd7_0.2
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