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  • Fwd: [WSF-Discuss] Press Release: Right Livelihood Laureates sign declaration on Gaza: "They are also our children."

    from Azril Bacal on Jul 26, 2014 08:30 AM
    *Declaration by Laureates of the Right Livelihood Award*
    Stockholm/New Delhi, July 25 2014:
    As recipients of the Right Livelihood Award, popularly known as the
    "Alternative Nobel Prize", we strongly condemn the killing of hundreds of
    children and innocent civilians in Gaza by the Israeli Defence Forces, the
    indiscriminate firing of rockets by Hamas against Israeli civilians, and we
    mourn the continued suffering of
    Gaza's inhabitants.
    Gaza faces shortages of water and electricity supply, of
    hospitals, physicians and medicine, while bombs and bullets kill and injure
    both civilian people and health workers in a spiral of violence
    and hopelessness. Around 24 % of all those who have lost their lives in
    Gaza, as a result of Israeli bombing and military invasion, are children.
    Nevertheless, the responsibility for such deaths lies not only with
    the joint and manifold accountabilities of Israel's soldiers, Hamas'
    fighters and their governments. Other governments are responsible either
    directly or indirectly through the transfer of weapons, military advice and
    Such countries and  the United Nations seem not to have learned from the
    past. Meanwhile, even as the violence grows rapidly in Gaza, negotiations
    move at an incredibly slow pace and are hindered by the vested interests of
    countries that don't face any bloodshed in this conflict. Dialogue and
    negotiations cannot be replaced by the use of military force. Revenge
    solely produces revenge and bloodshed
    solely produces more bloodshed.
    Nobody will forget the recent scenes of broken school books in the streets
    of Gaza and the broken lives of the children who used them. Their dead
    bodies splattered near their books, which are never to be used again, paint
    a tragic picture of unparalleled cruelty. Nobody has the right to end their
    lives nor to threaten the lives of those children that still survive. They
    are also our children.
    In this context we strongly support the outstanding and courageous work,
    determination and perseverance - amidst the thunder of bombs - of our
    fellow recipient Raji Sourani (RLA 2013, Palestine) and his colleagues at
    the Palestinian Centre for Human Rights in Gaza, who are denouncing the
    killings of innocent civilians and the continuity of a dirty non-declared
    war being waged against the principles of international humanitarian law.
    We also want to express our deepest admiration for the work of
    Israeli peace organisations such as Gush Shalom (RLA 2001), and
    the incredible work of all medical personnel operating in Gaza
    right now continuously highlighted by our friends at Physicians For Human
    Rights-Israel (RLA 2010), who continue to hold up the torch of humanity
    despite being exposed to the inhumane machines of war.
    As recipients of the Right Livelihood Award we urge the United Nations, the
    European Union and regional bodies, such as the Arab League and the
    Organization of American States, and countries from all over the world to
    join their voices, to condemn these unacceptable violations of human
    rights, to request an immediate ceasefire, lifting of the blockade of Gaza
    and to ask for the beginning of new peace talks. And to also halt all
    actions that perpetuate this conflict, hinder a peace settlement and
    supply the warring parties with arms. If we don't act urgently, more
    children and innocent people will be killed in the following days,
    in the following hours, in the following minutes, in the following seconds.
    *Signatories to this statement, as of Friday July 25 2014, 11 am CET,
    are 46 Right Livelihood Award Laureates from 32 countries:*
    *       Medha Patkar, Narmada Bachao Andolan, India (RLA 1991)
    *       P K Ravindran, Kerala Sastra Sahitya Parishad, India (RLA 1996)
    *       Dr. Vandana Shiva, Naydanya, India (RLA 1993)
    *       Dr. Hanumappa Sudarshan, Karuna Trust & VGKK, India (RLA 1994)
    *       Swami Agnivesh, India (RLA 2004)
    *       Dr. Ibrahim Abouleish, Founder, SEKEM, Egypt (RLA 2003)
    *       Dr. Martin Almada, Paraguay (RLA 2002)
    *       Uri Avnery, Founder, Gush Shalom, Israel (RLA 2001)
    *       Dipal Barua, Former Managing Director, Grameen Shakti, now at
    Bright Green Energy Foundation, Bangladesh (RLA 2007)
    *       Nnimmo Bassey, Health of Mother Earth Foundation, Nigeria (RLA 2010)
    *       Andras Biro, Hungary (RLA 2005)
    *       Citizens' Coalition for Economic Justice, South Korea (RLA 2003)
    *       Dr. Tony Clarke, Executive Director, Polaris Institute, Canada (RLA
    *       Comissão Pastoral da Terra (CPT), Brazil (RLA 1991)
    *       Prof. Dr. Anwar Fazal, Director, Right Livelihood College, Malaysia
    (RLA 1982)
    *       Prof. Dr. Johan Galtung, Norway (RLA 1987)
    *       Dr. Juan E. Garcés, Spain (RLA 1999)
    *       Dr. Inge Genefke, Denmark (RLA 1988)
    *       Gush Shalom, Israel (RLA 2001)
    *       Dr. Monika Hauser, Founder, Medica Mondiale, Germany (RLA 2008)
    *       Dr. Hans Herren, Founder of Biovision Foundation, Switzerland (RLA
    *       Dr. SM Mohamed Idris, Sahabat Alam Malaysia (RLA 1988), Consumers
    Association of Penang and the Third World Network, Malaysia
    *       Bishop Erwin Kräutler, Brazil (RLA 2010)
    *       Dr. Katarina Kruhonja, Center for Peace, Nonviolence and Human
    Rights-Osijek, Croatia (RLA 1998)
    *       Birsel Lemke, Turkey (RLA 2000)
    *       Helen Mack Chang, Fundación Myrna Mack, Guatemala (RLA 1992)
    *       Dr. Ruchama Marton, Founder and President, Physicians for Human
    Rights, Israel (RLA 2010)
    *       Prof Dr. h.c. (mult.) Manfred Max-Neef, Director, Economics
    Institute, Universidad Austral de Chile, Chile (RLA 1983)
    *       Prof. Dr. Raúl A. Montenegro, President, Fundación para la defensa
    del ambiente, Argentina (RLA 2004)
    *       Frances Moore Lappé, Co-Founder, Small Planet Institute, USA (RLA
    *       Jacqueline Moudeina, Chad (RLA 2011)
    *National Alliance of People's Movements*National Office : 6/6, Jangpura B,
    Mathura Road, New Delhi 110014
    Phone : 011 24374535 Mobile : 09818905316
    Web : www.napm-india.org | napmindia@...
    Facebook : www.facebook.com/NAPMindia
    Twitter : @napmindia
    Peace Is Doable
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